It's Monday.
I'm not nearly as bored today.
I've found some entertaining things to do while it's my turn driving and that seems to be helping the miles go by more quickly.
Entertaining thing number one: Turn on the seat warmer and cooler alternately while Mr. Jenny is trying to read his book. I like to watch him squirm until he figures it out.
Entertaining thing number two: If I hum at a kind of high pitch noise while NOT moving my mouth AND looking straight ahead like I'm just driving and watching the road.It scares Mr. Jenny. He thinks something is wrong with the car. Ha. Haha!
Yeah. I think we might have been in the car too long.
We did have a great break from Friday night until 7 am Monday morning. The break including Quinn (our new Grandson), visiting kids, driving to the coast, Quinn, seeing the washed up dock from Japan, Quinn, picking (and eating) cherries, Quinn and, oh...ummm...
Playing peekaboo with Quinn, making duck noises at Quinn, holding Quinn AND admiring Quinn's eyebrows which are very expressive.
Now, I am trying to be a gracious passenger while listening to tape 8 (of 10) of a John Grisham book.
We're heading down to Santa Cruz now to visit some friends and un-flat our butts. Mr. Jenny has another meeting tomorrow and I'm going to hang out, hopefully in a non-sitting position for at least 12 hours!
Outside the window there are fields of sunflowers shining at me..
A mountain in the distant spouts grey and purple smoke from a depleting brush fire...
The rough texture of the 505 makes me want to fall asleep...
...but I shall resist.
So I can play with Mr. Jenny's seat heater-thingy...
...and listen to Chapter 28 of the book. The first words spoken were, "The pervert's name was..."
Road trips.
But, hey. It was worth it so far.
And did I mention how sweet little Quinn is?
Just holding and playing peek-a-boo with your Quinn is going to help those miles go smoother - and I love the idea of playing with the hot/cold seat controls...hmmmm - if things get boring on the Alaska Highway I might just give that whirl.
Continue to drive safely...
well it sounds like you are surviving this epic little journey ... keep on enjoying!~
Oh my. At least you don't have little ones, OR ME, in your car saying, are we there yet. mom, mom, mom, mom. Oh texted my friend that went on a 2 hour road trip the whole time like that. Cuz I'm cool like that. :)
Hope you took lots of photos!
I think you did very well for yourself. I know you loved holding the baby and playing with him.
The seat warmer thingy is funny. Wish I had one. Next car. Enjoy the sun in California. Hope you're on a beach today! xo Jenny
Quinn is about all that matters here, flat butt and all.
Poor Mr. Jenny:) My Granddaughter likes to turn my seat heater on and wait for me to notice! Can't wait to see some pictures of Quinn:) I know that he is absolutely precious! Enjoy the rest of your trip, stay safe! HUGS!
Ah, Road Trips!!! Sounds like you know how to entertain yourself. Try the Saturn Cafe when you are in Santa Cruz, just for the experience of it.
Long road trips can be hard on your back side and make your eye lids all droopy, but you have a handle on things I see. I'm not that corridinated to play tricks on my DH while driving. We'd soon find ourselves off the road. For me, it's both hands on the steering wheel. Now, I know you have other things on your mind beside Blogosville, but WHEN you get a chance check out Thank-you McGuffy Ann! cause I left you a little surprise inside my post. ;) Have fun!
Thanks for another great morning giggle! LOVE the seat heat game. LOVE. IT. The high-pitched noise gets second place. I want to see those sunflowers. You might have picked up on the fact that I love sunflowers... ;-)
You and I should road trip together! I love a road trip, and do not have the chip that says, "We must make progress at the fastest possible rate so as to arrive at our hotel by...and there's no deadline because the reservation is guaranteed. Sigh. (I picked that up from you, I firmly believe. Hoping you haven't copyrighted that yet...I find it a very effective communication tool and writing is all about communicating.
Also, I have something for you to do during Mr. Jenny's meetings, or, if you have a smart phone and don't get carsick while looking at it (as I do) then you could join the A-Z Road Trip. Here's the link.
Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!
We just got back from our Oregon trip and I played the entire time with my little guy. It was the highlight of the trip, he kept all of us running in circles!
Have fun.
road trips are the stuff of which memories are made! :)
You are soooo lucky that you have never been on a road trip with Rod. One year, he decided that we were going to drive from Tucson to Key West, and then to Atlanta. Our total round-trip mileage was 7000!! AND I only got to spend a day and a half at the beach. I was livid!!!
As for Quinn, of course he likes you! You are the ultimate grandmother!!
Sounds like you are having a good time! Quinn sounds adoarble. Any pics of this cutie?
Take care and play nice with Mr. Jenny-paybacks know.
Glad you are having a good time...can't wait to see pictures of the little one. :)
Other than the sitting for too long, it sounds like a great trip! I LOVE Santa Cruz. It is one of the most crazy and liberal cities in the country. I take that back..IT IS the most crazy and liberal cities in the country. My son went to UC Santa Cruz and I soon found that that even UC Berkeley is somewhat conservative when compared to Santa Cruz.
Sounds a bit like my family road trip; minus the adorable Quinn to dote on!
ps. I thought my daughter was the only one who says her butt is getting flat. I always hear it when she's sitting and I'm "standing!" and flat ironing her hair.
I want to go on a long car trip just so I can try the humming thing. That makes me laugh a lot! Jenny, you are a mad genius! I hope the unflattening works well, and am so glad you enjoyed your sweet grandbaby. Be safe, and no sleeping during your turn, okay?!
Another journey through the alphabet. Thank you.
Is it bad that I do the SAME thing to my husband with the seat warmer?? Happy tails, I mean trails! :)
Typical road trip...
Except of course, that you got to meet me.
Sounds like you are giving poor Mr. Jenny a hard time! Ha Ha! Be safe and enjoy. Especially the phamily!
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