Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Random Easter-ness

We couldn't all be together this year, but it was a good Easter...in spite of the demented bunny at Golfland!

The very, very best thing was...

...after our Grandlittles hunted for eggs at my parents house, the girls told me to go inside...

...and then they hid the Easter eggs for me!

No pictures to memorialize my excited dash (okay, it was more like an excited walk!) to find them...

...but I'm still smiling at how wicked sweet those little girls are!

Tomorrow I shall perhaps regale you with a story of my trip to the acupuncturist. I would have liked to hide from a few of the needle insertions...but...


You gotta take the good with the bad in life.

Or so I've been told!

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Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I love your Easter randomness girl, it looks like ya'll had the best of times!!!

Those precious pictures say it all!

God bless and enjoy your evenin' sweetie.

BTW: 'Received a couple cards in the mail. Thanks for both of us :o)

noexcuses said...

I love Easter! My kids (19-27) still want to hunt eggs, so I hide them and almost immediately forget where I hid them. I put money in with certain eggs, which motivates them to find the eggs!

Looks like you had a great holiday! Your grandlittles are so cute!

summersundays-jw said...

Oh, what would we do without those Grands!!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Your Grandlittles are so sweet. I now know how wonderful it is to have their love! Hugs, Linda

Jeanie said...

It looks like you had a lot of Easter perfection....I would have loved to see a pic of you "running" for your eggs.

anitamombanita said...

So glad that your move didn't take you far from your grands, cuz they sure are cute!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

That's what it's all about...spending time with the family. The kiddos are adorable!

Stef said...

Such sweet little ladies you have.

Ames said...

So glad to see and hear you had a great Easter. We had such fun watching the boys hunt eggs. Everytime one would find one Miss Lily would throw her hands up in the air and cheer. Ya know...I think she will be a cheerleader.:)

Pondside said...

That looked like a lot of fun! You and those girls are storing up memories!

Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

I enjoyed this post...
and the photos...
sounds like such a good time...
too bad you didn't hand a kid a camera and see what they came up with ...besides a photo of your behind ! I'll bet they were very tricky and clever hiding your eggs.
Siggi in Downeast Maine

Ms. A said...

Your grands are going to have the best memories! Mine should have a grandmother like you, instead of the one they got stuck with.

vivian said...

awww! They love their grammie!
Im glad you had a nice easter with your family. I bet those girls make everyday special!

Terra said...

I just adore your family....the needles you speak of - not high on my list!

Anonymous said...

I love that you got your own hunt!

Wanda..... said...

All of my family couldn't be together either this Easter, but we hid eggs for Alivia...one a little too good!

Willoughby said...

It looks like everyone had a blast!

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

Looks like a great time was had by all...we postponed Easter and our son's birthday until my hubby is home and we can all be together...a little late but together is better!

Susan Anderson said...

Love that they're looking out for their grandma!


PS. Do you think the acupuncture helps?

H said...

It looks like everyone had a grand time :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Looked like your grandlittles all had fun, and the eggs were fantastic looking.

You must had fun finding yours..

Betty said...

I guess there's no hiding Easter Eggs in the grass there. I bet the kids had fun hiding the eggs for you! I'm sorry you need to try acupuncture. Hope you're feeling OK now.

Please send me your address!

Gattina said...

Looks as if you had a lot of fun. My 15 months old Grandson Toby had also to look for eggs (we used plastic eggs) little toy bunnies and fluffy chicks and hid them (not too much) and then he went around with his little basket and found everything, lol ! Even when they are so young they understand quickly !
Thanks for all your comments !

Busy Bee Suz said...

I would pay cash to see the mad dash...I mean mad walk to find your eggs.
Love all those smiling faces Jenny!