Friday, June 24, 2011

Indulge me...

I had some funny things to write about...


Mr. Jenny and I have our Grandlittles for a few days...


...he took some pictures of them...


I can't help it.

Here they are.

...and not nearly as cute...

Here's a before and after of my newest tattoo-style painted table!

...and that's all I've got for today!

I'm off to watch Flubber!

Happy Friday!

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Sharon said...

They're all so pretty! Go...enjoy them and we'll see you after their visit! Nice table. I'm not familiar with "tattoo" style...

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Your table is gorgeous but your grandlittles are the ones making me smile ear to ear!

Terra said...

they are so so so adorable Jenny....I don't know how you can stand it when they aren't with you!!! And the table - WOW! WOW!!

Anonymous said...

The table looks great! The girls look so happy and ready to swim. Are you sure you weren't going to watch Flipper and not Flubber. It would fit the swimming theme.

noexcuses said...

Your grandlittles are so adorable! I'll bet they are so much fun!

Flubber or Flipper, I like them both. The girls will love it!

Thanks for checking in on me. I'm fine; just a little busy. I'll be back. You're so thoughtful!

dawn said...

Forget the table,.,,
The eldest (assuming that is the first photo) looks like my (once) little red head looked at that time. I posted photos of her a couple times this week. Anyhow - those girls are priceless!! You are blessed woman!! Ohhhhhhhh, how I want grandbabies! Enjoy Enjoy!! And thank you so much for sharing what has to be your hugest joy!

Kiddothings said...

They're all very pretty - including that table. Did you paint that table yourself? I would buy it if I saw it here.

Jocelyn said...

You are so blesses...those girls are just adorable....OK can you share just one with me!!!!

Love your table.......You are so talented!!!!! That turned out awesome!!!

Wishing you a great weekend sweet friend!!!

vivian said...

Have fun with those absolutely BEAUTIFUL grandlittles! I know you will!
table looks awesome too!
happy weekend

Theresa said...

Sweet pictures of your grandlittles:) I just love their sweet smiles...

AND that table, Jenny, you are so talented! I LOVE IT!

Enjoy your day with Flubber:) HUGS!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

These gorgeous girls just keep growing up don't they. Soooooo cute! Oh and the table looks great also! Enjoy your day! hugs, Linda

Willoughby said...

The girls are sooooo cute! I'm sure they're happy to spend time with Grandma!

I love your latest tattoo project!

Little Messy Missy said...

I am fond of red heads! The table is awesome!

Jeanie said...

Very cute pictures of your beautiful girls....all summer smiles.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those girls are just gorgeous.....lovely smiles!
I LOVE your tattoo table!!!!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

What precious Grand-Little's!


Gentle hugs,

Rachael West said...

You're girls are adorable, brag away! And Jenny that TABLE - whoa I really need a tutorial on how you do it... pretty please?

Oh and you won one of my giveaways this week :o) head over when you can... you know after flubber.

Judie said...

Jenny, you are definitely on to something here. I want to know just where you are finding all these great pieces to tattoo! You are just a wonder!!!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

fabulosity plus!!!!

Ms Sparrow said...

I love the shots of your red-headed grandkids. As redheads become more rare, I've begun to appreciate them all the more. The freckles are just a bonus!

ellen b. said...

Ahhh...your grandgirlies are so cute! You really did a great job on that table!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Those girls have the prettiest hair... Enjoy your weekend!

Lorrie said...

Your grandlittles are growing up. They are such beautiful girls with their big smiles and red hair. Enjoy every minute with them.

Love the table - you're an artist!

Jo said...

such beautiful grands ... you are blessed .... and oh my gosh i am loving all of your tattoo furniture ... too cool!

J said...

haha awww. that's adorable. i used to love flubber... i tried to watch it again when it came on tv and all of it was just not my humor anymore... but i could sit through it with some cute kids, i'm sure. :)

Ms. A said...

The Grandlittles are amazing, enjoy them while you can... they grow up fast!

The table!!! Good job!

Melinda said...

The Grands are adorable!!!!!
the table is to die for. How did you do that? You are GOOD!


Ames said...

Your grandlittles are so beautiful and adorable. The table is way cool. You are super talented Jenny!Stay cool!~Ames

Unknown said...

BEAUTIFUL! Your grands and that table!

H said...

Grrrr! Pixie nicked my comment :)


Shay said...

I'm always willing to indulge a besotted grandparent since I'm one myself. They are the cutest little girls Ive seen !Talk about photogenic.

Im loving the new tattoo table too!(say that 7 times fast...)

Anonymous said...

Adorable grands and beautiful table. Another job well done on the table. Hugs

Pondside said...

The table is great - you could have a serious business with this!
Your grandgirlies are lovely. I have two perfectly adorable grandsons, but would secretly love to have a granddaughter - but it seems a little greedy of me to express that!

Just Add Walter said...

oh my, the girls are stunning!!

And seriously, your table is AMAZING!

La said...

The girls are so precious, Jenny. Enjoy tgheir visit and Flubber.

I love the table!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Beautiful granddaughters! Your table is so cute. laurie

Christy said...

oh they are adorable!

Vicki/Jake said...

Just peekin in for a quickie:) Love the littles and the tattooings! You're just awesome....

Unknown said...

Your grandlittles are so cute :)

And your table looks fabulous! Wow, you're really on a roll with the whole furniture tattooing :)

MrsJenB said...

How. Adorable. Are. They????

Who could blame you for dedicating space to photos of those gorgeous little ladies??

Amy said...

Jenny - they are gorgeous! And Julia is practically marrying age
! [wink, wink]