Monday, March 5, 2012

Quick! Get a pencil!

I have a gourmet recipe to share that will knock your socks off.


Hot dogs.
Yellow mustard.
Crescent rolls.

Directions: Wrap the crescent rolls around the hot dogs. Bake them in the oven in your new house that has a KITCHEN!!! for exactly 12 minutes at 350 degrees.

Remove from oven.

Put on a plate with a big squirt of yellow mustard.

Ta da!





Maybe it's only gourmet because I have not had a kitchen for 8 weeks and if you couldn't cook it in a crockpot or an electric skillet I couldn't make it.

But you would think that Mr. Jenny and I were dining at five star restaurant with these weinie wraps.

The dough was so fresh and crisp and BROWN and the hot dogs had carmelized just a teensy bit.

And wow.

Don't use your oven for 8 weeks and then give them a try. I guarantee you'll think they're gourmet, too!

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Dreaming said...

This was one of my boys' favorites. It was often requested! Yum... yeah, close to gourmet!

Theresa said...

Love this recipe and I have made these too:) They taste great even when you HAVE had an oven! Hope all is well and you are enjoying your new home! HUGS!

21 Wits said...

So silly Jenny (you must be exhausted from all that packing and moving and unpacking and replacing and hanging this and....I too would eat this! But they're an old quickie for me...we as in my daughter and her girl scout troop would make these over our camp fire! Yes! But they work in the oven too but you already know that!!!! We'd make in the oven to for her brothers ....and here I thought it was strickly a girl scout secret?!!!

Terra said...

seriously I love those things! My daughters, not so much. But I am on my way over! Make you send me your addy....

Pondside said...

This is obviously way to far up the gourmet cooking ladder for me, as I've never tried them. I will have to amass the ingredients and give the recipe a whirl. I won't invite company over though, until I've mastered the technique.

Unknown said...

you are an epicurian delight....I bow to you...

Anonymous said...

JDaniel would really love these.

H said...

I can smell them from here and my mouth is watering.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny these sound like the perfect moving weekend gourmet dinner! Glad you now have a working kitchen...see there is a bright side to all of this! hugs, Linda

Jo said...

seriously ... i have never tried them ...judging by the comments, it looks like a should at least try them once ...

anitamombanita said...

That actually sounds kinda good right now.

And btw if you find yourself crockin' it again in the future... Crockpot cheese cake.. Easy and guaranteed to delight. Lemme know and I'll send a recipe your way!

Susan Anderson said...

I didn't realize you were such a gourmet, Jenny!


Anonymous said...

Pork sausages in a blanket of croassant with mustard sauce. Now that sounds gourmet!

Unknown said...

LOL.... what a coincidence, those were made at my house on Friday night! I didn't eat any cause I was just saying no to meat for the week but the boyfriend and his kids enjoyed them:-) They smelled tasty and they look tasty... awwww man, now I want some!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yep, I like to sprinkle the insides with a little garlic and Parmesan Cheese before stuffin' with cheese and rollin' up. Then I brush 'em with at little butter and sprinkle again. Mmmmmmm!!!

Love 'em!!!

I always feel a bit silly when someone asks for the recipe! It's so hard!!!! Heeehehehehe!

God bless and have an excellent week sweetie!!! :o)

Judie said...

Now this is something Rod would eat several times a week. And he just might have to!!!!

Ms. A said...

I haven't made these in years! I'll bet the grands would love them!

Naperville Now said...

THIS is cooking.

Melinda said...

It is afte 10:00 here and these have made me hungry. :)


Leovi said...

Yes, I like that rich hot dogs. Greetings.

Gail said...

Trying wrapping them in bacon or slitting the hotdog and adding cheese before you wrap. this is a fance meal...who can afford crescents anyway??

Betty said...

Please don't poke fun of one of my favorite recipes. I actually have that on a recipe card. My mother made it and now I make it...not too often though.

Moore Minutes said...

My kids are going to love you for this. This will be our dinner tonight! Thank you Jenny. :)