Tuesday, June 21, 2011

J is for Jealousy

Jealousy - that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.

Havelock Ellis

This quotation was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "J". To see other J links, just click here.

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Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Oooh good one!!! Very true!!

Pondside said...

Too, too true. It's such a waster of energy!

Unknown said...

That's fabulous! I'll have to remember that one:-)

Anonymous said...

She so needs another little boy to come along.

ellen b. said...

Love the photo as much as the quote! Fabulous....

Dazee Dreamer said...

Oh Jealousy. I could write a whole book on that one. And no, it wouldn't be an autobiography. :)

jenn said...

the aggies have used this photo on tee-shirts. the girl getting kissed is an aggie. the girl getting dissed and dismissed is a longhorn. and i think underneath it it says you've got the right one, baby. i think i've got a picture of it somewhere. i'll send it to you.

Betty said...

The picture is priceless!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I adore that photo Jenny!!!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Oh I love that...works perfectly!

Ames said...

Well she certainly has a sour look of disdain on her little face. Is that what the green meanie looks like? Too cute! Great "J" post!~Ames

Amanda said...

That's true.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Lovely quote and great photo!

Judie said...

I've seen that photo on a greeting card. It always makes me smile.

According to my brother-in-law, my sister was always very jealous of me, and I just could not figure out why! She had lots of money, a beautiful home, and traveled all around the world. Jealousy is hard to understand sometimes.

Cheryl D. said...

I think jealously is also the dragon hiding under my bed when I hear about bloggers doing cool things like getting paid big bucks to write a sponsored post or being treated to spa treatments or trips to resorts.

Just saying!

lissa said...

cute pic! the girl he is not kissing must have punch him after the kiss or at least push him or give him more dirty looks.

have a lovely day.

lissa said...

mmhhh? did I just express my jealousy???

La said...

Cute picture.

jabblog said...

That photograph is priceless!

storybeader said...

what a cute pic! And telling quote! {:-Deb

jen said...

That picture is HILARIOUS! My daughter makes that same face.

Unknown said...

Such a cute photo :) E makes that face too whenever I spend time with her daddy :)