Monday, October 1, 2012

Pumpkin critic giveaway...

It's Monday!   And that means it's a giveaway today.   Aren't you surprised that I actually remembered from last week?
Yeah.   I'm surprised, too.
Continuing with the failed pumpkin spice coffee test of last week...
I made Mr. Jenny do a serious pumpkin spice coffee run for me this weekend.
I could lie and tell you it was a blind taste test, but that would be...well...a lie.  And I doubt that even I could consume three small lattes at one time. 
The first in the pumpkin spice latte category was from Dunkin' Donuts. 
Although I detected a hint of pumpkin it barely made me feel like autumn.    I swirled, I sipped.  Not much pumpkin flavor...although I think I could detect the suble undertones of glazed donut in there somewhere.   Perhaps if I had gargled the coffee, like one of those wine taster people, the pumpkin flavor would have been more pronounced.
The second in the pumpkin spice latte category was from Starbucks. 
Better.  Definitely more pumpkin-y...but almost too sugary.   I swirled, I sipped.   Undertones of rich soil touched with golden fall sunlight shone faintly through the sweetness of the drink.  I liked it better, but I didn't fall in love.
There was clear winner but it was from a west coast chain called Dutch Brothers.
Oh heavenly day.  I swirled, I sipped.  Yum.   I swirled and sipped some more.   I tried to convince Mr. Jenny to go get me a second small latte (he declined...sigh...).  It was scrumptious.  Pumpkin-y but not too sweet, spicy undertones but not too clove-y.
Just yum.
Because I know this chain is regionally limited, I didn't get a gift card from there to give away.
I did get a gift card from both Dunkin' Donuts AND Starbucks for a prize, though!
Ten dollars from each one!
Leave a comment on this post to be entered into this little giveaway.
You will receive two (count 'em) gift cards for $10 from Starbucks and one from Dunkin' Donuts.   Then you can do your own pumpkin spice latte taste test...
You can just get donuts or those little cake balls on a stick from Starbucks!
Happy Fall, ya'll!
To enter:  
 Leave a comment on THIS post (make sure I have an e-mail to contact you if you're the winner)
Enter up until Wednesday morning, October 3.
Winner announced on:   Wednesday, October 3.
Prize mailed:   As soon as I get your address by return e-mail
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Ms. A said...

Did you get jjjjjittery after all that taste testing?

Anonymous said...

What a delicious taste test!

Joanne Lendaro said...

Caffine, sugar and carbs...yum! What a productive day that would be! Thanks for the fun!

Theresa said...

YES! Great giveaway:) Today is October 1st:) Have a blessed day dear Jenny! HUGS!

Terra said...

Wait a minute, you are trying to stop time, are the lattes that good? I guess I will have to try one!

Terra said...

Wait a minute, you are trying to stop time, are the lattes that good? I guess I will have to try one!

Monica said...

You guys are so fun, Jenny! I'd love a latte...or a donut...or a cake ball. I've heard of Dutch Brothers - I think my dad goes there in Oregon.

Jeanie said...

I'm wondering if you slept at all last night after all that coffee taste-testing. I am a Starbucks addict, but usually do half-flavor. I'll try the Dunkin Donuts the next time I pass one.

Pondside said...

I love the taste of pumpkin-anything! Have you had the pumpkin scones from Starbucks? I found a recipe online and now I make them - it's all in the glaze!

Yolanda Ronaldo said...

I really want to try a pumpkin drink (and its on my fall bucketlist!) but those cake pops are soo good..

Awesome giveaway!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny I think all that sippin and slurpin got to you! Today is Oct 1st (monday) and Wed would be Oct 3rd...just in case you are still sippin and slurpin. Oh and I would love to visit Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks!!!
Fall Hugs, Linda

Ash said...

Such a great fall giveaway, thank you :)


Jo said...

We only have starbucks up here, but i do love their pumpkin latte's ... they are a fab fall drink! oh, and their pumpkin cream cheese muffin ... yummy!!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

We don't have DD here! Can you imagine? The humanity!

We do have Starbucks and here is my favorite pumpkin latte idea, just ask for 1/2 of the pumpkin flavoring, it makes it less sweet and more to my taste!

Just a suggestion!



Ames said...

Hi Jenny, I actually just finished a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. Thy are so gooood. ~Ames

Carol said...

I actually DO have a Dutch Bros very near me... but Starbucks and Dunkin Doughnuts would work too :) Thanks for the opportunity.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

The Boy loves a Starbucks Egg Nog Latte at Christmastime, despite almost burning off his upper lip the first time he tasted one while watching a local Christmas parade.

Maybe I need to write about that.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

My two favorite things- coffee and Dunkin Donuts. When we were dating, my husband and I used to walk up to Dunkin (yes, we were too young to drive 14 and 15) and each get a cream filled donut. Thirty years later I got us a couple of them at the newest Dunkin location in Washington MO. Still great after all these years- the husband AND the donuts!

Carol said...

Oh, how I love both of these places! The size of my butt should be a good indicator. Glad you were able to finally get your 'fix'. Thanks for the chance to win!!

vivian said...

You seriously must thoroughly entertain your husband! I'm loving this pumpkin season!
happy day dear Jenny!

Susan Mystery said...

I went into Dunkin just last week to treat myself to a donut because I have been doing so well on my diet and you would not believe that at 2pm there was not a single donut in the place. I could not believe it. Isn't part of their name donut?

sandbox16 said...

I have never tasted the pumpkin coffees, just kind of Leary but might just have to give it a try. Sandra Kay

Anonymous said...

You put so much effort into this, I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Would love to have a cup with you & chat about writing.

Lmkazmierczak said...

So let me understand this....just for reading your amusing posts and commenting on this particular one, I have a chance of winning Two $10 gift cards...It's a Happy 2's Day for sure♫

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Wow! I would love to win this for Mr. Magpie. He's a coffee nut! Well mabye not a nut nut, but a java nut.

Thank you for the moral support on the blogger issues. Mr. M is leaving for out of town and taking this IPAD (I can't see to type on this thing... must be for the teeny boppr set) and I am trying to thank everyone who commented. Still no 'puter, Jenny, but that's a long story I won't get into now.

Some wack job tried to hack my email and I think, hijack my blog, so I am not answering emails at my old nest. I can't. But I will try and figure out how to email you from my other nest. If you get an emaill from me under my initials, you know it's me, okay? I miss you. Love you bunches, too.



Judie said...

If I win, you know I'll take the "or" catagory. I would be so wired for sound after all that coffee!! On the other hand, I could use a little sound these days.

Anonymous said...

I've never had a pumpkin latte and, to be honest, never thought it sounded that good. But you've made it sound so yummy I have to enter the contest! ounces36879 at

Alaine88 said...

I'd lOVE to win! I hope I am not too late!!
family74014 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I bought some (not latte) Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spice tea this afternoon. The teabag smelled like pumpkin but once I added hot water and let it steep (instructions said 6 min), I was disappointed. Boy do I understand how you felt about the lattes.