No, I'm not talking about how other bloggers seem to have 1,609 followers with 217 comments per day...
No, of course I don't look at those things when I visit other blogs.
Do you?
I have this blog friend, PJ, who is amazing. I mean, seriously. She is intelligent and funny and kind and compassionate and witty and I would say that when I grow up someday I want to be just like her (but I can't because technically I think I might be kinda/sorta older then her already and we're not talking about emotional maturity on my part here, Missy!)
So, anyway, in addition to being all the things I said above, PJ had one special follower that I have been unable to get out of my mind.
She actually had a body part follower.
Yes...she had a body part follower.
And not just any body part. It was a serious body part.
Oh, don't go running over there to look now because the body part has since been banned from her followers list which I personally assisted her with because I am the master of all things technical related to blogs...(cough, cough)
Darn, be right back!
So sorry. I was choking there after that remark and I had to go get a drink of water.
But I'm better now.
What was I saying? Oh yea, because I am the master of all things technical (cough, cough) PJ asked me how to remove said offending body part follower which I actually knew how to do.
So she followed my step by step methodical instructions (cough, cough) and removed it.
And that should be the end of the story.
But it's not.
Because now I'm thinking to myself "hey, I have never had a body part as follower!"
Sure, you're wonderful and sweet followers and all, but seriously, am I not worthy of a body part follower.
It doesn't have to be a serious body party like PJ could be a

Perhaps I admire that skill even more then having a hoo haw for a follower, if only for a short time.
But secretly perhaps I don't.
Yes, I said it. PJ had a hoo haw for a follower and I didn't. Ever. I never even got an

And I'm not really bitter about this even though it might sound like I am.
But I do feel all cheap and dirty now admitting that I'm envious of PJ and her previous hoo haw fan.
But that's what followers are for, right?
To admit our deepest fears and longings and jealousies.
Even if we aren't admitting them to a hoo haw!
OOOH! OOOH! Let me be the first one to comment!!!
"I laughed! I cried! It was better than 'CATS'!"
Very, very funny! I thought I had that all, ahem, behind me or beneath me.
And that, children, is what today is all about: accepting and welcoming people, er ah things, that may be different than you. have to have something to wish and dream for I guess. Not everyone can be so lucky as to have hoo haw for a follower. I sooo look forward to your posts Jenny- you can always make me smile. Can I ask- how do you get rid of a follower that is not so desirable? Is it difficult? I- obviously- am not so technically skilled :)
No, thanks, no body part followers for me, please! :-P Love it though, what a hilarious post - thanks for the chuckles! -Tammy
Hi, Jenny. Thanks for the comments and following with more than just a body part! To answer your question, the canned pancakes actually tasted very good. (I like anything that is easy, and if my husband is doing the cooking, it's even better!)
I've really enjoyed reading some of your posts. I love your sense of humor... hmmm.... I'm an Aries, too!
Your secret pie crust is incredibly similar to my grandmother's which she titled "Mrs. Halten Hyden's Pie Crust" and uses just 1 teaspoon vinegar. By the way, my grandmother was born in 1901 but don't know when she wrote down her recipe.
Oh Jenny... sometimes I laugh so hard at your posts I can't stop....
I am so glad I know who to go to if that situation ever arises on my blog...
You are hilarious! What an odd thought, a body part follower.
Jenny thanks so much for stoppin' in at my blog.. If you had not paid me a visit i would not have had a very cleansing laugh today.. YOu know the kind.. YOu laugh so hard you pee your pants kinda laugh.. Any way i will keep up with your blog. I feel it may be very intresting...
As a big fan on anatomical.. er.. stuff.. I think it would be great to have a body part follower, as long as it was artfully dissected and had pedagogical merit.
i hope you win the sharpies so you can give yourself your own tattoo - perhaps of a hoo haw LOL :D
Just when I think I've heard of it all....well this was a new one on me. A body part follower! I am laughing so hard I am having trouble typing this. Ok, deep breath, a whoo haa! no wait you said a hoo haw! seeeeee....i'm dying here. Ok, thanks and IF some undesirable hoo haw or whoo haa in my case becomes a follower YOU will be my go to girl.
Well Jenny, I guess there is a first time for everything:) I have not had any body part followers either! She is lucky to have such a smarty pants friend... errr I mean smart friend:) Loved this story! Enjoy your Monday!
You keep me in stitches! Thanks for sharing your wonderful sense of humor, my friend. ~ Sarah
Loved the post.
I can't be a body part follower, but I can be a dachshund follower.
Have a great day in the sunny part of the U.S.
The boys are off today for the holiday and we are cleaning house. I don't think they like their job. *{:o)
OK, Jenny! OK! 'Aunt Amelia' has a bone to pick with you, Hon. You are so cute... That you lost me this time. -sigh-
Now I know, I'm dense at times, and clueless and all that. [After all, I am pretty ancient!] But still, it's not nice to 'lose' me. [She had a "what" for a Follower?!?]
Now unless you want to have to think of Ol'Aunt Amelia over here, sighing and moaning and pouting about not understanding your post... Well, then, I guess you'd better explain it, to me. -pout-
Please. Pretty please. Pretty please with sugar on it.
Well darn, I can't believe I missed that body part follower on PJ's blog! Shoot!
You are so funny and I hope that if I ever get a watchamacallit on my list, that I can depend on you to shoo them away.
I heard about PJ's bodypart follower and I too, for a split second...was jealous!! LOL...definaletly one of the funniest blog stories I've heard!!
Get out... she had a hoo hoo follower, huh? And how did this hoo hoo type? Ya know, to leave comments?
I think a breast would be a nice follower...
Justine :o )
Ha! I'm thinking it's just a matter of time till it happens to you. And when it does - we want to hear about it~!
Thanks for th Sharpie info!!! I just love this post.... you make me laugh.
LOLOLOL! Oh my gosh is someone that bored....I guess so.
That is a riot and Jenny you are a hoot my dear lady. I'm so glad you helped her. If this happens to me I need your help as well okay. :)
hahaha another blogger had this problem, but he kept it... he's a guy so he thought it was hysterical...
oooooooh sharpies. me want! surprise me all the time, I never know what to expect from you...have you always been this funny.
Your: "(cough, cough)" "Darn, be right back!"
...made me laugh out loud when I read it and then again when I typed it.
Thanks Jenny!!!
Seriously?! A hoo haw for a follower?! How does that even happen? Now I want one to follow me just so I can see exactly how it happened. Ha ha! Yea, I'd be jealous too. :-)
Thanks for the visit and I do love my followers.. I am new and love everytime someone visits..That is funny bout the body part but not too.. I will keep an eye out for strange followers.. Looks like you have found some neat giveaways..
I have added you to my sidebar too.
Awe shucks, Jenny.... I don't have a body-part follower either... OR--maybe I should take a closer look at mine. For you see, many of my followers are just "lurkers"---so who knows who they are.
In the meantime, I'll be sure and tell all of the body-parts that I meet --to come and visit you!!!1 Okay???
Hee Haw for the Hoo Haw! How Dang FUNNY!! Wonder who else will have that follower?? Not sure what I'd do if I saw that on my blogs...Well, ok, I'd call you to fix it for me. Course I might have to take a good long peek first..hehe
Thanks for the laugh Jenny. Now I need to go meet PJ..
Congrats to your giveaway winner!
IA body part LOL! I bet it stuck out like a sore thumb...tee heee
Oh my...I think I'll just be happy to keep the followers I have!
We love sharpies as well, my oldest got a big ol' pack of them for Christmas and was so happy.
I remember PJ's HooHaw incident. I think it is funny. I love PJ as well as you Jenny!!
I have an EYE follower! Ha Ha you don't! Love Di
A body part stalker....yucky! You don't really want one of are hysterical, Jenny!
Darling thanks for stopping by my cottage and for the lovely wishes you left behind, much appreciated.
Love & Hugs
dear Jenny, I have a hoo haw, but I will follow you with my heart...the end.
Jenny the party planner: Body parts as followers are not good. Stay away from these kind of people. Someone needs to take care of you. Love, Martha
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I'm glad you did because it gave me a chance to see yours. I like it!! Very funny stuff going on over here:)
what a hoot you are!!! back in my college days when someone was very funny we used to way " they weren't wrapped right" well honey....YOU AREN'T WRAPPED RIGHT" Keep up the funnies, laughter truly is needed in thisi world!
(goes and clicks on the sharpie giveaway so I don't look all stupid and stuff)
Okie Dokie!! Would you like me to get a new account as a body part like maybe a toe nail.
Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
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