Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Q is for Bad Grandma...

I'm a bad Grandma.

I admit it.

I make my Grandkids work. Hard. Never a moments rest for the busy little bees.

And this week I was pretty stumped by the letter "Q", so I told Mo if she wanted a ride to preschool she would have to come up with something.

OK, that's not true. I just asked her if she would like to write a letter Q on a piece of paper for candy.


Somehow this is just getting worse. I keep looking more and more like a bad Grandma...


Ahem...'s my new and improved story...

When I told Mo that this week was Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Q" she said, "Gwamma, I insist you let me help you with this as a small token of appreciation for everything you do for me..." (Yes, she is precocious for a four year old!)...

And I didn't want to hurt her feelings so I let her.

...and then she told me Q is for Quack and Queen and Qwadd.

And I said... umm.... what is a Qwadd?

And she said, " know...a Qwadd. Those things that have four tires that can drive over those spiky things in the dirt that are black but I would want a pink one and I don't know if there are pink ones. Do you know Gwamma?"

And I said, "OK, that's great Mo! Ask your Mom about the pink ones," because I didn't have the faintest idea what she was talking about...

...but regardless of the Qwadd word, this is my Q post.

If you want to read other Q posts that do not involve child labor, threats or bribes...

You can click here to visit Alphabe-Thursday this week.

post signature


ImagiMeri said...

Well at least she got the right words, as "Quad" is one of them, and it's those fun 4-wheel things that everyone rides in open ranges, mountains, backwoods, etc. As a matter of fact, you should have a quad gramma, cause you'd be a hoot to see driving one. When are you coming over????? I've got more shadowboxes than I know what to do with....LOL

Love ya'

Terry said...

You're so lucky to have such a wise granddaughter to help you out! LOL

Unknown said...

Awww, she is so cute...child labor and all :) Funny how she knows about "quads" isn't it? A pink that would be quite a sight to see!

Theresa Plas said...

Tee Hee!!! Mo is an alphabet queen in the making!

Pat said...

A "qwadd" - we have one parked in the pole building & it has a gazillion miles on has hauled endless loads of wood and garden dirt, mulch, etc. I love driving it - do give it a try!!
Don't fret about the candy - that is what Gwamma's are for.

Such a sweet posting for Q.

Anonymous said...

If it is a vehicle, JDaniel could help you identify it.


I still have no idea what a qwadd is....hahaha. I am all about child labor....particularly when they don't realize it...teehee. I will have all four of mine this weekend. Yikes! Great Q post.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh my goodness, I also want to know what a Qwadd is! Your granddaughter is beautiful and comes up with so many cute things to say.

21 Wits said...

Absolutely NOT you're a great Gwamma I can just tell! She is an adorable little princess for sure, and hmmm you may have some 4-wheeling going on in your family...! Simply a FUN Q post!

La said...

Better hope the teacher doesn't find out Mo is doing your homework for you. She may crack your knuckles with a ruler.

linda said...

Q is a tough one.
I'm not there yet.

Cute cute cute.

Jackie said...

A Quad is a bike with 4 wheels .

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Awwwwwwwww she is so cute.

And I didn't know what a quad was, until your comments. -grin-

Susan Anderson said...

Your commenters have taught me today.

I am now in the now about "quads."

Live and learn!


PS. She is sure a cutie!!

Unknown said...

Well, well, well...the things you learn from a 4 year old. I think I might want a Qwadd too! I tell you get one and when I come visit you can take me out for a joy ride in the desert!!! Love you and love your Mo'!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love how her mind works, she's going to be a creative woman someday!

Don't you just love that age?

Jessica B said...

That Mo... what a sweetie! Loved her Q words. :)

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

How cute:) My Hannah had a pink quad, only it was really a 'tri' but don't tell her that, she remembers it as a 'quad'...we just go along:)

Anonymous said...

Just precious!! Mo was such a good helper with your 'Q' post. Love the pictures. Hugs

Susan said...

Threats, bribes and child labor have always been a part of this household, LOL! She is A DOR ABLE!!! Hey if I wanted a QWADD, I'd want mine to be Pink too!

Hi Jenny, I am stopping by to explain my being MIA for Alphabe-Thursday.
I am a participant in ONE WORLD ONE HEART which is keeping me very busy, besides the fact that i do not know how to keep a certain post at the top of my blog.
so I'll see you in a few weeks, so sorry. :(

Lisa H. said...

A "qwaad" isn't just for kids and teens. My mother (she's in her late 60's) wants want to run around her 5 acres in the country. She wants one with a truck bed to haul things. She has yet to convince Dad to get her one and she's been trying since 2004!

Judie said...

You just keep asking for it, don't you!!

Donnie said...

Visiting the grandkids makes me feel incredibly old especially when we say "what did you do today?" After a 20 minute explanation we still have no idea what they to be honest I did know what a "Quad"

NatureGirl said...

Adorable...but I absolutely INsiST that you find the source of the word Qwaad and relay the information. I am pretty sure it will bug me until I know what she was talking about...

Happy AlphabeThursday!

H said...

We went quad biking for my niece's 18th birthday. Great fun!

Becky said...

That is entirely too cute. As is your granddaughter. :-)


Lynn said...

Fun post and what a little cutie-enjoy:@)

wheatgerm said...

not so bad of a grandma

LuLu Kellogg said...

Smart cookie!!! I still say you are the best Gwamma evah!


Nancy C said...

That is so sweet. We know all about quads in rural MD.

My oldest is studying Q in his preschool. He asked the librarian for books about quilts!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Jenny, I love the photo of your grand daughter holding her "Q"!! She has such a cute smile and sparkle in her eye, and I can imagine you had the same look when you took her photo!

How did you do in cold snap? My sister who lives in Mesa told me it got down to 35 degrees there one day. Crazy weather everywhere!

Anonymous said...

I just love the posts your grandkids help you with!


Stef said...

Too funny. She is a cutie! Seriously, you need to lock her up and never let her date a boy who wants to take her on a qwadd. Bad bad idea!

aimee said...

she is adorable! she is one smart little girl.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

She's a wise one, that darling of yours. I wonder if there are pink qwadds.

Terra said...

very cute Q post, your grand daughter saved the day without her adorable would not have been so cute!

Bonnie said...

This is Quite an adorable post. I wonder if this Qwadd she speaks of is some all wheel or 4 wheel drive vehicle. She is Quite the Queen of smart!

Can I use this comment for my Q post this week because I've got nothin' :)

Anonymous said...

Ok Jenny
I see how you play
Next week I'm asking
Jake to help me with
my homework...
nah nah nah nah nah!

Anonymous said...

She's as bright as a button and so much fun! I don't want to wish my girls years away but I can't wait till we have conversations like that :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Nobody is perfect.

be yourself and be true,
feel coo,

I know you are the best blogger.

Annesphamily said...

What a terrific grand girl you have! This was a sweet post! Anne

Gattina said...

It's a real pity that Mo doesn't know French ! She would have been pleased to help you with the letter Q, because it's such a nice letter for kids, like P, when you pronounce it it means arse !

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Dude, a quad is a real term for a 4 wheeler. It's hip. It's now. It's cool, boss, neato, swift, keen and groovy. It's swell.

Pondside said...

No fair - Jenny you are always bringing in the high-priced help for your letters.
What a cutie!

Holly Lefevre said...

What a cutie! My mom has been told she needs to attend Grandma School by my niece. That was a few years ago, but we still tease her about it.

Splendid Little Stars said...

How cute is she?!! What a special little helper!