I’ve decided that I will start living my life like Buffy.
Because I think that would be a cool thing to do.
Buffy takes what she gets. Sure she kicks up a ruckus when things don’t go exactly as planned. But she makes do. And eventually accepts things as they are.
Buffy marches to her own drummer. She is not like others of her kind. She knows her own mind and is not afraid to voice it.
Buffy does not let sadness rule her life. She has faced tremendous loss over the past several weeks but her life goes on as usual. She does not wallow in her sadness. She rejoices in what she finds each day.
OK. Yes. Buffy is a chicken.
But I have bonded with her over the last several weeks and now we are like sisters.

Sure Buffy gets mad when I take the wrong kind of treat for her. Even though wonderful people like Tammy over at Flat Creek Farms sent me a comprehensive list of chicken treats, Buffy does not like half the things on the list it says that chickens like. And I never quite suppressed my heebie-jeebies enough to give her cooked chicken or eggs. That is just wrong on so many levels. Don’t believe me? Click here to read the list Tammy sent me!
Buffy has not let the loss of her four sisters deter her from finding joy. She is still willing to squawk, flap her wings and follow me around the yard trying to stand on my foot in spite of her broken heart.
This morning was my last morning with Buffy (or the “Little Fryer” as Mr. Jenny likes to call her).
Don’t worry. Buffy didn’t die.
Her family is coming home tonight so my services will no longer be needed.
But I just wanted to memorialize my time spent with her.
And I swear when I said my usual goodbye to her today which is…
“Goodbye Buffy, I’m getting the flock out of here now”…. I swear I saw a tear drip down her beak.
I couldn’t look back to be sure.
Sometimes when something is over it is just time to make your eggscape and go.
To flap your wings and head for that great chicken coop in the sky.
And Buffy?
Get someone else to cup your grapes from now on.
And I promise if your humans invite us to dinner we won’t come if there is chicken on the menu.
PS. If you are new to my blog and have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about...well...welcome to my blog. In most posts I am intelligent and brief and very philosophical. This post is just an aberration. And if you would like to know more about Buffy you can click here to read a little of her history.
Oh I just can't eat chicken or eggs for a while:)
Please don't cry, Buffy, Jenny will come for visits! I know you will miss her but get a computer and you will be giggling along with the rest of us! Jenny's blog posts are ALWAYS entertaining and sometimes extremely confusing::)
Have a fun day!
Oh Buffy is the prettiest chicken I've ever seen!
Monday morning smiles from Jenny.
What more could a person ask?
We'll miss Buffy! Getting to know a critter certainly changes one's philosophy on food!
Buffy is a good gal with lots to offer! Hopefully you will get to keep in touch - though I am not certain she will really miss you all that much
Buffy is one hot chick! I mean she's really pretty, I guess hot chick jokes aren't appropriate here given the circumstances of her sisters' passing.
When I was about 10 my parents decided to raise chickens for eggs and turned my playhouse into a chiken coop. I've had an aversion to fowl ever since!
You paint a pretty picture of bonding and friendship but I suspect you were glad enough to flee that coop for one last time, or maybe I'm just saying that I would be.
Buffy does take a pretty picture.
I'm glad your friend had a chicken left to come home to! Excellent job in not killing it.
OK chicken is now off my list!!! Buffy...you are Fabulous!!!
I off to squawk at these screaming grandchildren...when does school start....God help me!!! :-)
Have a great one Jenny and thanks for sharing!!!!
That sound you just heard? That was my head exploding. You don't even want to know why. Sigh.
Awwwww, Buffy is so pretty....but I'm still eating fiesta lime chicken! hehe
I am sure Buffy will always remember YOU!!!
This post is an aberration? What? Don't believe her, this is her typical wackiness! It's why I love reading it!
BYE BYE BUFFY, IT'S TIME TO SAY GOODBYE, BYE BYE BUFFY SORRY I HAD TO GO! (sung to the tune from bye bye birdie)
LOL. As usual. I swear you can make anything funny!
I'm glad Buffy was able to have this meaningful time with you, Jenny. Somehow, I feel sure she will carry that with her through the difficult days ahead.
What an example she is for all of us.
Ha! One of my newest favorite shows is the Fabulous Beekman Boys on the green channel. If you have not watched it, tune in. These two guys from NYC, one a dr. who used to work for Martha Stewart, the other a PR guy (who was once a drag queen) buy an amazing farm in upstate New York. Well, on Thanksgiving they had to kill their turkey, it was very upsetting to me. At that time I decided that even though I someday want to have chickens for eggs, I will not be able to kill one. Guess I will just hae to trade eggs for fryers. Know exactly how you are feelig!
I wish I can stop eating chicken!
Very funny :D
Oh Jenny, that is the cutest picture of you and Miss Buffy. I'm so glad you bonded and learned so much about the fabulous world of chickens! Not to worry, I don't feed my chickies cooked chicken... bleecccch! Or eggs (they say that makes them develop a taste for them later... hmmm.. not good). But that list really was a hoot and I continue to refer to it... and glad you and Buffy could attempt some of those treats anyway ;)
When are you getting your own flock? ;) -Tammy
I imagine this is the hardest part of becoming closer to your food, it becomes your friend.
Pretty Girl Buffy certainly had the perfect "home away from home". Lucky chick! LOL ~ Sarah
You have the most beautiful chicken I have ever seen. I'm so sorry for her loss of 4 sisters but wish you had elaborated a little on what happened to them. Now I can't get weird things out of my mind, but as you know, that's not too unusual for me anyway. So please give the Beautiful and Soulful Buffy my best regards.
Beautiful chicken, if a little spoilt and temperamental from the sounds of things - but then who isn't?!?
I am thinking chickens of your own will be next...
She is a little beauty. And she holds her fat and fluffy well. Now as for me....well never mind.
Laughing hard right now.
Bye Buffy, it was nice meeting you!
You are the funniest thing, Jenny. But I also find a person, poignant message here for myself as well. You are always worth the read -- thanks!
Buffy really is a pretty chicken! I'm glad you two are BFF's now, she is definitely the bomb!! Now I kind of want a chicken... or two or three... I wonder if the neighbors would notice...?
I am glad you made it though your chicken sitting without too many mishaps. Maybe next year Buffy will have some new coop sisters and you will be needed again. Still cannot she turned her nose up at zucchini. Maybe my chickens just are happy with the everyday fare. They have not had any grapes yet just whatever is left over from the garden. What ever will you do with your free time?!
Feeding a chicken chicken and eggs? So wrong!
Long live Buffy.
Oh I know Buffy will miss you!!
Oh I know Buffy will miss you!!
Buffy is a regal looking squawker!!! Of course, you are, too! :)
I think you are going to miss Buffy, Jenny! You just wait. You will be cutting up Mr. Jenny's grapes before you know it. ;-)
Sheila :-)
Admit it. You made a scene, didn't you?
I loved this post. Funny girl!
Have you sworn off chicken now...no more fried chicken, Asian chicken salad, deviled eggs, fluffy omelets, hot wings, chicken a la king, chicken katsu, chicken and dumplings, chicken soup, egg salad.....
I know that Buffy appreciates your good care of her.
Little Fryer, ha! She looks like she knows how to strut her stuff. I'm so sorry your time together is at an end. Hopefully, you will be able to visit, and she won't be on the menu...I'm going to miss the pun times a bit myself.
Someone once said that there's nothing so heartfelt as the relationship between a woman and a chicken.
Oh right. It was me. Just now. Duh!
Lovely story, Jenny! In honor of Buffy, I will not eat chicken until Saturday. And since you and her are so close and all, I wonder if maybe she filled you in on exactly why she crosses the road.
Come on, spill it. Don't keep the world in suspense!
I loved the ode to Buffy the chicken. Personally I have chickens and can completely sympathize with this post. Although I will not allow Henny, Penny or Moe to eat any grapes out of my hands. Gotta draw the line there. And cooked eggs? Oh no, no. They will be very happy with me throwing in some corn time and again. :)
Well you do have a little of the same hair/feather coloring.
Glad it's over and that one survived - you did good!
What a sweet photo of you and your Soul Sister, Buffy - are you going to frame it as a gift for Mr Jenny? There may be something more than mere kindred spirit to the whole 'sister' thing - I detect a strong family resemblance, especially in the hair/feather colour.
And the look in the eye!
There is a striking resemblance! Well, they say if you spend enough time around someone, you'll begin to resemble each other.....
to funny!!! I'm sure you will miss her....you know you will. lol
Goodbye Buffy!
And I'm totally with you on what I wouldn't feed a chicken.
Buffy is such a pretty chicken... I'm sure she will miss you as much as you will miss her.
Do people really feed chickens chicken???
I can see how you and Buffy could be best friends...you have a lot of the same tendencies...LOL...great post...
What the Flock!
Oh Man, can I ever relate to Buffy's life! Even layed a few eggs myself..
Lucky her to have you in her life Henny, er Jenny :)
On to another chapter...haha
Sad to see Buffy go... I was so looking forward to every Buffy story!
I love chickens...they eat earwigs....
I like chicken and I like eggs but I don't like to think about most of their supposedly deplorable living conditions.
On the other hand, there are lucky chickens like Buffy who have a lovely life. I do hope they let her live to a ripe old age.
Good post :-)
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