Monday, May 9, 2011

There is no "you're not the boss of me" in ultimatum


I was going to write 'there is no I in team' but it totally doesn't work with what I need to tell you today.

I feel an overwhelming need to unburden my soul and since we're both here at this exact same moment...


I guess I'm gonna have to unburden it to you.

Prepare yourself.

This weekend Mr. Jenny tried to give me an ultimatum.

For real.

I told him, "You're not the boss of me!" and he gave me a very stern look.

But he repeated his ultimatum. "We go to garage sales and you get this stuff that you say you're going to fix up BUT you never fix it up and maybe you should consider actually fixing up some of the junky stuff you already bought before you buy any new junky stuff at a garage sale."

I said, "Huh?", and when he repeated it I knew he meant it.

I said, "Hey, it's my house, too, and..."

He held up a hand and stopped my rant before it started.

"I know it's your house, too, but Jenny, don't you think it's time you do something with the stuff that's already on the back porch?"

He said it nicely. Which was good, because if he had been snarky I would have had to smack him.


I pinkie swear promised him that if he let me buy the adorable little desk for five bucks (seriously, what a steal!) that I would start on a project immediately...if not sooner!

And when we came home with the desk stuffed into the trunk of the car, I quickly looked around and decided on a project.

A month or so ago at a garage sale I got a cute little dresser for FREE! And I told Mr. Jenny I was going to attempt to paint it in tatto style. But I never did.

It was white and plain and kind of ugly. There was a lot of sighing when Mr. Jenny loaded it into the trunk.

I took some pictures of it in its plain, white state, but now I can't find them. So you'll just have to imagine a plain white, junky looking little dresser.

I told Mr. Jenny that not only was I going to get the project done by next Sunday, but I was going to do it for five bucks. It took a lot of digging around in the garage for paint, but here's where I'm at with the project now.

I sanded the whole thing down and then painted the inside and side of the drawers in three different colors.

I painted the outside bubble gum pink with a cool Valspar paint sample kit that a friend of mine sent me.

So far I'm into the project $2.49 for a can of lime green spray paint and I scored some free drawer pulls at my Dad's today!

After I got done painting, I spent a bunch of time on tattoo sites...I think my eyes might be scarred from that whole thing...geez Louise. Do people really tattoo ummm.... those places?

This is the tattoo design I'm going to try and interpret onto the dresser.

I'm pretty sure it's on the back of someone's thigh...but that vericose vein is kind of confusing me. I hope I don't have varicose veins on my ... ummm... butt...


Later today I am going to attempt to transfer this image to my cute, strange, bubble gum colored dresser and start painting it.

I'm hoping it works.

And I'm hoping that telling you I'm going to get this project finished by this coming weekend will keep me honest.

Because if it doesn't...I hate to think what's going to happen when Mr. Jenny tries to ultimatim me again.


I feel bad sucking you into this family drama...but, hey...

That's what friends are for.


PS. I'll update you on my progress on Wednesday. I know, I know. You're definitely on the edge of your seat in excitement. I just hope your seat doesn't have that tattoo on it. Then I'd feel really bad making fun of your varicose vein.

post signature


Unknown said...

I am so on the edge of my seat with excitement that I practically fell off! Can't wait for updates. You are a cleverly creative one for sure!

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Luckily, most menfolk have faulty memories of ultimata (at least that's true in the case of The Mister) long as he sees some progress, he forgets about the dire warnings he gave.

Let's hope it's true in your case, too, and you can continue to get treasures at garage sales.

I look forward to seeing the finished product!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the project and what you do with the birdhouse.

Amanda said...

I'm familiar with similar ultimatums due to a mild book obsession. Looks very pretty already.

Jocelyn said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHh I love the colors and that tattoo is awesome..although I would never tattoo my needles for me!!!!

I spy a birdhouse....oh that is adorable!!!

I can so you must complete this that you can go out and get more wonderful finds!!!!

Love ya girlie and have a FABULOUS WEEK!!!

Terra said...

I wish you all the best with the project. I don't have it in me to tackle things like that but I can't wait to see your finished project

Theresa Plas said...

Go for it Jen! I love the color combo you have going and the tattoo choice. Sure can't beat the price either:)

La said...

Now I won't be able to sleep until Wednesday night. THANKS! I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out. GOOD LUCK!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Nothin' like an ultimatum to strike a fire under ya! I can't wait to see the finished product...I've go a feelin' it's gonna be great!!!

God bless and have a great week sweetie!!!

storybeader said...

looks like you're half way there. I bought a bright yellow bookcase from someone at a craft fair. Your tatoos would look SO swell on it... there's funny flowers on it right now...

Good luck - can't wait to see it painted! {:-D

Busy Bee Suz said...

I can't believe he put his foot down...but look, it got you moving!!!
Can't wait to see the finished projects Jenny!

dawn said...

I'm SO on the edge of my chair til wednesday!!
These blog DIY inspirational posts are awesome. I took a gawd-awful mirror with a gold elaborate frame , removed the mirror and spray painted the frame black/its in my office near a black wall shelf and its stunning!!
Now I'm after a narrow book shelf for my office - and I SO love the $5.00 furniture deals

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I know this is supposed to be humor. I know.


This is an issue which I can not understand, in real life. How/Why people keep buying "stuff," at these sales, and bringing it home and.... And what?

And even if it doesn't need to be re-done, where do they put all the 'stuff' they keep getting 'at a bargain price'????????

I didn't get the "thrifting" gene. I can't understand. I simply can not.

Gentle hugs,

Theresa said...

Perhaps Mr. Jenny could give me a gentle nudge to get me going with my projects:) Looks like you really got your groove going!

Enjoy your day, can't wait to see the tattoo copy!


Judie said...

Now I've heard it all! You are going to tattoo your furniture??? Do you secretly want a tattoo so you plan to live vicariously through your chest of drawers?

Actually this isn't a bad idea!! I'll be waitin' to see how it turns out!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny this is a very cute project even if Mr Jenny had to ultimatum you to get you started. The Tattoo is going to be amazing. Skip the varicose vein please :)

Bossy Betty said...

Can't wait to see the end result! Hope HOB does not join in on this ultimatum thing.

Allie said...

oh it looks delicious .... i can't wait to see it .... mr. jenny will love it, ummmm when you get it off the patio ... finished. lol

Allie said...

oh it looks delicious .... i can't wait to see it .... mr. jenny will love it, ummmm when you get it off the patio ... finished. lol

Dazee Dreamer said...

I should totally email you picture of my tattoo. butterflies and small daisy vines. it's really cute.

I'm glad other husbands give their wives the evil eye. :)

Valerie said...

Hi Jenny!

Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving your kind comments on my last couple of posts. I think you said you found me via Country Dreaming...ironically, I'm a blog follower of yours! :)

I love the dresser project...good luck with the "tattooing"!

Susan Anderson said...

Surprisingly, I actually AM on the edge of my seat. Can't wait to see if you pull this off!

Go, Jenny!!


Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Okay, so far your little dresser is cute! I can't wait to see the finished product.

And maybe, just maybe, varicose veins are a good reason to be covered in tattoos??

RoeH said...


"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Go Jenny Go!! Gotta love a project...I have one waiting for me on the dining room table. Clay pots for the patio. And I am inspired by you to get it done. Have a great day!

Ms. A said...

I used to love to do this, but haven't in like... FOREVER. I've run out of room for anything else, or the room to do the project.

PS: I don't think that's a varicose vein, I think it's part of the tattoo outline transfer. LOL

Marlene said...

I'm pretty sure that tattoo is on someone's arm, and what you see is not butt cheek above, but the crease where the arm bends at the elbow. *snicker*

Fabby projects, lady....way to go - you telling him how it is, and then actually following through! Heehee!

NatureGirl said...

I SO want to be you when I..."grow up". Seriously funky piece of furniture. Maybe you could sell some of the stuff after you fix it support the habit! You better finish...we are al watching you! ;)

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

looking forward to your finished project (and Mr. Jenny eating his words) LOL

H said...

It's certainly bright and cheerful! I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like with the tattoo painted on. You are v clever to be able to paint something so intricate!

Beth Zimmerman said...

It's looking adorable even pre-tattoo! I wonder if I could give my hubby an ultimatum?

Pat said...

Ultimatums don't work in this I am so admiring you for jumping in and using wow! colors to boot! It will be a fun piece & will serve as a reminder to Mr. Jenny that you dont't mess around!!! "you're not the boss of me" - I might just paint me a sign with those words!

Lourie said...

I am looking forward to the finished project. Hopefully you find the plain pictures to..if not no will still be fun to see the big finish!

Ames said...

I hate to put you in this position but....I am looking to you for some inspiration. So.... you have to come through for Jenny. You have to finish this project! I am waiting.~Ames

Ames said...

Duhh! I type too fast for my own good. That's "you have to come through for me Jenny!"
Happy Gwammaw Day!~Ames

Ames said...

P.S. I think I saw that tat on :D

Anonymous said...

You have shown enough that I just have to see the finished product so hop to it sweet Jenny...don't want you getting any more ultimatums either. Loving what you have done so far, can't wait to see when you are all done...looking forward to the next pictures with great anticipation. Hugs

Pat Tillett said...

I've never had an ultimatum (that I've given) go my way! So i don't do it anymore!
Great work on the dresser, it's looking good!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Hey, it's looking great already! And that design will be the bomb! (You're not going to, um, copy, the uh varicose vein are you?)
But watch out because Mr. Jenny just may love the results of his ultimatum! (which might make him prone to giving more of them.)

Pondside said...

Oh Jenny - I'm on the edge of my seat in hysteria!!! Please don't try to interpret that vein when you transfer the tattoo design!!!...

Rachel said...

Ah cool, furniture redecoration is so much fun. My other half is an expert at furniture recycling, and I have become a huge admirer of the skill over the years. I too am on the edge of my seat to see how it turns out...

Unknown said...

I absolutely love tattoos! Cute idea, now I gotta get over to the current blog to see how you progressed:-)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

hahah!!! I'd lvoe to e a fly on the wall at your place (um..wait...reading your posts are kinds sorta liek being a fly on a wall at your place!) haha...I love that you are working on a project and that you researched the many tattoo designs out there! haha! My hubby and son have tats...but I will jsut admire them for the artistic part of it...I am too much of a wimp to pain to even entertain the thought of one...yeah...a tattoo on a dresser I can manage to be brave enough to do :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

oops! sorry for all my typos! I hope you know what I meant! :o)

Blessings & Aloha!