Wow! That wasn't very nice, was it?
I'm sorry for gloating, but it's just that...'s true.
On Monday afternoon, little Miss Morgan and I were swimming and I asked her what she wanted for Christmas.
With no hesitation, she replied, "I want a back-scratcher, Grandma."
Hmmm....I'm liking the sound of this gift list. I'm going to get off super cheap this year in the four year old gift department.
I queried her further, though, just to be sure. "OK, that sounds good. What kind do you want, Mo?"
She thought. She thought hard. She put her finger on her lip and scrunched up her face. And then thought some more.
After great deliberation she finally answered me, "Grandma, I want a rainbow striped back-scratcher...hmmm... you know the kind?"
And I replied, "Well, I don't know if I could find one with rainbow stripes but I could try really hard."
"While you're looking," she continued, "Find one with candy stuck all over it. Then I could scratch my back and eat some candy. And scratch my back some more and eat some more candy."

So do you see what I mean? I told you she was mighty smart.
And just think, I'm going to have to file a patent for the "Snack and Scratch" soon before someone else steals this innovative and excitingly awesome idea.
So, what's that you say?
Can you say it louder?
Just a bit louder?
Yea! My Granddaughter's smarter then yours! I'm glad you understand now.
OK, OK. Don't get huffy. Your Granddaughter's really, really smart, too.
Double sigh...
I have to agree it would be really hard to have a Granddaughter smarter than that!
You better run, don't walk, to the patent office!
Are you taking holiday orders? La
"Out of the mouth of babes." She sounds like one clever cookie! Such a great idea, I think I would like to have one of those as well. Can you put me down??
Snack and Scratch has potential, sounds as good as some of the other "As Seen On TV Products"...I guess Mo gets her smartness from you, Jenny.
We had a nice bamboo leaf rake that fell apart. Cleaned up...the tines made 'perfect little back scratchers' and they look deocrative in their wooden vase, plus they do get used!
Now I have to say -- I have four grandgirls -- but this product sounds like a winner -- I agree - totally brilliant!
Wow , that girl is smarter than a 5th grader :D
Oh she is wayyyyyy much better....scratch and snack!!! LOVE IT!!!
Smiles to you sweet friend!!!!
Hilarious. She is clever, very clever. I thought she was going to say "you" you know Grandma's make great back scratchers and they often have candy too!
I think her genius shows in knowing the right person to ask for what she wants. I'm guessing such a back scratcher will very creatively arrive under her tree.
What a cutie and yes way smart!!
Hmmmm. I could go for a good scratch and a tasty snack right about now. (This is positively brilliant!)
Too cute and such a "sweet" idea.
I don't have a granddaughter but if I did....whoa! we'd have a duel! lol:)
she's too better get your glue gun out! lol:)
if only they could be that smart when they are
Oh my goodness... that is one smart little girl!! She has it all planned out!
My grandlittle is only one year old, so I am going to say she is smart for her age, but your's is absolutely brilliant for her's!! I love the name scratch and snack! Have a great day. Cathy
Them's fighting words, Jenny! My granddaughter is pretty dang smart.
But I have to admit that yours may be a little more enterprising... (Does she get a cut on the Scratch and Snack?)
HAHAHA! You have been sooooo sucked in! You asked the question, and now you have to produce! So get out the acrylic paint, and the rubber cement, and go buy a bag of Jolly Ranchers.
I don't mean to brag (actually that's a big lie!) but my eleven-year old granddaughter has already been in a movie that was presented at the Mew Mexico Film Festival.
I am sure YOUR granddaughter could do the same thing if she were given the chance, though.
Aren't we lucky to have such smart granddaughters??
Dearest Jenny,
Am I to take it that I'll be creating this wonderful idea for little miss Mo? I'd be happy to add it to the list of gifts you've given me.
Love ya'
I want one too, sounds like a money maker! Great idea MO!
Have a blessed day! HUGS!
Sounds to me like someone takes after their grandma. Love the snack and scratch. Seems to me the two of you have come up with a pretty great idea. Love it! Hugs
I want a Morgan!!!!
Hehe. I don't have a grandchild, so yes! Your granddaughter is smarter than mine.
She does sound mighty smart!
My daughter has been working on her holiday wish list for awhile now. I think if we bought everything on it, we'd be out over $1,000! Appreciate your granddaughter's creativity (and cheap, but sugary, gifts) while you can!
I hope she has fun with this little... gift. lol.
Lucky for me, I have no granddaughter so you haven't upstaged me yet!
I hope she has fun with this little... gift. lol.
Lucky for me, I have no granddaughter so you haven't upstaged me yet!
May not be rainbow....or have candy attached....but it's pretty dang cute!
Yes, she's a smart one!...and I won't argue with you, but only because I don't have a grand daughter!
Oh, that is one smart young lady. Good luck with your patent.
I just wish I had a granddaughter...although my grandson is very polite. He isn't quite 2 yet. When he spent the night Saturday he slept in our room (most of the night in our bed). It is allergy season here and my allergy symptom is a cough. Plus, I'm just one of those people that has a little cough most nights...just a little cough. My grandson now says, "you okay?" every time I cough. All night long. Every time. So I tried really hard not to cough. My head almost exploded.
I think you've got something with the Snack and Scratch...the name is great!
You would be so gratified to hear my early morning laugh and know that you and Morgan worked as a tag team to create it.
Love the snack and scratch idea. Just think, if you made a slight modification (shorter handle, attached to full beer cans) you could make a ball scratcher for the male of the species.......
THEN, maybe attach a vibrator to....oh, wait, this is a blog for general audiences....sorry......
She is just the best!!!!
Wow, genius level smarter than everyone else's granddaughter. Snack and scratch. I think I would buy one.
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