Monday, April 16, 2012

New Grandson!


Don't be mad at me for crying "WOLF!"

Or creeped out for the reason I did.

I don't, officially, have any new Grandlittle pictures to share...

I do, though, have mixed emotions about the picture you will see below.

Our daughter and son-in-law in Oregon are doing a natural child birth...

I wish I would have thought of that idea about 30 years ago...

Okay, I don't really...

Because then there would have been no pain meds available...

...and I am all kinds of a big chicken about stuff like that.

And while this image of my face super-imposed on a little guy standing by some giant chickens is kinda/sorta creepy...this isn't the picture I was talking about.

This is the picture!

I've never seen anything like this before. See his head at the bottom and his hand there on the left underneath...ummm... ummm... the placenta?

I am oddly fascinated by the image but it does make me want to cross my legs.



This was taken on Friday when the parents to be visited the midwife. She painted a picture of the babies position on our daughter's abdomen.

Yes, our Grandson is on the way and if he's patient he might actually hold off coming into this world until my birthday on the 19th! That would be ridiculously cool.

I hope you're not mad at my tricky little title of this post!

I just wanted to share this picture with you, though.

Just the baby one.

The giant chicken one was just me heading off on a tangent for a brief moment.

Bawwwwk, bawwwwk. (that was a chicken noise in case you didn't know!)


PS. If you have a positive thought or a prayer for a safe birth, that would be much appreciated!

post signature


Gail said...

I have to say I have never seen this before. I have had natural childbirth but there was no painting or art involved.

I have one tattoo...DNR across my chest. Kidding!

EllenaElizabeth said...

All the best with the upcoming arrival. We have just been through this for the 1st time 12 weeks ago. There were some major dramas with my daughter's health right up until 6 weeks after the birth, but all is ok now. And through all of it, my daughter kept breastfeeding and the little fella was putting on nearly 3 pounds a fortnight. I wish all of you all the best for a safe delivery and aftercare of the new mother.

Anonymous said...

I am sending prayers!

Unknown said...

But that is a work of art! It's a bit explicit, but I'd personally love to know which bit goes where. I'm a chicken too (I'd rather be put to sleep for ANY medical exam I have to have - including a Mamography). Hope all goes well, and I'll send up a prayer.

Sharon said...

How cool! I'm much more a hippie now than I was when I had children but my daughter is thinking of becoming a doula or birthing coach and I'm sure she'll think this painting is great! She's also a bit of an artist. Many prayers fro a safe delivery and healthy baby! Congratulations!

Terra said...

Oh wishing a super safe, easy and wonderful birth for sure! I have seen painted bellies, but not like, wow!

Theresa said...

OH MY GOODNESS, you crazy lady:) I just love you to pieces! I will MOST certainly pray for a safe birth! Nothing sweeter that little precious babies coming into our lives! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

ImagiMeri said...

All the warmest best wishes and blessed prayers for your soon to be grandchild. Thank you ever so much for coming out to visit me at the show. You and your Mr. Jenny were the only ray of sunshine that day, literally and figuratively. I know that my number one fan is my husband, but he's biased, you are my number one real fan and I cherish you for it. For anyone who reads this comment...Jenny Matlock is a true treasure and I am forever your number one fan.

Love ya' sweetie,

Splendid Little Stars said...

What would Jenny's blog be without tangents?!

The painting is quite something! (I've never heard of doing that before, but it must be very special.) How exciting that the baby is almost here! will say prayers.

Viki said...

What a cool picture, the belly not the chickens LOL. Sending good thoughts to your daughter, son-in-law and you.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Positive thoughts and prayers going out for a safe birth. Can't wait to see the little cutie pie...

ellen b. said...

I'm praying right now for a safe birth and healthy little grand baby! Blessings...

Linda @ A La Carte said...

My daughter did natural childbirth last year and she didn't have a painting on her abdomen...very uh, uh, interesting! Keeping all of you (esp new Grandson and Mommy) in my prayers! Oh an your tangents make me smile. Hugs, Linda

The Poet said...

My dear Jenny,
You have such a wicked sense of humor! I saw the title & came rushing over ready to congratulate you & the proud parents. Instead I see you getting down with the chickens!! (LOL) What a lovely idea to draw baby's position on mom's belly...although it kind of freaks me out a little. Anyway, sending prayers for a safe delivery for both mom & baby. See you later in the week!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh darlin', how cute is that??? My DIL, the Latin' Lovin' Hillbilly used to put wash off tattoos on her tummy to make the Dr. and his staff laugh. Heeehehehehe!

God bless the little fella and I pray that his arrival is a very safe journey for him. Prayers to the Mama too!!!

Have a great week sweetie!!! :o)

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Many positive thoughts your way!

Sandy said...

Sending all the good vibes I
can muster for a safe and happy
delivery of your grandson.. I know
mom and baby will make you, grandma
very proud!
much love

Susan Anderson said...

Praying for a safe delivery and so excited for you, Jenny!


Anonymous said...

Well, that is an interesting picture. I hope everything goes well, and it won't be long before you're sharing a live picture of the new grandlittle!

Ms Sparrow said...

Grandkids are such a joy. Hoping yours arrives soon and in good health!

My Grama's Soul said... artist and a midwife.....what a combo!!! LOL LOL



Ms. A said...

Jenny, one of the most special times in my life was when my first granddaughter was born right here in my house. I wish there had been more options when I was having my kids. Although I had them natural, I was in the hospital.

That would be so awesome if he was born on your birthday... WHAT A BIRTHDAY GIFT!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I am a chicken, too! That is an amazing picture! Um...both of them. Well amusing and amazing- apply as appropriate! I want to thank you for visiting me and I want you to know I feel the same about the way you look at the world...that is I like it. God Bless you, Jenny- you always make me smile!

Moore Minutes said...

Yay! Super exciting for you. I'm a big fan of natural childbirth too. Sending our love to your family. <3

Also, your birthday is a GREAT day. April 19th? Mine is the 17th and Chris' is the 18th! We have our birthdays all in a row, cool!

Naperville Now said...

birth by numbers -- hysterical! Prayers winging your daughter's way.

Charmingdesigns said...

Ok, I had to take a second look at the painting...I thought it was on her, I'm so glad it was on her abdomen

Dazee Dreamer said...

I might be weird, but I really like the painted belly.
They are in my thoughts and prayers and especially that the little guy will wait until your birthday.

Melinda said...

Wishing EVERYONE well with the upcoming birth! Prayers and blessings are being sent also.

Keep us posted. Woo Hoo!!!!!


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I think the photo is oddly cool though, and the happy occasion is quite a joy..Safe journey to this world, little boy!

Wanda..... said...

Hope that little boy arrives safely on your Birthday, Jenny...what a joyful gift that would be.

Slamdunk said...

Your growing family is in my prayers Jenny.

Cheryl D. said...

May the birth be safe and pain-free (personally, give me an epidural any day! LOL).

Pondside said...

Oh yes - a prayer tonight for a safe birth. A new grandchild would be an amazing birthday present.....but those little ones are on their own timeline!

H said...

A prayer, yes. Definitely!

If that midwife is as good at delivering babies as she is at art, your daughter is going to be in super safe hands!

Judee said...

Oh, thank goodness! At first I thought it might be a tattoo! Yikes! Imagine living with that forever? And of course, all my good wishes for a safe and natural birth.
-Judee (writetuit)

Gattina said...

I have seen graffitis everywhere on walls, doors, windows, streets, but never on a round belly ! The midwife is a real artist of modern art !
I wonder what the grandlittle will say of his portrait when he is grown up, hahaha !

Unknown said...

Ok, that is a little weird and kinda cool... the belly painting that is... ok that chicken picture too:-) Always positive thoughts in the cosmos for you & yours Jenny! That baby will be healthy and happy for sure with you as his grandma:-)

21 Wits said...

Oh so sweet....and two more days to go if baby can make it till Grandma's B-Day! I do like what you're wearing in that darling picture with the chickens, are they P.J.'s? Ha ha!

I get the same feeling looking at the last baby-is here image, but how creative is that! If they had a little one to share it sure would help them understand where baby is right now. Thanks for sharing this!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Wow! An artistic midwife! Very interesting. I've said a prayer for mother and baby. I'm so forgetful that I'm also going to wish you a happy birthday now. I'll never remember to come back over here on the 19th! laurie

Busy Bee Suz said...

I just hope that is not permanent ink.
Congrats on the new baby....prayers for baby and the mama too!

Unknown said...

I had a semi-natural birth but only because they had to use medication on me to keep my blood pressuring from sky rocketing at the last minute. To be honest, the pain was so bad that I started to imagine things in my head that wasn't really happening. Then again, that's just me :)

Congratulations on the soon-to-be-here grandson!