Good morning class. Welcome to round six of Alphabe-Thursday!
Today we will be gathering links for the letter:

Please link directly to your Alphabe-Thursday URL (if you don't know how to do this let me know!) and please continue to visit the five links before and after your link and leave a comment. Minimum of 10 links visited please. You can visit more if you like, of course.
I also want to let you know that each week I visit every blog. I am only halfway through reading the "E" links so I'm definitely behind. My Grandlittle's don't go back to school until next week so I may not get caught up until then!
If you have any difficulties with your link, please make sure to include the number of the link when you e-mail me. It is really difficult for me to find you easily otherwise.
If you have any questions about Alphabe-Thursday or problems doing your link just post it in a comment or send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to help you as quickly as I can.
The McLinkey will be live from 1:00 pm MST time Wednesday afternoon in an effort to assist our lovely "friends across the pond" and continue through 10:00 am MST time Friday morning!
And remember.... link back to this post, you need to be registered as a follower of my blog, PG posts only, and visit at least 10 other students (perhaps the 5 students before and after your post). The links will stay live after the final post deadline has passed so you can even wait and visit over the weekend or whenever you have more time.
Please gallop over and post your letter G now!
I'll get something up tomorrow!
A GOOD and happy new year to you!
Happy New Year to you and thanks for hosting this fun Thursday ~
(A Creative Harbor aka ArtMusedog and Carol ^_^)
Happy New Year! I haven't visited in a while but am happy to be linking up this week.
Happy New Year, Miss Jenny! Golly, I can't believe I made it to class this week. Thanks for hosting another round of Alphabe-Thursday!
I am not sure if i am searching right , but I can not find the linky :(
the linky was here earlier but it's gone, is everything ok Jenny? http://llmcalling.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/a-to-z-of-mental-health-guilt.html
Hi tried to link but no joy http://edenhouseseven.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/alphabet-thursday-g.html?m=1
Ignore above from me sorted
here is my post for Alphabe Thursday
Somethings Gone / Link is
Gone ( though I know it was here the other day. I had posted then and now came back to visit people but we've all disappeared)
Did it Go for the letter G ? :)
Waaaaa! I can't read anyone's posts! I thought it was my other computer, known as THE GOOD ONE, but still no links!
I can't find it either.
In any case, here's my "G" for you to enjoy.
"Beach GIRL with Red Shovel"
Hi Jenny
I am not able to get my link to show, although Mr Linky tells me I've already linked. So here I am with my contribution!
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