Monday, March 14, 2011

An important event in Arizona...(and a slightly weird intro for it)

Prepare to groan. And not in a "I slammed my finger in the car door kind of way" but more in a "Jenny is really verging on insanity" kind of way.


I heard through a...

(berry)good friend of mine who heard it through the...

(grapevine) that certain people in the United States who are still having lousy weather are thinking of making...

(anemone - get it? An enemy!) of people who live in Arizona. They are tired of getting...

(beet) up with cold weather and nothing they do keeps the gray at...

(bay) so just to help everyone feel they ...

(oregano! Get it? Are going to go!) someplace warm as soon as a...

(larkspur! Get it? Lark spurs) them on...

You must quit being a...

(pansy) and pack your...

(ummm....cabbage...baggage...ummm) because there are many great...

(dills) for airfare right now...

(iris...ummm.... I wish) you will...

(lettuce) entice you to Arizona soon.

(orange) you glad I shared all these pictures I took in my garden today with you?

And if you're going to be in Arizona or you already live here you might be interested in attending an Arizona Bloggers luncheon. Here's the information on it (but please don't worry, there are no more garden pictures and please don't tell Meri how weirdly I intro'd this. She thinks I'm all sophisticated and serious and I hate to give her the wrong impression, ya know?):

EVENT: AZ Bloggers Luncheon

Saturday, April 9, 2011

TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: ImagiMeri’s Creations Studio (Meri Wiley’s House)

R.S.V.P. by April 1, 2011 to or call (480) 274-7219, please.

There is a $10 entrance fee due the day of the event because Meri is going to teach us to make shadow boxes. Meri is planning a potluck style meal and has a list if side/dishes/beverages/desserts for you to choose from.

She also has a list of supplies she is ... ummm... supplying and a list of things you need to bring.

Here's some links to Meri's posts about the luncheon:

Meri's blog.

The original invitation with information.

Some of the supplies she has on hand.

post signature


Gaurang Rao said...

Nice Photos. There is a meme blog here too -

Anonymous said...

Your garden looks amazing! Plants grow so well where you live.

Unknown said...

GROAN!!!! Very punny.

Arkansas Patti said...

Yes, it is possible to groan and smile at the same time. Scary but possible. Nice job.
Wow, that is all in your garden? Wasn't envious of Az before, might be now.
Thank you for stopping by TNS and for the nice comments.

Wanda Metcalf said...

te hehe ok. well though those may be still a bit colder else where than AZ, they will be thrilled they are in the 80's when AZ is hitting 112 or so!

I sure wish I could be at the Blogger luncheon how cool would that be!?!?!!

Joanne Lendaro said...

hahaha!! I'm still sitting here in the snow!! Love to hop on a plane and head that direction! Cute post!

Terra said...

Umm, can I just say - Jealous of your Garden. Won't be in AZ in April...can't go to the luncheon and I think I am plummed out - er bummed out

Willoughby said...

Those are the best botanical puns I've seen all day! Ok, they're the only ones I've seen all day, but it's early, yet.

The luncheon sounds a-maize-ing (corn, get it?). I hope you have a grape time! I'll stop now...

Wanda..... said...

All your green photos(green tomatoes) leave me GREEN with envy(ivy)!!!

jabblog said...

I enjoyed this very much! It's the sort of thing that gathers momentum and takes over, isn't it?

Vicki/Jake said...

Oh, good one Jemmy...just keep rubbing it in, showing us all we're missing, enticing us with the foodie things we'll not be able to digest...
You're a peach:)

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

How wonderful and green! Thanks for giving us Northerners a peek.

Carol said...

LOVE the puns! Last night (and currently) we have snow fallin'!) Blah! I am ready to pack up the family and head to Arizona forever! Thanks for sharing the beautiful pixs!!

Theresa Plas said...

I hope you have a beery good thyme Jen!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I loved this and the puns are so clever Jenny girl! Enjoy your blogger get together!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, fun post. But I must admit I am really ready for some green here.


Bossy Betty said...

I enjoyed this way more than I should have!

Ms. A said...

Even trying to imagine the time and thought this took is too overwhelming for me!

Helloooooo, Jenny!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Ohh you are sumpthin' else!!! -giggles-

Well, yes, I am sick and tired of snow cover. But not planning on jumping on any planes. Just have to wait it out, right here. :-)

Have fun at your gathering.

Judie said...

Last night I dreamed that I planted a garden, and things actually sprouted!! Imagine my surprise when I saw all your beautiful pictures!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

If I was in AZ I would be first in line. I LOVED your garden are the cleverest woman I know!!

Susan Anderson said...

You are too clever, Jenny. (Scratch that. There's no such thing as being too clever, is there?)

And I wish I lived closer because I'd definitely be there!


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Grrrrrooooowwwwwnnnn!!! Ouch on the finger girl! I hope your OK!

What a creative and wonderful post dear!!! Ya had me gigglin' all the way through.

Oh, how I wish I could come! Dang, if I'm not suck knee~deep here on the Ponderosa!

God bless and have a glorious week sweetie!!!

Jo said...

well i am just plum tuckered out from all of the bad weather ... and totally green with ivy (envy) ... clearly i cant do this like you did, so ... in my own words ... gosh, i would love to see some sun ... it must do ya such a world of good to wake up and see blossoms and blue skies ... hugs ...

ain't for city gals said...

We have to brag on Arizona now while the bragging is good! April is my favorite month..coming up soon! The get together sounds like fun..I already have plans but maybe next time..

Deborah Ann said...

Oohhh....wish I could go! But I'm stuck here in the frozen tundra. I won't display any plant code for this condition, as currently there are no plants growing here...

Donnie said...

That was so funny. You are too creative.

Sue said...

I'm going to be packing my bags soon, but not heading to Arizona...way too far for a little spring jaunt! One of these days!

The snow came within 20 miles of us today, so I am jealous of that living stuff right now. I am certainly enjoying my daily grapefruit:) I'm not skinny yet though!

Heidi-"Heidi in Real Life" said...

Very clever! Your pictures made me so lonesome for spring! I learned something about certain plants too! Wish you had a bloggers luncheon in WI! Thanks for coming reading my blog--I'm a new fan of yours!

Theresa said...

I sure wish I could come to that luncheon BUT I will be on the beach:) Your story using the garden was W-E-L-L interesting :)

Have a blessed evening, HUGS!

Leslie Morgan said...

Well, I am groaning, but it's from giggling so long. I LOVE word play. Very well done, Jenny!

Ames said...

uhhhh.......did you grow all that stuff in your back yard???...I sure would like to fly out to Az and see my sis, and of course you Jenny. I would also like to join a Florida bloggers but haven't seen one..

Happy Monday Jenny!~Ames

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

I applaud your effort there Jenny girl, but really some of those analogies gives me the sneezes!

Marlene said...

From your TWO LIPS to my ears. ;)

Bonnie said...

You are "berry" awesome Miss Jenny! Loved the pictures. I really love irises. What colors are yours?

Thank you for the pretty pictures and putting a smile on my face.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

impressed by your witty plants play.
fabulous tale .

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Yup, a real groaner, but I enjoyed it!

RedBettySummer said...

What a fun way to write a post. Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. Have a great time at the blogger's luncheon. My husband went to Arizona a couple of weeks ago and said it is definitely on our to-do list.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Hahahahah, I love a great pun. The event sounds like fun. I would go, if I lived there.

Pondside said...

Thanks for the smile, Jenny! You are too much!
I'd be at that lunch in a minute if I could. I think we'll be in Arizona next winter for a visit - let's do lunch then!

Stef said...

What!!! I would totally go to this. Can't she wait to do it until April 21-23 when I will be there alreadY? How I would love to me you in person. Because you, my friend, are amazing.
Next time. Next time, I tell ya!
(And I loved your intro!!)

Jackie said...

That's totally RADish !

Liz Mays said...

That was so darn cute! Your Arizona really is pretty, I have to say.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

What a delightful post, Jenny! You're so clever with the use of words :-)

Wish I live in Arizona so I can attend the luncheon..

Amy said...

I hate your garden. Hate in a I love it and am so insanely jealous of the beauty of it kind of way.

Unknown said...

Look at you flexing those comedic brussels of yours. ;) You're always fun to read!

Allie said...

Dear cousin,
You need to enter this contest! If i win, we are going, if you win, we are going, KK???
It looks AMAZING!!!

Much love and wishful thinking!
Your cousin

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh! You have green things in your yard! And they're growing! Oh!
(I do love [to visit] Arizona!)