Yesterday morning...
I walked across the newly watered grass planning to harvest peppers, cucumbers and some big green tomatoes for lunch...
...only to discover my garden had been ransacked...
By a 30 pound weiner dog...
Who had head-butted the garden gate open in obvious protest of us only feeding him twice a day.
The only veggies remaining in the garden were some 8 ball squash which are obviously not pleasing to a weiner dog palate...
And a bunch of hot peppers which were obviously less pleasing to the weiner dog palate as indicated by the pile of ummm.... doggie ... ummm... throw-up filled with the crunched up remains of quite a few of them.
I'm hoping this little metal loop will discourage further 'salad bar' snackings...
...And I'm hoping I don't pass out from all this...
Sounds like Oskar is on a health kick !
I didn't even think dogs knew vegetables were food!
Oskar chomped on the peppers? Guess that really does make him a "hot dog" Bahahaha, I crack myself up sometimes. Kat
Your garden looks wonderful. I'm so jealous. Mine bit the dust last week when temps hit 29. Good luck keeping the dog out.
You would have though Oskar would have learned to behave himself after the licking incident but I guess not! LOL I would have loved to have seen his face after he ate those hot peppers! I don't imagine he'll be going anywhere near those again! LOL
oh what a bummer, your garden looks fantastic though!
Hi Jenny,
Now who would think a dog would raid your garden?? That is too funny, course, probably not to you if you had plans for eating them!! but funny that the dog would eat them.
Maybe he is a vegetarian dog!!! lol
Think you might have to change his diet??
Really can't believe he ate hot peppers, oh my!!
Hope your lil fix for the gate works. He sounds like a pretty smart cookie. We had a long haired dachsund years ago, and he was a delightful pet, so I bet Oskar is too!!
Have a great day, and hope your foodie doesn't find a way over the garden gate. Your garden looks marvelous by the way!!
blessings, Nellie
Oskar is one determined canine. Happy Monday! La
Oh come on Jenny, who can pass up a free salad bar? Love Di ♥
Salad was his snack...at least he picked something healthy!!!
Have a great one!!! :-)
And I thought dogs were supposed to be carnivores.
Obviously yours has other plans.
Oh POOR Jenny, you got to go buy some salad fixins at the store like the rest of us:)
Hope you got the situation with the sneaky weiner dog rectified! Perhaps you are not adding enough roughage in the diet down there:) doggy roughage, that's the solution!
Wow! He sounds like a goat not a dog.
I'm glad he at least got his serving of veggies. But you do realize, don't you, that he'll now be able to leap over that fence with his veggie-nourmous strength.
Oh my a Veggie Dog that likes to garden how brilliant you are so blessed.
Just think no weeding needed
Oh I say Tomarto I know there is no R in it but hey we speak proper queens English here in UK
Just like I have a BARTH
That Oskar is a funny, funny weiner dog. I can picture him saying "I can't believe I ate the whole thing".
oh Oskar...what a spicy little fellow you are...
Well not eating hot peppers was smart! sandie
A weiner dog named OSKAR?? I LOVE IT!!!
You have a beautiful garden though!!! Sorry about the ransack..bummer
I do love your dog!! LOL :o)
Oh no! Your wonderful vegetable garden and all that hard work, you must have been heartbroken.
That is one very hungry dog - but at least he is trying to eat healthily :-)
By the way, you say Tomato and I say Tomaahto :-)
I don't know - I think you should actually be praising Oskar for making good food choices.
Oskar needs his veggies! :)
Last spring, Ozzie and Cocoa ate every tomato off my plants. They are lucky to be alive today.
Only twice a day huh? Wahahahaha! I've got one of those too. She is as wide as she is long. I think she was born that way too. "Baby Dootlebutt Begger" we like to call her. Constantly whines at the pantry door. How she knows there's edible stuff in there beats me! She's never done the puke and run on us though. Yewwwuck!!
On a side note, some fried green tomatoes sounds good! I soak slices in vinegar and them coat them in flour and fry em up. A little salt and pepper to taste. Oh I made my self hungry. Gotta go to the veggie market now. Toodle-loo! ~Ames
He was just showing you he knows what healthy food choices are!
I know you are probably not laughing right at the moment but this is truly hysterical! Gotta love those little fur babies...they really keep us on our toes don't they?
Naughty puppy!But at least he doesn't like cheese....my cats attack me whenever I try to enjoy cheese!
Now, THAT'S funny. A dog who covets veggies. Maybe he's a vegan at heart.
My Tate is the same way!! I recommend that you leave sweet Oskar outside for a few hours!!! Sometimes Tate can clear a room after going to the salad bar!
Uh, oh!! Sounds like Oskar may have gotten himself in a bit of trouble. You may have to start giving him a few veggies with his twice a day meals. Hope your idea for the gate works and you have no more garden raids.
Your garden is beautiful!! All those plants are so pretty, green and healthy looking.
Oh my! well, at least he ate them...my dog would've just lifted a leg (had he got in there) and I'm afraid we may never had known!!
oh yuck, now I'm thinking
'bigger fence'.
Dogs eat vegtables??????
Who would have thought the dog would like veggies? Now he needs some chocolate. JUST KIDDING!!! Sheesh, you didn't think I was serious, did you? You need the chocolate. He ransacked your garden, there is nothing left for you to do but eat the leftover Halloween candy. Sheesh. It is all the dog's fault. :)
Funny! Head butting is something my Scottie girl knows well. Hubs put up french door to the great room to help with the heating bills this winter. The button latches at the top of the doors are adjustable and every time we think we have them right Ladybug shows us otherwise. Headbutting her way into the room where she does not think the doors should be closed.
hilarious!!! Oskar sounds like he had quite a little feast ... till it all came back ...
I don't know if that would make me cranky or happy that I didn't have to work in the garden anymore!!!! Your garden still looks so pretty, while here in the NW there is nothing but rot and stubble!!!!
Thanks for the comments...I'm sure you'll get an invitation to the next concert!!!! (he won't tell me about it, but he does tell others!!)
Have a great week Jenny!!
Just dropped by to say thanks for your vote. The bonus was I got to read your funny tale of your dog. Hope he didn't suffer any lasting ill effects.
This is a very lush and prosperous garden, even for pets.
LOL...sounds like my grandpuppy Abbey, my son got his yard landscaped last week, two plants ( 15 gallon mind you) are gone!!!!! LOL And yes, we aaaaaare going to have a stress free holiday....even if it drives us nuts! :):)
Sounds like he needed his greens....Your garden still looks great! Happy Nov 1!
Precious' favorite vegetable is romaine! The only veggie she won't eat is boiled okra. Who would have thought that little Oskar wooul raid the vegetable patch??
I had dog problems of my own today. Read my latest post, hot off the press!
Glad someone is eating his veggies. JDaniel hasn't wanted to eat them lately.
Our dog loved vegetables too. Always gated off the garden to keep the rabbits and woodchucks out. I don't think she even realized the veggies grew there. She seemed to think they grew in the fridge.
Oh no -- a vegetarian weiner dog!? Bad Oskar for eating all of Momma veggies!!
Seriously, your garden looks so lush and pretty, Jenny! I know your nice weather is coming while our winter is coming. Enjoy it!
♥ Pat
Ahh, sorry to hear about your 4-legged thief. Our new dog has destroyed every plant in the backyard, and the Mrs. has conceided the property to doggie.
how many green tomatoes did he manage to pork down....silly weiner dog.
ooo....oh....no! I wonder if that silly weiner dog would be so inclined to much there again....
PS: wonderful, lush garden!
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