Thursday, March 10, 2011

V is for Violets

This is a repeat for me from round 1.

I took a picture of Miss Morgan with her fingers in a little "V", but decided, instead, to share this little post with you.

Down behind the old stone wall
The fragrant violets grow
I pick them in a perfect bunch
Because I love them so.
My Grandmothers gnarled and busy hands
Take the bouquet with gentle care
She puts them in the chipped pink glass
To perfume her bedroom air.

Down behind the old stone wall
My tears fell on the flowers
I wept for loss and sought hearts ease
For many sorrowful hours.
My Grandmothers quiet, gnarled hands
Were crossed with perfect care
I kissed her still and silent face
And left a violet in her silver hair.

By: Jenny Matlock
This little poem is dedicated to my Grandmother, Frances and my sister, Elizabeth

This post linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "V". To visit the other "V" posts just click here.

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Donnie said...

That is so sweet. Great poem about violets.

Pondside said...

Beautiful image and beautiful words, Jenny. I'm looking forward to seeing the violets up here someday soon. Would it be too much to ask for one dry day???

Terry said...

Oh I just love violets! They're one of my favorite little wildflowers! :0)

storybeader said...

what a sweet flower. I've got another Tangle: Vortex! {:-D

Allie said...

Do you think our hands will look like that one day? It sure feels like them some days!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful and bittersweet Jenny.

LeadingMama said...

This reminded me of the patch of violets we had near our back gate growing up. My mom used to put my tiny bouquets in a small red glass vase. Good memories.

Michael Di Gesu said...

I've always love violets...

Lovely tribute to them and your grandmother.


Nonna said...

Lovely poem !!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh sigh... So bitter/sweet... And who doesn't like Violets, hu? I love them.

Splendid Little Stars said...

very lovely--wonderful tribute!
Did you know that violets are edible?

Deborah said...

Beautiful :o)

mle said...

What a charming photo and a lovely tribute! You put a smile on my face and tugged at my heart : )

Jo said...

this is beautiful Jenny .... you get an A+++

Lourie said...

I remember this poem, Jenny! And it is soo lovely. Thank you for sharing again.

Susan Anderson said...

Such a lovely poem that is, Jenny. And a tender tribute to your grandmother.

Mine loved violets, too.


Leslie Morgan said...

Oh, Jennie, it's only today that I realized her name is Miss Morgan. I thought I'd fall off of my chair! I don't resemble her much.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Jenny...a beautiful touching poem of love and loss.
Sweet violets to you, too!

Joanne said...

Such a beautifyl poem...I love when I read something and can see it in my head. Totally there. Blessings, Joanne

La said...

Jenny, this is just such a precious poem of love and memories. You are such a special lady.

storybeader said...

what a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing. {:-Deb

Wanda..... said...

Lovely, Jenny. My grandmother grew African Violets in pretty pots in her window.

fredamans said...

Thanks to another blogger today, I learned that they are not only pretty but useful for treating Vericose Veins.

Cathy Kennedy said...

What a beautiful poem. I like violets. Every spring these dainty little flowers pop up in our yard. We did not plant them, but somehow the seeds migrated to our yard. I suspect birds may have dropped them along the way or the wind has carried them to where they now lay. Speaking of violets, my Girl Scout Leader once made Violet jam. I can't recall if I tasted it, but I remember the pretty scent which was left in my memory.

~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Jessica B said...

i love violets. :)

Anonymous said...

They truly are a special flower.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

elegant poem, your grandma will smile ..Cheers.

Gabe said...

love, love the poem. . .

Violets always seem like little special surprises during the spring, because the don't usually bloom out in the open, you have to go looking for them!

H said...

Beautiful flower; so delicate and a gorgeous colour! Beautiful sentiment too.

jen said...

Love violets myself. We have some this year that are BLACK. Very cool.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I loved that Jenny, it made me remember my sweet Grandma and how I felt when she passed on....

You certainly have a way of evoking emotion with your words.

Bonnie said...

Beautiful poem Beautiful tribute. Brought back memories of my Mom and Grandma. Thank you.

Sue McPeak said...

I'm so glad you posted about Violets. It was one of the first V words I thought of as I love the color, the flower and the scent. Thank you for sharing the's a sweet rememberance of loved ones who also loved violets.

Unknown said...

awww very pretty!

Judie said...

You made me cry with your touching words about your grandmother. I had a wonderful grandmother and I think about her every single day!

wheatgerm said...

violets are good

Betty said...

Very nicely written. I used to go down to the edge of the woods and pick violets for my mother. A friend had them growing wild in her yard, so I dug some up and planted them here. I now have violet plants all over the yard, but only see a few blooms each year. I had visions of brightly colored violets all over the place, but it just hasn't happened. I'm patiently waiting.

Betty said...

Very nicely written. I used to go down to the edge of the woods and pick violets for my mother. A friend had them growing wild in her yard, so I dug some up and planted them here. I now have violet plants all over the yard, but only see a few blooms each year. I had visions of brightly colored violets all over the place, but it just hasn't happened. I'm patiently waiting.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful poem--great tribute.


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Jenny
I wish I could have joined in this week but I am doing posts about my trip Sydney before I forget all the details and just couldn't find a "V" in my photos.

Hope you enjoy the Scentsy warmer and scents when they arrive--it may take a couple weeks as they are mailed direct from the Scentsy people :)

Hugs, Pat

Lisa H. said...

That was just beautiful! It brings back memories of my grandmother (Mama Cook). She always had african violets growing on the window sill.

21 Wits said...

So very lovely Jenny, but you bring me to tears too!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Violets are so delicate and sweet....and the poem is too! ♥

Serline said...

What a lovely tribute!

Maria said...

That was very touching. I liked it. Beautifully done!

Theresa said...

Sweet Poem! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Oh, Jenny, I'm on the edge of crying. That was beautiful.

Amy said...

I read this and thought of my own sweet grandmother. Beautiful. Flowers always remind me of her. Especially tulips and roses. She always had a huge garden full of them. Every color you could imagine.

Gattina said...

I saw one yesterday ! means that winter is over !
No V with your little helper ? Is she on strike ?

e said...

Such a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother Jenny and so well written. Can't say enough how glad I am to have found your site. X0

RNSANE said...

Dear Jenny,

What a lovely and endearing poem you wrote! I never knew either of my grandmothers or grandfathers though I was blessed to share those of some of my friends. You already know how much I hope to be one myself but, heck, I'm already 66 so those darn sons of mine better get to work!

Pat said...

A poem for all our sweet grandmothers who were such a central part of our younger lives...beautifully composed.

In May when the wild violets bloom in our northwoods, I pick a container of the blossoms and make violet jelly - the final color is amazing and the jelly tastes like a mild honey with those violet overtones.

NanE said...

Hi Jenny! What a tender poem and I love the picture of the little violet. I love them so but I can't plant them here because the deer love them too. :(
Now about my hose, I bought it and the nozzle at Target and it was cheap, $10 and I think the nozzle was $6. They had red too, which I really wanted but they didn't have the nozzle to match. Happy Shopping, Nan

Natasha in Oz said...

I have just read your last few posts-am doing a catch up!

I have never been able to grow violets. I sure wish I could as they are so pretty.

Your poem is perfect too...poignant and sad but lovely at the same time.

I just wanted to tell you that I have posted my Sunday Song for the week. If you would like to link something up I have placed some instructions on how to embed a you tub clip into a blog post on the Sunday Song page underneath my header. It is really easy to do. I hope you might be able to join in one day!

Best wishes and happy week,