...I'm thinkin' this is pretty much how it would go...
Not that I know for sure...
...but let's just say for instance...
That person...whoever he or she might be would...
Go to take the ornaments off the tree and one would roll under the couch...
And then it would be icky under the couch so they would have to get a broom and dustpan from the garage...
And that part of the garage would be kind of messy so they would take a moment to tidy it up and while they were tidying they would see a bag with a bunch of little kid stuff that they had taken out of the car and forgotten to put away...
So they would have to sort that out and go to put all the little kids books and art supplies away...
And in the process they would see that the rest of the kids books were all messed up...
And in the midst of the books they would find some coloring books which are obviously not supposed to be there...
So they would take the coloring books to the art supply stuff where they would not only find the new stuff they just left there from the garage but also a mess in the old stuff which would require tidying up and they would also find several pairs of little girls socks that would need to go to the laundry room...
Where there would be a load of laundry reading to go into the washer and another load ready to be hung out to dry...
And after they hung out the clothes...
... they might realize that they were getting tired so they would go make themselves a cup of tea and then go lay on the couch with it to watch a re-run of Iron Chef...
And then their significant other would come out to the living room and say "gee, I thought you were taking down the tree."
I'm just saying that technically something like this could happen to someone who may or may not have ADD.
Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs
4 days ago
Oh Jenny, This happens to me all of the time, it is why I am always exhausted!
Love Di
I'm not kidding...as I took down the Christmas decorations, I washed a load of clothes, switched 2 lamp shades in my livingroom and kitchen, put chocolates in the candy dishes, organized a closet, and took photos of the sky.
Does it mean we're free to do what we want or that women have to much to do?
I have a girlfriend who talks like that
I am craning my neck around just SO....looking for the hidden video camera in my house!!!!
I finally got mine done...it only took 4 days and surprisingly..the entire house got cleaned in the midst of that. A.D.D has its upside you know.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog from Suz's. Such a pleasure to meet you and I was laughing while reading about myself!!!!!!! I hope you'll visit again and I look forward to following you in 2010!
What can I say...guilty!
Gee, it sure didn't take long for you to figure me out! : )
Be well! ~Andrea~
Oh yes, I know that round and round!!!!
Thanks for the laugh.
It's best to make tea and rest and watch Iron Chef in the middle of such hard work!
And yes, this happens to me all the time. I'm always "busy", never accomplishing anything. What a pattern! Great description!!
Thanks also for the blog visit. I shall follow here also. Your PKW (below) about did me in, but at the same time it filled me with hope. Blessings to you and yours! -Tammy
this happens to me every time i clean my house. it's frustrating but i'm glad to know i'm in good company!
Loved that you visited my blog. You are welcome anytime. By the way, you are a great writer! Funny. The story about the margaritas is hilarious. You sound fun!
LOL I began the whole process today and was distracted a million times. More to do tomorrow!
Hey, Jenny.. I FINALLY blogged about the lucious lemons you sent to me tonight!! I have been enjoying them so much! Thanks again!
Jenny: That sounds like me, which explans a lot of things. You are always so witty. Wishing you the best God has for you this new year. Blessings, Martha
Technically but I really doubt that happens to anyone...especially a woman...who's technically multi-faceted and and smart and witty all at the same time...Never happens ~wink
so easily distracted, usually it is bright shiny things for me :D
Hey, I thought that's how it goes...Spring cleaning and Christmas cleaning... or versa visa or whatever...see, the ADHD is EVERYWHERE! Love your humor Jenny (O:
Jenny, all my days are like this, thanks for making me feel normal. Have a great Sunday.....:-) Hugs
Were you lurking outside my windows, taking notes?!
I'm guessing we have this in common....just a guess......
ROTF LOL!!! Um, I think I kinda of sorta know "someone" like that "someone" you speak of. LOL!!!
Hugs ♥ Teresa
Oh gracious me oh my my oh mercy! Yes, 'Aunt Amelia' is with you, on this! LOL. I never seem to be able to complete one thing, without thinking of another thing to do, first.
-le sigh-
Even as simple a thing as to sit down in my comfy chair for a while.
-le sigh-
Have you considered starting a "12 Step Program" for such as we?!? ,-)
How funny, Jenny.... Don't you think we all are part ADHD??? But--of course, back in MY day (a hundred years ago), we had no idea what that was!!!!! SO--we just sucked it up and went on about life the best way we could --with none of those 'modern' excuses for the way we did things!!!! ha
I'm a first timer here --and am here from Pat's blog (NYC)... I'm glad I found you. I will be back. Hope you check my blog out also...
Great post!! Mt grandson has ADHD so I complet4ely "get it". ANd you are my fist NEW blog friend in 2010. :-)
Love Gail peace.....
You are one funny lady! This happens to me too because there is always so much to do. I eventually get back to the project I started! I hope you win yourself a pair of boots and thanks for coming by to visit!
Oh my goodness, I'm rolling on the floor laughing right now. Between this and the almost alcoholic post, I'm sitting here cracking up. Yep, 2 margaritas in a year would pretty much double my comsumption also. I'm so happy that I found your blog through Pat (isn't she the neatest?) Your post on your daughter truly brought tears to my eyes. As someone struggling with a family member with an alcohol abuse problem I know how despondent it can make you. And to have to watch your child suffer this way, unimaginable. Blessings to you and your family, and praying that she stays on this sober path. And once again, I'm so thrilled to have found your blog! Kathy
Your mom said to stop by and pay a visit so here I am!! Great blog. I live here in Mesa, also. Love the Arizona desert; hate the heat that's coming since Christmas left. :(
Wait! You forgot the part where you sat down at the computer while you were bagging and boxing up the ornaments. Or wait, was that me? Oh yeah, and I was on my way to the dryer to get a load of laundry out. See you!
ADHD has such negative connotations, don't ya think? My friend SweetMelissa and I refer to this as "But first...disease." I'm going to take down the Christmas tree, BUT FIRST I need to clean under the couch.....you see how it works? Of course you do!
Hilarious...so not like me at all! ;) Thanks for stopping by!
Girl you are CRACKIN' me up!! Too funny! This senerio sounds familiar, but the details a little different. At least this one doesn't envolve a cooking catastrophe. I've had more than one for this exact reason. As I type this message I'm cookin', so I better get off and go check out dinner! teehee!
Seriously --- have you been peeking in my window! LOL!
I am sooooo happy you visited me...so I could meet you! Right now, I am laughing so hard! I am truly ADHD...as are so many who commented on this post. You have described my days... The only way I get a project completed is with a list that I check off. Of course, I have to find where I put it!
Jane (artfully graced)
Sounds familiar. That's all I'm admitting to.
Miss Jenny, you will be forever be the one who makes me smile.
Have you ever read "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" or "If You Give A Moose A Muffin"? the moose is my favorite, BTW. They are kids books, having grandchildren, you probably have. But until now, I never realized that the moose and the mouse were ADHD!! LOL.
This sounds like the story of my life. Hey! were you writing about me? I knew it! :)
Oh, see now you're speaking my language. I mean, hypothetically speaking... if that were to happen. ;)
This is so true! :)
I'm staying because I like the music, but I also love this post. So me. so me.
I can't even tell you how much I related to this (remember I'm the one who does yoga at 2 am so I can go back to sleep. I may or may not have ADD as well Only my meds know for sure.
For someone that has it (ME),.....this is the way it is! My head goes one way & my body goes somewhere else. It is frustrating at times, but all you can do is try to laugh and move on the best you know how. Thanks for writing a post that lets us know that we're not alone ;)
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