Friday, July 1, 2011

Dear John,

This post is linked to week 60 of Saturday Centus. The prompt is in bold. To read other offerings, just click here.

Dear John,

How thrilled I was to see you today. You were just waiting for me…solid and steady and willing to embrace me in my time of need.

I love your cool touch.

And your steady support.

Even when I don’t eat bad Mexican food for lunch.

I love you.




PS. Just so you know...I heard that groan...mwahahahahahahahaha!

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  1. LOL.... Your John & mine may be related... LOL!

  2. Hey friend! You are always up to something and making us smile. Enjoy the long holiday weekend. Hugs Anne

  3. A little potty humor to kick off this weekend? I'm flushed!

  4. Well, I had to completely re-register with Google in order to post!! What a pain in the ass that was! Because I am old, and not too quick on the uptake, it took me a while to figure it out.

    With enough Tabasco, there IS no bad Mexican food. I am addicted to Capsicum.


  5. Too funny!
    Happy 4th to you and yours!


  6. Good old John! He always makes you feel like you are sitting on a throne...

  7. That was the made me life and I needed it. I did not see it coming at all.

  8. i can't believe you went there!!! you are just hilarious!!!

  9. That groan you heard came from Delaware. Followed by laughter!

  10. I did laugh, because I thought about writing a note to that "John" as well. Fun!


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Jenny Matlock