Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ode to a five

See my butt? It's wide.
My front, it's really flat.
My hat is quite line-y
But I feel quite fine-y
Fives are shaped like that.

This silly little poem is linked to week 97 for Saturday Centus. To read other five line, twenty-five word offerings, just click here.

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  1. You are so clever, Jenny! This was a cute poem to describe the munber "5"! Hope you are settling into your new wishes!

  2. hilarious!! i had to read it a few times, thanks for the wonderful chuckle!

  3. Very clever! Good one.

  4. Great take on it! This was a fun theme-thanks:@)

  5. This is just so round and cute!

  6. Ooooh, this one was fun sweetie!


    Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend! :o)

  7. I had to read it twice, because I thought you were talking about yourself, and I'm thinking, "WTF??"

    I know, I'm a complete ditz!


  8. I dub this one most clever and logical use of the prompt that I have read so far...why didn't I think of that ???

  9. So cute, Jenny, ha, how our bodies take on their own form as we age - and hey, five is a good number. :)
    -judee from writetuit (I think OpenID sends you to my other blog)


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Thanks so much for reading my 'Tangents'! Your comments always feel like a hug!

Jenny Matlock