Friday, January 25, 2013

Hot Tomatoes?

This little poem is linked to week 143 of Saturday Centus.   To read other offerings, just click here.

I’m an Arizona gardener
unwilling to admit defeat.
I try and grow almost everything
in spite of the searing heat.
My spinach comes pre-wilted.
My corn comes already popped.
My carrots and beans
are parboiled.  It seems
I have a talent for producing
already hot potatoes!
(and pleaseohpleaseohplease)
Let’s not talk about tomatoes!
I guess not a total waste,
to pick fresh tomatoes that are already paste!
I’m an Arizona gardener
and I might have to admit true defeat!
Which works out well ‘cuz each Saturday
there’s a farmers market
(obviously high altitude grown)
on the corner of every street.
post signature


Amy said...

Ahahahaha! Gotta love the farmer's markets. And when you need mashed potatoes in a hurry, just run out to the garden, right?! Love love love this!

Theresa said...

Oh girl, I can't wait for some fresh veggies;). Hugs to you dear friend.

Anonymous said...

I love going to our local farmer's market in the summer.

Janie Junebug said...

Very cute.


Judie said...

my cabbages are glorious! tomatoes are my next attempt!

Anita said...

At least you're trying! But yes, a good ol' farmer's market is a great alternative.

Love the whimsy in your poem. :)

Lynn said...

Is it wrong that I read this to a rap beat??? Cute poem and best of luck with the AZ gardening:@)

Annesphamily said...

I love the Farmers Markets! I love tomatoes! Sigh! Waiting for Springtime!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This poem was a treat....a nice hot treat!

Susan Anderson said...


thank heaven for Farmer's Markets!
