Friday, June 24, 2011

Within the Stone - Week 59 Saturday Centus

Jeff wrote the prompt this week for week 59 of Saturday Centus. Thank you Jeff! I'm not totally sure this works, but it's all I could think of on Friday afternoon before the linky shuts off! The prompt is in bold. Click here to read other links using this prompt.


I’m done excavating for
included inclusions.
I’m moving ahead now
despite my illusions
that I am the only one,
wounded and flawed.
My heart’s begun healing
including inclusions.
I’m packing this baggage
and done with delusions.
I see now that all of us
Are wounded and flawed.
Within the stone of my heart
excluding inclusions,
I think that I’m finding
I’m losing confusion.
My must you judge that I’m
wounded and flawed?
What makes you think you aren’t
wounded and flawed?

post signature


Ms. A said...

Excellent! And you couldn't have picked a better day for this, after the day I've had.

Dazee Dreamer said...

beautiful. exactly how I feel.

Anonymous said...

We all are. We just don't admit it.

Jo said...

great observation Jenny ... we all have our flaws and faults and issues and baggage ... most just don't have the guts to deal with it or admit it.

21 Wits said...

Very nicely put Jenny...we are all wounded and flawed for sure! ...even when we don't want to admit it.....excellent view on the first it was like oh yeah..but it was a bit of a tricky one! Have a great weekend!

Nonna said...

Outstanding Jenny !
The thoughts contained in this true and YES, it works perfectly !

Judie said...

Sweet Jenny, we are ALL flawed. You know my favorite quote from Kahlil Gibran--"The deeper sorrow carves itself into your being, the more joy you can contain." If we had not been wounded, if we were not flawed, his message would mean nothing to us.

Unknown said...

Great write! It speaks to me.... I should let it speak to some others also:-)

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Jenny, this is my first time to link to Sat. Centus. I hope I did it right. Your poem is awesome. It makes me want to run remove the link for my little story! Thank you for hosting. laurie

Pat Tillett said...

That is not just good for a spur of the moment write, it's good under any circumstance! said...

Wow, Jenny, I love this poem - the way you play with "ion" words in a fun and deeply meaningful way, and the repetition of "wounded and flawed". It's awesome!

Tgoette said...

Wonderful job, Jenny! Very thought provoking and deep, and so well written as well! You nailed it!

Rek Sesh said...

If this is a spur on the moment poem then I can only imagine the level of expertise when you polish your work.
All of us have our flaws and wounds...some pretend to be perfect some hate admitting it.

Deborah said...

Brilliantly done!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

This could be set to music and be a theme song for so many of us who have reached a certain age and lived through our share of, uh, life.

It's also very clever use of words, know I love the turn of a good phrase.

You be's a genius.

jeff campbell said...

So, as Simon and Garfunkel and Frank Zappa suggest, we are like rocks, which 'includes' me and you ;-) Superb!! Peace and blessings

summersundays-jw said...

Love this! I think it's true for most of us but sometimes you just get too tired to deal with it. Maybe tomorrow. Jan

summersundays-jw said...
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