Thursday, October 13, 2011

Z is for Quotation

“Zen does not confuse spirituality with thinking about God while one is peeling potatoes. Zen spirituality is just to peel the potatoes."

Alan Watts

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter Z. To read other Z posts, just click here.

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Ms. A said...

That's a lot of potatoes! Not sure I could get my Zen on, while undertaking that task.

storybeader said...

"Don't think, just do." - Horace (practicing Zen!) {:-D

Ames said...

I'd rather hang wash out on a clothesline than to peel all those dern potatoes! Loved the quote.~Ames

Anonymous said...

Seeing that my task was to peel all those potatoes would lead me to prayer.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Z is a Zuper letter and I love it!
Thank you Mrs. Matlock for another round of fun and alpha-frolic!
Lovin' it!

Cheryl D. said...

If my task were to peel all those potatoes, I would not be getting my zen on. Tears? Yes! Zen? No!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Looks like this dude is fixing a whole lot of potatoes for the Kennedy clan! We so do love potatoes!!!

Zombies...Alphabe-Thursday & T2Q

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

I'm confused... in a very zenlike way.

Lola said...

Thank you Mrz Matlock for another zenzational word - and round!

Looking forward to the nezt round too!

XOXO Lola:)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Thanks for hosting. Now, it's time to go get my zen on!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

This is one chick who'd have to find all the Zen I could muster up to skin all those 'taders!!!

Must be one spiritual army he's feedin' there. Heeehehehe!!!

God bless your day my dear friend!!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Uggh! Too many potatoes!

Barbara F. said...

I brought you a sweet treat this week, Jenny! xo

Beth said...

You'd have to get into a Zen state to peel all those potatoes.

Susan Anderson said...

No wonder I'm not very zen-like.


Splendid Little Stars said...

a mind free and clear! Difficult to achieve with that pile of potatoes! Should we practice?

Unknown said...

OMG... I have become one with peeling potatoes! My mom has literally dropped me off a ton of potatoes so I've been trying to use them before they go bad. They aren't baking size worthy so a lot of peeling has been taking place to mash & boil & whatever else I can come up with. I relate to this pic & quote for realz! LOL

Pat said...

Love this! Facing that pile of potatoes my Zen & I would definitely Zone out.

Gattina said...

I buy the potatoes already peeled, so I have to be zen without peeling :)!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

LOL, this is how I feel peeling, slicing and dehydrating all my potatoes. Never thought of it as Zen.

Dazee Dreamer said...

I totally do not have Zen when I'm peeling potatoes. More like, whose face can I pretend I'm slicing up feeling. bwaa-haa-haa

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my gosh...that is so weird and funny.

H said...

You found a great quote for every letter. Nicely done :)

Vicki/Jake said...

I get zero Zen with a potato Jenny Z.E.R.O. Did I ever tell ya I had nothing but potatoes to eat for a month once? Awww, the good 'ol days:)

See ya on the next go round...

Unknown said...

That is indeed a lot of potatoes! I don't think I can be zen when peeling potatoes because I have accidents with the peelers all the time. But then again, I'm just really clumsy and never pay attention to the things I'm doing (like peeling potatoes).

lissa said...

I suppose doing anything that keeps you busy is zen and the things that makes you mad is spirituality?

21 Wits said...

I wonder if she plans on using all of those potatoes for potato salad or will she mash a few? The only Zen part I feel when peeling potatoes is the taste when I just have to sample a slice of the freshly peeled potato...I really enjoyed this Z (Zen)tricky delivery! Ha ha... post Jenny, nicely done!

Anonymous said...

I love this!

Pondside said...

Sort of like when TGD peels, slices and cores apples for me - very Zen.

Eliza Wynn said...

Now you've done it. All I can think about is how delicious homemade mashed potatoes would taste right about now.

The Poet said...
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The Poet said...

Hello. would take a whole load of zen for me to get through all those potatoes. I bet after all that , she probably can't stand the sight of the things!

Nice one, Jenny!
So glad to be a part of Alphabe-Thursday. I'm looking forward to the next round.

See you soon!

The Evening Zephyr