Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy News...

Breath held, no sound…
just the beating of your heart
Waiting now, spellbound…
just the beating of your heart
Slow and steady cadence,
Slow and steady rhyme
And then…
And then…
A moment of awareness,
frozen now in time.
Breath held, no sound…
the beat of another heart,
fast and steady, joined with yours
in a harmony sublime
Your life is blessed forever now…
Your heartbeats are entwined.

Mr. Jenny and I have a new Grandlittle on the way. We're a tiny bit sad because this tiny one is growing rapidly up in Oregon...which is close to a million miles away. And April seems far, far away as well.

post signature


Nicole said...

Congratulations!! So exciting!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Congrats Mr & Mrs Jenny! I know April with be here in the blink of an eye!

Jojo said...

Congratulations! This just means you and Mr. Jenny get to travel often to a very beautiful place.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! I love the poem!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you will be doing a lot of traveling.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Jenny! This is so exciting! I guess this means you'll be making trips up to Oregon more often now :) How are the other grandlittles taking the news?

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is wonderful news!!!!!!
Oregon isn't that it? at least you don't have to whip out your passport to visit. :)

Cheryl said...

What happy news! Oregon will get closer once that little one is born. Bet on it.

ImagiMeri said...

Congratulations grammy. You're the best grammy so this new grandlittle is especially blessed!

How is Julia's arm doing?


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

It will be nice to visit Oregon when you have to get away from that scorching desert you live in.

Red Couch Recipes said...

Congrats! Oregon is one of my favorite places. How many grands is this for you? Joni

summersundays-jw said...

A new one on the way -- how exciting!

ain't for city gals said...

waaaa..I want one!

Wanda..... said...

Congratulations for the new Grandlittle on the way!!!

Theresa said...

Yippppeeee skipping around and whistling... another GRANDLITTLE! Can't wait! You'll love that trip to Oregon:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Viki said...


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ok move the furniture, I'm doin' my happy dance here!!! Woohoo!!! Girl, you'll just have to hop on a plane and go do the 'Grandma Thang' when the time flies by and arrives!

What a blessed treat!

God bless ya sweetie and enjoy you excitin' news! :o)

Cheryl D. said...

Mazel Tov! Very exciting news! I'm sure you'll make it up to pretty Oregon a lot!

Anonymous said...

There are so many babies in my life! And now there will be another. Congrats to you!

21 Wits said...

Hooray for you!!!! Congratulations for everyone..... even with the miles that are between you, this grandbaby is very lucky to have you both as grandparents!!!!! Happiness and blessings to the mommy-to-be!

Pat said...

A blessing for all of you! We look forward to more delightful grandlittle stories! Wishing we had one too!!!But just became grandparents to a beautiful golden retriever so that's progress :o)

Nonna said...

How wonderful Jenny...congrats ! We have one on the way too, our 9th ' grandlittle ' due in February and far away too...sniff, sniff !

Sue McPeak said...

Okay, now YOU....Just BREATH and everything will be be fine and April will be here before you know it and sonograms can be emailed and Oregon is just a CLICK away! Congratulations...another Grandlittle!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Congratulations! April is a great month for a Grandlittle to arrive! I am so happy for all of you! hugs, Linda

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Congratulations Jenny and Mr. Jenny! What a lucky grandlittle he/she will be having grandparents like you!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Congratulations! Maybe you need to plan a road trip for the spring?

Holly said...

Congratulations!!! What a blessing! And aren't you glad you don't have to travel by covered wagon????? Planes, trains and automobiles Jenny!!!! Yea!!

Susan Anderson said...

So, so, SO exciting!


Deborah said...

How wonderful ... congratulations! :o)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Congratulations, my sweet Jenny! I'm so happy for you. Maybe the grandlittle will move closer to home. You never know. They say that sometimes when grandlittles come and littles get to be in their mid thirties that they want to renest near the old stomping ground. We can hope, can't we???

Love you...



Cathy Kennedy said...

What a blessing! =D

Meet Me On Monday

80s Rapture with 4Ms

Ms. A said...

One thing I never want to think about, is my grandchildren being far away! I know I have already congratulated you, but, CONGRATULATIONS, AGAIN!

Ames said...

Aw congrats to the both of you! I know you are excited! Do you know what it will be? Girl or Boy? I see Road Trips!!!~Ames

Marlene said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How exciting!

Alli Blue said...

Really like!

Leovi said...

Great news, Congratulations!!!

Visits With Mary said...

Oh, grandlittles, so precious, so special. Congrats on your good news...

Lourie said...

How exciting! Oregon does seem far, but not so far that a road trip can't stand in the way. :) Sooo exciting. How is your broken girl doing?

Anonymous said...



Dazee Dreamer said...

How exciting. I'm a wee bit jealous. I have one son that hasn't had any yet and I keep waiting. But alas, if it doesn't happen, that is cool.

Pondside said...

New life - new beginning - new love - I'm so happy for you!
I think you should take a trip up to visit that new little one when he or she arrives, and then keep coming north to see us!

Caroline said...

Oh Congratulations!!! It's a sweet miracle! I love the poetry! It's so true!

Melinda said...

How exciting! Congratulations to all.


Vicki/Jake said...

Awwww, just Awwwwwwww........
Technology brings things a bit closer no matter how far...Keep us posted. BIG HUGS!!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Congratulations. That would be a bit difficult. I have been so lucky to have all five of my chilren living no more than 20 minutes away. You will just have to vacation there alot.

Rek Sesh said...

Congratulations ...and here to more road trips.

H said...

Fantastic news. Time for some trips to Oregan!

Terra said...

oh my goodness, how stinking exciting is that? BTW - I think you could drive through Colorado on your way to Oregon, I'm just sayin...

Amy said...

Love that poem! And congratulations!!!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh Jenny, how wonderful!!!
Congratulations on a new love in your life!