Monday, April 9, 2012

Holiday hoarding...'s not a bad thing.


I had to wonder, though, when our sweet little Mo tried to give me all our plastic eggs after an Easter egg hunt Mr. Jenny and I took her and her sisters to.

We had braved hoards of people to take them to a commercial egg hunt at a place called Golfland.

"Grandma, you should keep my eggs," she said sweetly after emptying them of unnecessary plastic objects.

"Mo, you keep them, they're your eggs," I told her.

"No, Grandma. You need them. You have an Easter bunny collection...

and a chick collection and a lamb collection..."

"You keep them. You can start a plastic egg collection with them."


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Unknown said...

Aren't kids just the best???? They don't know yet of the adult games people play...she just wanted you to have something else! lol Hope your day was wonderful....Hugs, Sandy

Dazee Dreamer said...

ummm, Jenny, did it look like that bunny was in a straight jacket. Just wondering what kind of easter egg hell you took your grandkids to. :)

Slamdunk said...

You all are more courageous than we are. The egg hunts are confined to the backyard here.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

That is rich! And oh so revealing! I love children. They keep us humble, don't they? Thanks for the laugh!

Jo said...

adorable, totally adorable!!! said...

Jen, the bunny's eyes looked a little glazed over. I would've been a tad scared of sitting on his or her lap.

You just keep the eggs to re-hide things in for the next year.

myletterstoemily said...

out of the mouths of babes!

Perfectly Printed said...

Too funny!! Out of the mouths of babes!!


Ms. A said...

How thoughtful of Mo! You can always save them for next year... and the next... and the next. She'll be grown soon and won't care a thing about eggs, enjoy it while you can.

Unknown said...

shes encouraging you to be a hoarder...either that or she is going green and wants to pawn them off on you! what a sweetheart....

Cheryl said...

Holy crap! I remember when I used to save them for 'next year' and then couldn't find where I'd so carefully hidden them.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel reloaded his eggs at home and held his own hunt for himself.

Wanda..... said...

Alivia attended a public egg hunt on Saturday, but we still had to hide a few here in the yard on Easter. I must have two hundred or more plastic eggs in storage, left over from all the years of nine g'kids leaving them here. I need to think of another purpose for them....or visit the recyle bin!

Theresa said...

Oh I thought you were talking to me:) I always hit the clearance section after the holidays and stock up for MANY years to come! CUTE pictures of the kiddos:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Judie said...

Have I ever told you about my Mardi Gras bead collection??? At least 50 lbs of plastic! Are you coming to Tucson???? Let me know!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet girl! I don't think all hoarding is bad. You can still walk through the house, right?

Ms Sparrow said...

Beware of the impulse to start another collection! The darn things will start to take over your life!

H said...

Do you think she might be wondering if they might magically fill up again in time for next year if left at your house?

Ames said...

I've got my grands trained to empty their baskets, dump their recycled grass into a bag and return, baskets, grass and empty eggs to me.

Hope your Easter was a blessed day!~Love ya, Mean it!~Ames

Unknown said...

LOL... leave it to the kids to point out some of our funny little habits and... collections:-)

Susan Anderson said...

oh boy



Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I hope you and your family had a very Happy Easter, Jenny!

Since I am now in the process of giving away to whoever will take them many of my Mother's "collections" I have decided that I'm not going to collect anything myself anymore Simplify is my new motto! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think she's adorable. I love when kids surprise us and share. It shows you are SPECIAL in their eyes.

Anonymous said...

I think she's adorable. I love when kids surprise us and share. It shows you are SPECIAL in their eyes.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Mo sees the potential for an exceptional Grandma opportunity!!! She'll go far in this life! Heeehehehe!!!

I collect bunnies, bears, angels and snowmen...Hi, my name is Nezzy and I might be a hoarder too! :o)

Loved the sweet pics Miss Jenny.

God bless and have a splendid day!!! :o)

anitamombanita said...

sweet how they're so sensitive to your "needs". :)

Naperville Now said...

makes sense to me :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

She is so funny. AND smart!

Rachel said...

Too cute!

You can always tell her that us women already have a collection of eggs.

Oops, that's me off on a tangent :)