Saturday, March 24, 2012

Winners, winners, Barnes and Nobles dinners!

Hmmm...that didn't make much sense.

Barnes and Nobles doesn't even have dinner! They do have chocolates. At the checkout counter.

Not sure if that really counts.


Here are the two winners for the Barnes and Noble gift cards from the two part giveaway.

Please e-mail me with your e-mail address...ummm...did that make sense?... so I can get your e-gift card to you. Could you put something like "I won!" in the subject line just so I see it!

I may not get your card out until Monday because tomorrow we are taking advantage of a visiting Uncle to help continue to whip this little rental house into shape.

The first day of the story there were 40 entrants.

Random Org picked:

Min: 1
Max: 40
Result: 32

Comment 32 was this one: noexcuses said...
I also missed this post yesterday. I love to read your writing, no matter what the subject. You have a way of pulling us in as though we are witnessing it along with you. Thank you so much for sharing this, and part two. I hope it eased the pain of loss a little more for you.

The second day of the story there were 39 entries.

Random org picked:

Min: 1
Max: 39
Result: 6

Comment 6 was this one: J. Kwiatkowski-Schuler said...
I would love to be sent off with a story. That's a beautiful recollection.
Justin's favorite book is about a big, wide-mouth frog, and I read it with my mouth open really wide "I'm a big wide-mouth frog and I eat flies!" It cracks him up.

Congratulations to NoExcuses and Julie!

Thank you everyone for all the kind words. They were much appreciated.

post signature


Theresa said...

Congrats to the lucky winners:) Have a blessed weekend! HUGS!

Sandy said...

Congrats to the winners...
Enjoy your weekend Jenny!

Terra said...

The winners will enjoy their prizes.

Ames said...

Woo Hoo! Lucky people and a great prize!~Ames

Ms. A said...


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Oh my goodness! I won! I won! :) said...

Congrats! Enjoy!

Terra said...

chocolate absolutely counts as dinner in my book!

Judie said...

Congratulations to the winners, but
"Waaaaaa!" that I wasn't one of them!

Susan Anderson said...

Congrats to both! That's a great prize!!


noexcuses said...

Oh my goodness! I am a winner! I can't believe it! I want to thank my agent, my make-up artist, my kids and the guy who let me get in front of him in line at the grocery store! And, of course Jenny Matlock! You are the best!

Slamdunk said...

Yes, congrats to No Excuses and Julie. Great way to start a week.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Woohoo, I'm doin' my great big happy double dance for both NoExcuses and Julie.

They gonna have so much fun with that win!!!

God bless ya girl and have yourself an excellent week!!! :o)

Splendid Little Stars said...

Congratulations to the winners!