...cuz Morgan is really steaming now.
Today when I picked her up she said "Gamma, Nadia hit me. Nadia threw sand. Nadia is not a nice girl!"
And I said "Mo, there are a lot of mean people in the world. You just have to stay away from them. Mostly people are mean because they are unhappy. So maybe we should say a little prayer that Nadia will find a way to be happier."
And she said "No, Gamma. No pay. No mean peoples. Only Nadia is mean people. And then proceeded to name each child followed by this statement "is nice people." As in "Cade is nice people. Eisa is nice people. That boy with 'de red shirt is nice people.", etc. etc. etc.
And after I got her lunch ready she finally stopped the litany of the meanness of Nadia and I thought we were done for the day.
Ha! I have underestimated, again, the wrath of a three year old.
After lunch she wanted to play with the Fisher Price Christmas sets before her nap. There are several sets AND 18 reindeer.
The first set of reindeer was originally lost by our oldest Granddaughter. I ordered a replacement set for them at Fisher Price online (did you know this? It's a cool thing.)
Eventually when our sons speakers started making funny noises he had to take them apart and low and behold they were filled with 9 little plastic Fisher Price reindeer.
So we have a lot of reindeer here.
A whole stable of reindeer power for the Fisher Price sleigh.
Where was I going with this?
Oh, yea.
So Morgan is out there mimicking Santa and the elves and making reindeer noises. And then I hear "Dat reindeer is Nadia."
And I go out to see her surrounded by all the good reindeer with one reindeer off by itself. A reindeer with a chewed off ear. Apparently our weiner dog likes to "play" with the FP stuff, too. I ask Morgan to show me the messed up reindeer and she does and then very seriously says "Nadia no have ear Gamma," and looks really solemn.
The rest of the reindeer are whole and happy sitting in Mo's lap. (can you see the little chewed off ear there by Nadia the injured reindeer?) So now Nadia is down an eye and an ear.
She better not pick on Morgan any more on Friday.
I think we are moving into the further dismemberment stage.
2 days ago
Oh my goodness! I cannot wait to hear the rest. Nadia better watch out!
oh, my! that is priceless! you know the saying...hell hath no fury like a three year old scorned. oh, wait...that's not right? well close enough.
Oh my goodness. I love this ongoing story. I can't wait to see what she says next. That Nadia must be one mean little girl.
Love, Love, LOVE your blog! I think we have the same sense of humor!
hysterical - poor morgan, i hope she takes nadia down LOL :D
I am going to pray that Nadia leaves her alone. This is just too much for a little girl to have to deal with. Blessings, Martha
I love how the little ones communicate their feelings through other means...and they don't forget a thing!
Nadia is my hero!
I'm following the story, too!
Have a great day. Shopping done?
There's a children's book in here. Or maybe a book about children for grownups.
You have your hands and your heart full!
Poor Morgan, perhaps Morgans teacher should talk with Nadia's parents.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Love Di
Poor miss morgan, this is sooo funny, I love the kid in red shirt....sounds like a really nice people. hehe....
Oh poor little mean Nadia reindeer. My son once stuff my ex-husbands sub-woofer full of Matchbox cars. Always fun stuff.
I was so glad to see that you had dropped by my blog and left comment! Always a pleasure to meet new friends here on blogger. I too had to smile while reading thru your story, makes me think back to my own kids at that age! Seems long time ago when actually it isn't, as my youngest is "only" 12. Ah Fisher Price, I used to love buying that for the kids!! Hang on to your nerves with the kidlets, Xmas is just around the corner. :-) warm greetings from a very cold Germany, Debby at the Pink Birdhouse
Well, you know what they say about an eye for an eye... Maybe this is Morgan's interpretation. LOL
Okay... so I get home from grocery shopping and this incredibly AWESOME and laugh out loud funny bloggy buddy of mine went and sent me a big ol box of LEMONS!! I laughed and then I read the card, and then I got all teary and emotional over this big ol box of lemons... and now I'm sending my man to the liquor store for Vodka so I can shake up a lemon drop. And planning to make lemon bars... and maybe even a lemon pie... and fish with freshly squeezed lemons... and lemon slices in my hot tea... it goes on and on because the possibilities are endless.
THANK YOU so much for the fun gift! They couldn't have been shipped to a better home!! LOL
You rock.
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