Friday, May 27, 2011

Knock, Knock...

Who's there, you say?


Tomato who?

Knock, Knock.

Who's there?


Tomato who?

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Tomatoes who?

Knock, Knock.



WTH? TOMATO AGAIN!?! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


knock, knock?

knock, knock?

You're supposed to say, "Who's there?" in a sweet, nice voice.

ummm...'s tomato again...

Okay. Trust me. Trust me.

Knock, knock?


C'mon, just one more, "Who's there?" okay?

It's artie.

Artie who, you say?

Artie going to choke, cuz I didn't say tomato again!!!!


That was soooo funny.

This post was brought to you by all the tomatoes and the single artichoke in my garden today.

Who the heck planted all those tomato plants anyway?

Seriously. Our Grands are gonna be selling their little hearts out door to door in a few weeks!

Knock, knock?

Who's there?

Wanna buy some tomatoes to send some little girls to camp?

Knock, knock?

Quit sighing...seriously, I'm almost done here.

Knock, knock...

I dunno. It's not me because I'm too embarrassed to answer the door after this silly post.


post signature


Lynn said...

The good news is, there's no such thing as too many tomatoes... now zucchini, that's another story:@)

Anonymous said...

Orange you glad all those tomatoes have come in!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...'ll have lots of tomatoes at harvest time, but the artichoke is mine, get your own :-)

vivian said...

OK silly you.. If you lived nearby, I would buy tomatos from you. we love fresh tomatos!
I would never have thought of grwoing artichokes!
enjoy! and happy weekend!

Theresa said...

Hahahahahahaha, you make me laugh! I love tomatoes and we have lots planted too:) Can't wait for mine to get ripe! Artie is mighty cute!

Enjoy your day! HUGS!

Jocelyn said...

You are such a sweetie...loved this post and look at all of those maters.....YUMMO!!!!

You are so lucky.....

Wishing you a Fabulous weekend!!!

Love ya girlie!!!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

lovely tomatoes.
your humor is entertaining.

La said...

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny...that performance was a real knee slapper...right up there with the Unknown Comic and Gene Gene the Dancin' Mchine. ;o}

summersundays-jw said...

Pleeeeeze send them to my house. By the looks of mine, it may be Aug. It's been such a rotten spring that my garden is struggling but my grass is sure green. Have a great weekend. Jan

Donnie said...

Knock Knock...who's you glad I didn't say tomato! guess I need another cuppa coffee. Have a great weekend Jenny.

Amanda said...

I love Artie Chokes especially on a pizza!

Willoughby said...

I'm drooling over your tomatoes! There is nothing as wonderful as a freshly picked tomato.

It's been so rainy here that I haven't even planted mine yet. We have plans for a new salsa garden this year. We'll be planting tomatoes, hot peppers, onions and cilantro all in the same garden for one stop salsa making.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Tomatoes, etc., all ready! Lucky you.

Here, our wee little tomato plants aren't even big enough, to turn 'em upside down and hang 'em.

Can't put them in the garden ground. It's over run with Binder Weed.

Yes, we cleaned it out. But there is no ridding land of Binder Weed, once it gets established. Especially when the neighbor has it. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....


Jules said...

Jenny my current post is for the best soup in the world, tomato and pumpkin wonderful hot or cold and once you've tried it you won't give away a single tomato!!!!!!

Dazee Dreamer said...

omg. could I please have some of your tomato's when they are ripe. Oh wait, we don't live next door to each other. dang

Anonymous said...

knock knock
oh i think i can comment again the choke :D
have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Hooray for lots of tomatoes! Mine are starting to pile up too so I'm learning to can.

Ms. A said...

Salads, spaghetti sauce, salsa... the list is endless. (and so was your tomato post) LOL!

H said...

For growing tomatoes, I need a greenhouse. I haven't planted any this year though.

Susan Anderson said...

I love homegrown tomatoes...

And you are too funny, Jenny.


Unknown said...

LOL, they all look great. If it were me trying to grow them they'd either be stomped out by dogs or kids... or they'd look like mutant tomatoes... attack of the killer tomoatoes.... LOL

Ames said...

So that's why you are growing all that wonderful produce? You are the coolest gwamma ever! Hope your grands realize how lucky they are! Hugs~Ames
P.S. I love artichokes. When the ex and I lived in Monterey California we ate our weight in artichokes. Love them cooked and dipped in butter. Yumm!!!!

Melinda said...

Greetings for Tornado alley!
Way too funny of a post!!
Your garden IS growing "Mary, Mary."


Madge said...

Holy Cow! I haven't even put my tomatoes outside yet, it hasn't gotten over 65 here since last summer.

Shay said...

I see a motza of tomato sauce in your future Jenny!

Nothingbeats home =grown tomatoes. Enjoy Artie!

Judie said...

Let me know when they're ripe, and I come "help" pick 'um!! Also, that's a mighty fine artichoke you have there, little lady!!

Serline said...

I would chip in, if they could last the journey to the Big Mango... send them to the Paul Newman factory? I miss the tomatoes and chillies I planted in my Phuket garden...

Pondside said...

Salsa, homemade ketchup, tomato soup,
chili sauce, hot sauce....tomato soup cake, sun dried tomatoes?
Have fun!

Claudya Martinez said...

That is one funny artichoke. I'm going to call it artijoke.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are the silliest gardener I know.
I have been told that you can dice up the 'maters and freeze them for later. You think???

Unknown said...

LOL LOL make me laugh and that feels really good! Really....let's go to lunch!!!! Love ya! Sandy

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

There's nothing like a tomato sandwich....with a garden fresh tomato in it!

Wanda..... said...

Very cute post...cough...cough! Choked on all those tomatoes I imagined eating!

Bonnie said...

Hahahaha. I have tomato envy. You have a beautiful garden Miss Jenny. I love the picture of the artichoke. It looks to pretty to eat!

Good luck to your grands. Who could turn down those delicious home grown tomatoes? Especially when your cute grands are peddling them??

Have I told you lately that I love your music play list??