Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buy stock in Pillsbury now!

I don't think this is one of those stock tips that ended Martha in an insider trading thing or something...

It's just that...


2012 is another Pillsbury Bake-off Contest.

And you have to start experimenting today, tomorrow at the very latest, if you want to have a chance at the million dollars.

Because I'm pretty sure 2012 is my year to win and it's going to take a heroic effort on your part to beat me.

In 2010 I did all kinds of research about past winners and made spread sheets and...

No, I'm not obsessive...why do you ask?

I made dozens and dozens of variations of my recipe and there is a large possibility that Pillsbury earnings were up significantly due to sheer volume of pop-open tubes of stuff I bought to experiment with. Yeah, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen for a few months there.

Mr. Jenny is still traumatized by the sound. Sometimes if a car backfires on the street he falls into the fetal position and whimpers, "No, no, I can't taste another bake-off recipe." Yeah, he's kind of a baby like that.

But I'm thinking maybe I over-thought the whole process. So this year I'm going to simplify. And stay firmly in control of my Pillsbury purchases.

Today at the store I only bought 4 cans of cinammon rolls and 2 cans of french roll dough.

That's not obsessive, right?

6 cans to start the process?

I don't think that's obsessive at all.

And if I nail my idea on these first six cans, I'm totally done.

And I'm pretty sure that exactly what is going to happen, but just in case, I want to be a good friend to you and give you a little tip to buy stock in Pillsbury as soon as you can.


And, oh...

You're totally welcome.


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Unknown said...

SUCCESS Jenny! I actually AM computer savy!! Good luck with that oughta do one of your pizzas...that would win a million bucks FOR SURE!!! :)

Lynn said...

Best of luck Jenny! I always thought this would be fun... might head over to Pillsbury and nose around:@)

Theresa Plas said...

WooHooOOoo! Go for it Jenny!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Wow! A million dollars! Go for it.

vivian said...

you crack me up. and now I'm wanting some pillsbury cinnamon rolls! Well I hope you win and then at least share your recipe with us! have fun

Jocelyn said...

OH you go girl...I love seeing the creations that these ladies come up GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

I am off to buy stock!!!!

Have a great day!!!

ImagiMeri said...

Hey Girlfriend,

Along with the stock purchase don't forget "Jenny Craig" or "Nutrisystem" stock, as they are gonna' need to go hand in hand for anyone to survive.

If you are truly trying this, then let me know if you need any help. You are one of the most amazing people I've met, and I'd like nothing better than to hang onto your star trail to the top!

Love ya'

Wanda..... said...

Will we ever see the results of your idea, Jenny?

ain't for city gals said...

I agree with Mr. Jenny...i hate that sound of the can popping..the only thing I am afraid of is one of those rolled cans exploding...I make Mr Gates(not Bill) open them for me!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

I can't wait til you win and I can say... "I know her!!" :)

Jeanie said...

I can't wait to say "I knew you when". My personal favorite is crescent rolls but I don't like that big pop.

Slice of Pie said...

Have you ever heard the urban legend about the woman who left her groceries in the car ... in the hot summer ... while she ran into the mall. When she got back in the car, a can of biscuits exploded and one of them hit her in the back of the neck. She thought she'd been shot! Look out for exploding cans!

Cute post ... and good luck.

Pondside said...

Yikes! You are going to be busy. If Mr Jenny gets tired of eating the bake-off experiments, just ship them up here.
In the meantime - and not to add pressure - have you thought of what you'll wear for the prize-giving?

Judie said...

I'll be glad to be a taster for you. Just dont ask me to help bake. For the last two years, I have burned the bread at every family gathering here. I'll even drive over to your house with a supply of canned rolls!!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Hehe Every year I swear that I'm going to enter that contest, but I never do.

Susan Anderson said...

You've got MY vote...


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Six cans only? You go girl, it takes me more then that to get an edible idea! Poor Mr Jenny....well until you win the Million Dollars then he will sign a different tune.

Terra said...

I can't wait to see what you create (and try it too!!)

Becky said...

Best of luck Jenny! I did a post about the Bake-Off, including some of the history, just before the winner was announced in 2010.

Can't wait to see your recipe.

Lorrie said...

Go for it, Jenny! We'll be proud to say we know you!

Theresa said...

I ALWAYS have crescent rolls in my fridge:) So your tip is a good one for me!

Hope you make something tasty to share with us! HUGS!

Amy said...

Well, you are going to need an official taste tester, and since I am not otherwise employed, I suppose I could do you a favor. See, you didn't win last year because your taste tester failed you. This year, if you employ me, you are sure to win! I suggest you start with the pizza with goat cheese. Mmmm.... mouth watering.... drooling....drifting off into a food dream.... Mmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

You are welcome to practice your recipe for the Bake Off at my house.

Ames said...

Is it me? Or that I live just a hair above sea level? I have to beat the hell out of those stupid pop -n-fresh cresent roll cans to get them open. I have even done the Norman Bates stab on them and nothing! And I know I am not frail or weak. Very odd. I do make a great effort to get in the darn cans because they are soooh goood! I have the hips and the butt to prove it too!
Hope you will remember your fans when you become famous and share your million dollar recipe with us! ~Ames

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

You are hilarious, this always!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the post announcing the winning of your million dollars...You are already a winner! Hugs

Brenda said...

Your soooo funny today. I am having a snow day here in the Michigan winter land and enjoying my visits with all my favorite bloggers. You have not let me down Jenny, gave me a smile. My hubs would just refuse to taste and I would gain 100 pounds trying everything myself. Have a great day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so clever...and I have SO much faith!!!!!

Stef said...

You are such a good friend to spread the news. And I, being the good friend that I am, would be happy to taste any and all of your wonderful recipes that are sure to win grand prize. LMK where to send my addresss.

wheatgerm said...

sounds like fun

Dapoppins said...

too funny. Keep a count of how many you buy, cause that is a spread sheet I would want to chuckle over at the end of the day.

I hope your going for the sweet side of the contest, because I'm a bit nervous any pizza that might be made with cinnamon roll dough, unless it's a fruit pizza, cause, I would eat that.

CB said...

You are funny Jenny and I hope you win.
I actually follow this contest but have never tried to compete. Some of the recipes that win are so simple I always think "Why the heck didn't I think of that?"
You go girl!


OMG! I was just planning what I was baking for the Texas State Fair next fall. I am not thinking big enough! I have an awesome idea but....I if I told you, I would have to kill you...haha. Now....can I figure out how to add a Pillsbury product to it? hmmmmm

The Quintessential Magpie said...

YOu are SO funny! LOL!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

The experiments that don't cut it? Fed Ex overnight to DE!! Oh yeah. I'm sure I can fashion an award for you.

Willoughby said...

Good luck! I entered the Pillsbury Bake-Off a few years ago and didn't win anything. One of the recipes that did win was almost exactly like mine (they were cookies). I haven't entered again since then. I guess I'm a little bitter!