Welcome to week ONE HUNDRED and two of Saturday Centus.
I had some thoughts to change the direction of this challenge but I haven't formulated exactly how to do it yet!
In the meantime...
Let's go a little deep this week.
In movie speak let me give you some motivation for this weeks prompt.
You finally, finally have a chance to ask one of the questions that has nagged you all your life.
And you can ask the question of anyone...living or dead.
Your question can be truth or fiction and you don't have to divulge which you are writing about.

The prompt this week is: "Why oh why oh why..."
Number of words: 100 PLUS the five words of the prompt for a maximum word count of 105
Style of writing: Query
Pictures: As many extra pictures as you like
The regular restrictions apply: PG, no splitting of the prompt, play nicely and visit the other entries, any style or genre of writing you prefer.
Please display my link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog.
E-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to link up anytime between now and next Saturday!
I'm up and believe or not, I got the link right the first time.
Thanks for the fun.
Not my favorite prompt of all time. But I will give it a go...
Oh,my, I have to agree with Sue on this one but will try to come up with something...
This one has endless possibilities!!!
Like why oh why did Farm Boy choose this afternoon to work 76 head of feeder cattle. Why, oh why can't I take my bubble bath and watch an afternoon movie instead of donin' the manure stompers and getin' covered in muck! I could go on but I'll spare ya'll!
God bless ya and enjoy your weekend. I'm tryin' here!!! Heeehehehe! :o)
Got mine in yes! Today hubby and I have been married for 27 years! Ouch, I mean yeah, oh happy years, a floating by with ups and down but mostly a blessed life for us all. It also means, dinner by the lake tonight. Enjoy your weekend too Jenny! I hope you like my query! ha ha!
Oh Mrs. Jenny. Why oh why oh why would you do this to us? I'm doing my best to stay caught up from down here at the bottom of the planet. For any Centusians who read these comments, this is my public apology for not reading your entry sooner...it's been hard to get internet time while on the road, but I promise I'll read everyone's pieces soon as I can. OK, I said it. Have a great day/week.
I am going to join in this week! Hopefully many weeks to come as well, I miss these! Thanks for keeping on Jenny!
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