I have been writing all day. Stuff that is not my blog.
And I realized it is 5:20 and I didn't write my blog post for tomorrow. Gasp! Eegads! Forsooth! (or something like that).
So I was thinking what exciting event I could share with you to enrich your life and brighten your day...
I got a new clothesline.
I used to have this flat kind...

But this time I got this umbrella kind...

And although there was a bit of glaring and sighing when Mr. Jenny and I put it up, it's up now and I like it.
I was worried that my sheets wouldn't fit correctly on...
Oh geez. Who am I kidding. New clotheslines are pretty lame. Even in Blogland.
But here's where the good Karma thing comes in!
My extremely talented cousin, who also blogs, sent me a link to her post tomorrow and it is so wicked cool that her creative masterpiece will pull my whole clothesline blah, blah post into the realm of blogging post greatness.
Yes, huh.
Will so.
She made an entire little backyard cottage from old doors. Well, a few other things like some boards and stuff, but the majority of it is made from old doors.
And it is possibly one of the coolest things I have seen in a long, long time. Next to my umbrella clothesline, of course.
So just click here to head over there and check it out. Her name is Allie. She's really, really nice and can do papercrafts like nobodies business AND she is an incredible cook. I'm hoping she has some cookies ready for you.
But even if she doesn't, it is totally worth checking out.
OK, I gotta go take the clothes off the line now.
Did I mention I got a new clothesline?
Love the new clothesline Jenny. Seriously, I wish I could have one, but my neighbors trees are HUGE and hang over my backyard - the laundry would be full of leaves and icky little tree bugs. And I popped over and checked out the cottage. Amazing! What a neat project, a little hidey hole to escape for a while. Kat
That is totally the rocking-est clothesline I have ever seen, and the lest tame blog post I've seen in days. Even when you arent trying you outdo yourself.
Plus I'm completely stealing your cousin's cottage from old doors idea. That is cute and would look fabulous in my back yard. (although not as fabulous as your clothesline )
What a neat little cottage. And that's a great new clothesline, don't short change yourself. Clean clothes make the world go round.
Neighborhood covenant regulation #45728921.3 specifically states that "Don't you dare put up a clothesline, despite soaring electrical costs and society's push to become "greener" and more responsible for your environment. If we see any inkling of a clothesline you will be fined mega bucks daily to line our coffers."
There's also a covenant about play yard equipment must not be seen from the street and if you put up a fence, oh my God, you had better landscape around it so we can't tell you have a fence and so on.
I love your clothesline by the way but am really digging the door cottage. How truly clever! Unfortunately, cottages, sheds, etc. aren't allowed either by convenant code #98734140.5 Addendum B-546. (Ah heck, just turn to page 4,527 of your homeowner's association guide)
That is a SPECTACULAR clothesline you have there, Jenny. I may invest in one of those next spring. I used to have lines run from the house to the garage, but they start to droop with age...like other things.
I have to run over to Allie's to take a closer look at this cottage. It is adorable. La
Polly, you've painted quite an amazingly frightening and amusing picture of life in the burbs. Eek!
My cousin did 2 post on her new clothesline. Clothesline love is not to be taken lightly.
I'm lovin' the inside of that cottage. Heading over now for a better look. And cookies.
Love the cottage. I wish I had that kind of talent! The clothes line...hmmmm....well. We aren't "allowed" to have them here - I sneak my clothes outside to dry on nice days and hope I don't get caught, because lord knows their is nothing worse than an angry HOA right...
I was looking for this umbrella type clothes line since it will fit my small yard perfectly..Cool one, Jenny!
You are the best cousin in the world! Thank you for sharing my blog with your friends. AND AND, I know now, I do not want to live in a community that doesn't let you have a clothesline or a cool cottage. And here I was a week ago saying I could live in a condo, who was I fooling?? Oh and a question for you, do your fresh crisp sheets smell like Ohio sheets? You know that smell, do they? Love you cousin!!!
Ah, to be able to have a clothes line. Not allowed in my area.
Nothing smells better than sheets drying on the line.
There are 2 generations of people who have never experienced that!
I am actually excited about your clothesline Jenny!!!! You rock.
Going to see your cuz now.
Super clothesline and love the little cottage.
I love hanging my clothes to dry in the sun. And in CO you can pretty much do that 9 months of the year. Even in winter, we get the occasional totally warm day, and the sun is so intense here that stuff will dry even if it's 50 out. So congrats on your clothesline! We purposely moved into a non-covenant neighborhood. I can't stand it that others would tell me what to do in MY yard, on MY property.
Heading over to check your cousin.
Let's see...you are excited you have a new clothesline and I was very excited that The View came back from summer vacation yesterday (until Whoopi made me cry). Did you think when we were kids that it would be these things we found exciting in our middle age? Umm...do you think something is wrong with this picture?
People still use clotheslines? LOL!
The cottage is totally adorable!
I think your clothesline is awesome, Jenny. ;)
That's cute! I'll definitely have to check it out sometime.
I want a clothesline SO bad! I swear, we're the only old house around here that doesn't still have one.
There's a leaning pipe out in the grass that taunts me -- I bet that's where the original one was.
Clothesline, huh?
PS. The door cottage? Outta this world!
Well it's absolutely amazing to know that I am not the only one to hang her clothes outside!!!
You made my day Jen! The cottage is very cool, I will head on over to check it out.
Love Di ♥
Hey Miss J...! :)
I am venturing back to blogworld and LOVED yours today. (What else is new?? I always love yours...)
Anyways, reminded me of something recently that Ryan said. Not sure if I put it on cb or not...But he came home one day and said, "Mom! You are NOT going to beweev dis! Our neighbor has his UNDERWEAR hanging up OUTSIDE!! And just because his washer is broken! Can you beweev dat??!! His UNDERWEAR!"
It was the funniest thing ever. So be sure not to hang chucks undies out there for the neighbor kids to see...they might not understand. :)
Can I pleeeease go live in her little cottage. Seriously! Who is that cool?! Plus I absolutely LOVE a good clothesline story...so there!
A cloths line is what I needed the other day. I washed a vintage quilt in my tub and took it out and laid it in the yard to dry. Just not enough sun that day. I think a little breeze flowing through would have helped a lot. I have a friend who has a sister in law that built a shed out of old doors. Hers was not near as cute as this. I will be hopping over to check it out.
I checked out the blog and was blown away by the cottage. Wow!!!
And, for the record, I wish I had a clothesline! I love yours and am terribly jealous!!! :)
Now I need to find some old doors, and lots of them. Also, I have clothesline envy because that is one cool clothes line!
In our community we're not allowed to have clotheslines, so I totally covet yours. I covet the door house too. Must be in a coveting frame of mind. Nancy
BTW: I'm still excited about my new washer that we got last month. I was not courageous and deleted the fabulous post about washing machines...
I can't get a clothesline. Mostly because the clothes on it would sit out on it for days on end. As it is, there is a load of clothes in the dryer right now.
I can't get over that cottage!! Wowers.
I would honestly love to have an outside clothes line. I love yours. Problem is that my back yard slants at a 45 degree angle and no can do! I'd kill myself. Lol sandie
Jenny! The little door cottage is amazing! I had (some time ago) seen one in a unique antique shop near us. It was the most unusual and exciting find ever. Of course at several thousand dollars it was a no-go. I asked Jim to make one...he just smiled. But I absolutely loved it and even sometimes dream about it.
P.S. Your new clothesline is COOL!
Have a great weekend!
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