Friday, February 18, 2011

Am I skinny yet?


Researchers at Osaka University in Japan found that exposing rats to the scent of grapefruit oil for 15-minute intervals, three times a week helped reduce not only their appetite, but their weight. Inhale this fresh citrus scent and dial back the portion of your next meal.

I'm not certain that I am a rat but my ex-husband used to call me that along with other names, one rhyming with rat and another rhyming with witch so I'm thinking this might apply to me!


I have grapefruit trees in my yard...


I am going outside to harvest a bushel of grapefruit which means...


Woo hoo!

Rock on!

I may need to borrow some clothes from you as soon as the pounds start peeling away...just to tide me over until I'm like a size two or something.

If you're already a size two, just never mind, OK?

And now...





post signature


vivian said...

I have grapefruit dishsoap and it smells sooo good.. If you see me running around blowing bubbles out my nose you'll know why!
happy friday!

The Words Crafter said...

Couldn't they make it in something like a mask? If I could wear it all day, I could buy something skinny to wear out with my honey on his upcoming b-day!

RoeH said...

I'm coming over to borrow some grapefruit. Maybe Sprouts has that oil. I'll check!

Anonymous said...

I will look for updates on your progress.

Jocelyn said...

OK can you ship me some of these babies...I will inhale for 24 hours straight...

Love your pic....I wish I had one of these in my yard!!

Thank you for the love....I so love hearing from you...your words touch my heart!!!

Have a great one sweet friend!!!

Terra said...

you lost me at "I have a grapefruit tree in my back yard" - I will be moving in soon, I hope you have room for me. I don't need much - a warm bed, a computer connection, access to a bathroom would be nice and access to that tree please!

On the grapefruits making you skinny thing, well - in the nicest way possible I would like to say good luck with that.

Did I just lose my chances at a room?

Cheryl said...

Is 848 up there your ex-husband? No wonder he's an ex. What a dweeb.

I hate eating grapefruit so is the perfect thing for me. Good luck with scentible eating. (Yes, you have permission to shoot me now.)

Kat said...

Wow, let me know if this works. I love grapefruit anyway, so walking around sniffing one shouldn't be that difficult. Although it may cause some strange looks at work! How lucky for you that you have that beautiful tree in your yard! Kat

Oh, and Mr. 848 up there, I can send you a link to misogynists anonymous if you'd like. I think you'd probably fit in better there - just a friendly hint.

Bits-n-Pieces said...

I'd much rather smell them than eat them!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Jenny, that is funny. If it works let us know. I need a quick remedy too.

Amy said...

Your yard makes me so jealous! I need to move to AZ! And a while back there was a grapefruit diet. You ate half a grapefruit half an hour before a meal and it was supposed to suppress your appetite a lot. I just figured it was because you had already eaten something. Who knew it was because of the smell! And how on earth did they discover that in the first place? Putting different smells up to rats noses before they ate? Weird.
Good luck on your skinnifying. I'll send you all my pre-baby weight clothes.

ImagiMeri said...

Good Morning Girlfriend,

You are sooooo perfect just the way you are! You can just stay out of the backyard and rejoice in your womanhood, and womanly figure. My husband tells me I'm "Rubenesque" and very curvy! What a wonderful way to tell me I'm overweight, I'll take that over the ex calling me fat which also happened to me....hence that's one reason why he's an "ex."

Love ya'

Donnie said...

I'll be anxiously watching to see how this works

ain't for city gals said...

Let me know if this works, Jenny...I have lots of gragpefruit!..we can market

Diane said...

I think I'll go buy some grapefruits today! Or maybe just some grapefruit air freshener! ;)

Blogging Loulasway said...

I love it!!! chubby mice sniffing grapefruit to lose weight and I bet these people make millions doing these studies lol...Well I would much rather sniff grapefruit then eat sure to let us know if it works.

Jeanie said...

Count me in on this sounds way better than exercise.

Judie said...

Well, I have a feeling that the Australian willows in my back yard were killed by the hard freeze. If they were, then I'm planting grapefruit trees! I LOVE grapefruit, but can only have it in the morning because of my meds. Who would create a cholesterol medication that prohibits eating grapefruit at night?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny: How funny!! I'm off to get some grapefruit and still owe you a package...:)

Anonymous said...

I'm sneaking over now to stand in your backyard and inhale deeply.

P.S. This American women has something to say about SOME American men. But, not ours, of course!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jenny you are just so funny. I never understood why they think if something works on rats it will work on people. Good luck with smelling those grapefruit. If you are all slimmed down by the weekend will you send some grapefruit my way...they won't grow here.

BTW your grapefruit tree is beautiful. Hugs

Holly said...

You crack me up!!! I love being able to have a good laugh while I'm reading blogs and you give me that every time...thank you!!!
You don't want any of my clothes as they have yet to be exposed to grapefruit!
I'm anxious to hear about the results of your exposure next week!!

Jo said...

and here i thought the whole weight thing was about proper diet and exercise ... I'm off to the grocery store to pick up a couple of grapefruits!!!

Pat Tillett said...

I'd leave a longer post, but I have to get to the grocery store.

Theresa Plas said...

Good Luck with that Hon:)

MrsJenB said...

First, you are awesome. I always love stopping by and seeing things through your eyes for a little while. Inhale those grapefruits, Jenny! Breathe deep!

Second, I used to be amused by that "boycott" spam but now it's just old. Sigh.

Brenda said...

The thing is back in the late 70's early 80's grapefruit was used in many diets. I do remember that because I ate a lot of it. But I prefer the pink grapefruit and enjoy eating it just because I do. To reach out my back door for one though would be wonderful. Have a great weekend!

KCSherri said...

Gah...this diet won't work for me, as I can't handle the taste - or smell - of grapefruit.

Would you be willing to research online and find a diet that does the same thing as this one, but with CHOCOLATE??!!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Whoa!! my mom used to call me rat...i swear it's true. she always said it in a comical way but i never laughed. gotta get me some grapefruit!!

wheatgerm said...

I love Grapefruit

Busy Bee Suz said...

I have always heard grapefruit was good for us and could help with weight loss. (why don't I eat them daily then?) I do love them...jealous of your tree!

BTW: how are you feeling???? I have not seen any updates since you visited the Indian healer lady thingymabob. I hope all is well Jenny.

Unknown said...

What did you do to tick off Mr. 848 up above? Jeesh!

What i want to know is how are you going get the oil from the grapefruit and what method are you going to use to sniff it?

Sue said...

Could you box up some of those babies and send 'em to me? Seriously, how wonderful to have a grapefruit tree...oh my. The smell would make me happy even if I did stay a bit fluffy!

H said...

I haven't eaaten grapefruit for ages. It's one of those foods which I enjoy more than I think I am gooing to (if you see what I mean).

By the way 848, this foreign (non American) woman thinks you need to take your bigoted opinions somewhere else! said...

If just smelling them makes you skinny, I can imagine that eating them makes you emaciated. Don't do it, Jenny.

La said...

I'm going to start bathing in grapefruit juice then.

Have a great weekend! La

CB said...

Maybe thats the problem here in Idaho - we don't grow grapefruit!! Ha ha

Maude Lynn said...

So that's what I need!

Stef said...

I hate grapefruit, but if all I have to do is smell them to lose weight, bring them on.

Cheryl D. said...

I love grapefruit! I'm jealous that you have a tree full of them! Yum!

Pondside said...

I'm trying to imagine grapefruit on a tree in my yard - what a treat! I'll bet they taste better than anything from a grocery store.

Unknown said...

Ah, Japan and their diet studies. It's the reason why certain fruits and vegetables sell really quickly at odd times of the year. Last year (or was it the year before that) there was a study that said that eating a banana for breakfast every morning will help you lose weight. For the first month or two, all the groceries were sold out of bananas in Tokyo. When we did find a place that had them, they were double the price you'd normally pay. I guess I should be expecting grapefruit prices to soar soon too, huh?

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh good grief! How about citrus perfume? Nope, it has to be fresh citrus scent.

Sure, just in time for the increase in food prices!

Ahhhhh but! Increase in food prices!!! See? It's a world-wide conspiracy, to make us thinner!!! If we can't afford food, we will get thinner. How ingenious!!!

Jeepers, did Michele O. think this one up? She who has a *War on Kid's Fat Buttttttts* in progress. -Heh,heh,heh-

Mrs. Bradley >,-)

Jean Has Been Shopping said...

I would rather smell a grapefruit than eat it. Let me know if this works.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh, would that it would be true! Grapefruit oil causing skinny-ness, that is. Perhaps I should add this to my arsenal.

Er, excuse me. Gotta go sniff some grapefruit!

Susan Anderson said...

I actually do eat a lot of grapefruit when I'm dieting. It seems to cut my appetite down a bit. Plus, I LOVE it. Especially fresh off the tree!


Nancy Jane said...

I think you did lose weight! Your picture looked thinner...

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I am heading to body and bath to get grapefruit soap, shampoo and lotion...Thanks for the advice. At this point I'm willing to eat grapefruit soap to lose weight!