Very good. You get an A+ for effort.
So today is Alphabe-Thursday. If you already participate in Linked blog events here's the quick version of what we're doing here.
Each Thursday and Friday use McLinkey to post a comment relative to the letter of the week.
Your post must be somehow tied to the letter (which isn't very hard) but you MUST also put a link back on your post AND visit, at minimum, three other linked posts to be eligible for prizes.
Prizes will be awarded throughout this contest with a grand-prize drawing at the end.
But here is my usual rambling, what-the-heck-is-she talking about explanation.
Honestly, I lied about explaining Alphabe-Thursday on Wednesday because I was briefly diverted by something serious that I wanted to say. Thank you for your wonderful thoughtful comments on that post.
The reason I think it would be fun to try this Linky stuff is: a) we will go visit new blogs and expand our blogging neighborhoods and b) it will give us one day a week where we have a theme to write against and c) I can use the worlds cutest alphabet cards that I received from my adorable cousin Allie and d)you can earn cash and prizes
Here's how it will work:
1. This will be a 26 week little class and will happen each and every Thursday. 24 weeks will be actual contest - two weeks (A & B) will be our learning curve
I am replacing the explanation of the giveaway due to... well...you'll just have to read the more concise giveaway directions. You can click on the letter to make it bigger.

Your post does not have to be exclusive to Alpahbe-Thursday. If you are doing another Thursday MEME it's cool with me...I'm not all insecure and demanding exclusivity...but you must still show the link back on your post. If it ties in somehow to the letter of the week feel free to use it!
Here are the chalk written class rules:
1. Be nice. No pushing or shoving at recess
2. Please visit as many of the other linked sites and leave a comment. The links will be live the entire time so if you get behind you can always go back to missed weeks. You must visit at least three other blogs and comment each week. But try for all!
3. Leave a link on your post back so others can visit. You'll see how to do that on my post.
3. Since I have that kind of red-toned skin that blushes easily please keep all your posts rated PG! No bad language or off-color stuff.
And now, you probably wonder what the heck we are actually going to do.
It's OK. I'll tell you and then give you a quick recap.
This week we are doing the letter A! For your post use the Letter A as your inspiration to: post a picture, share a recipe (apple pie), tell a story about your Aunt or the time you went apple picking! Just tie your post in some way to the letter A, maybe the first thing that pops into your head.
That's it. There's no right or wrong posts. Just tie it in however you want to!
And after you write your post on your blog at the very end you are going to say:
I am linked to Alphabe-Tuesday. I made a little button at the top of my blog you can use or you can simply link words to the McLinkey post.
Arrrggghhh. It's not easy trying something new is it? But don't worry. We'll figure out how to do this together this first week and then it'll be fun!
Send me all your confusions and ???'s and I'll clarify AND I'm home all day today except for a bit this afternoon so I'll check my e-mail quite often. Your comments go directly into my e-mail box!
I'M THINKING THIS WEEK AND NEXT WE'LL JUST GET THE HANG OF IT! So letters A & B are just the learning curve and then we'll start the tracking for giveaways, etc. week 3 (C)!
I can't even figure out yet how to make a button link so thanks for your patience!

The first thing that popped into my head for the letter A was American Idol. I'm not sure why I dig this show but I do.
My husband and I have been watching it since Season 1 which is kind of silly but even now, nine years later I get a funny reaction from my husband when I jump up during the show and sing along! He is still actually a little surprised which I find strange.
There I am belting out "Summertime...and the living is easy..." and he kind of cringes into the couch. Or I twirl around and say "THIS ... is American Idol!" to an even odder reaction.
I'm wondering why immersion hasn't cured his shock. Cuz I pretty much do it every single show...more then once. But Maybe I'm just not doing it enough.
So my plan today is to sing answers to questions in the true American Idol form as often as I can!
If he says "do you want something to drink?" I'm gonna belt out "I heard it through the Grapevine..."
If he asks me "do you have a few minutes to catch up my filing" I'm going to sing "Ain't no mountain high enough" with great gusto.
I'm thinking that way tonight when the show comes on and I jump up and twirl and say "THIS ...is American Idol!" he won't be quite as surprised!
Heavens, and some people don't think I'm a considerate wife. I can't imagine why!
Please link up your Alphabe-Thursday post, NOT your blog. (to link directly to your post: click on title of your post, cut and paste that url ... NOT your general blog url) .... don't forget to link back to this post here at Jenny Matlock at some point during your post to direct interested readers to more Alphabe-Thursday fun!
Let the questions begin. Don't get frustrated. By the letter "C" you will do this like it's nothing! And now you will be able to put "can use McLinkey" on your resume!
And remember - this week and next (Letters A and B) are free weeks. They don't count at all for contests!
so, we are to write/post something starting with the letter, which is A for this week, and have a link to this post, right?
sounds like fun. though my head seem to be stuck with - A is for apple - at the moment
How fun! I love linky parties, I always find interesting new blogs through them. Thank you for hosting this!
I saved the button as a pic on my computer then put it in the entry next to the link that I already had there for your party.
crap - my post for today is B for burritos LOL :D
ok, i'll try to come up with something later!!!
Sounds fun and might crank up the dusty old wheels in my head and break up the monotony of my Thursday mornings too
omg! Squeeee! I love abecedarians! I'm going to work on mine now!!
This is to fun!!
Good morning Mrs. Matlock! Do I get a gold star?? My post is up. I think immersion is a good form of therapy. Did you do the splits last night after watching it? I know that guy had to have hurt himself! That was just not natural. This is alot of fun, I'm off to read the links. Kathy
Ok, I'm game but I'm not sure I did everything correctly! I too love American Idol...but have decided not to watch all the auditions this year...will watch once Hollywood week arrives. Sometimes they are just mean to those people who audition!!!
Well, reading this over I see I screwed up already. I put your link in the beginning of my post. Oh well, as time goes on I'll get the hang of this. So, next week are you doing C?
everyone's so quick, I just post my - nothing exciting, just a bit about photography
I must be the only person in the world who doesn't watch American Idol. I just can't stand the pressure for these people LOL.
Your blog is soooo much fun. I need fun right now...so, just for fun...I'm going to join in on your little game...I know what I'm going to use for my first A...Not real sure how to link you up on my blog. I'll do this tomorrow, I did my post for today, and I just found you. I'll do my best getting you linked with me. or me to you....
Hi Jenny, I won't participate (no time) ---but I will read and comment!!!! I used to watch American Idol --and loved the year when Carrie Underwood won.
I think the show will really miss Simon... You???? How is Ellen doing so far this year???
Jenny I love American Idol and I have been a fan since season one. I am looking forward to the real competition in Hollywood and when Ellen joins the show. I've got my A post up and I have tried to visit all participants. This is a lot of fun...so next week is B...hummm, ok I have an idea already!
Im not sure how to link you to my blog...I know I am sometimes a little slow but at least I try. Could use your help. Thanks and thanks for this opportunity!
Jenny, I have my post up but can't find Mr. Linky to link it to this page. It was there but now has disappeared. Looking forward to this fun 26 week course. ~ Sarah
AHH..sorry Jenny but I just don't get it...I'm doing good to put my own links on my blog...I'm slow learning all this. BUT..I will come watch and maybe 'get it' for next time? And I love that you can be silly with/for the hubby (O: He must be like me with this linky stuff...we just dont get it! But I get YOU! Have fun with this (O:
This sounds like fun - I'll join in next Thursday for the letter "B". Thanks a bunch!
Off to visit some of the MckLinkees now!
What a great idea - greetings from the UK - perhaps this will go global!
This is fun, Jenny. Sorry I'm late; I was out of commission yesterday.
But I did my homework! :)
OK, I'm joining in the fun. Thanks Jenny! :)
Well, I am definitely hooked. I wrote my A post about Alexander, my middle son. With three boys, I've got three letters covered, although these three adult offspring are not that thrilled about seeing themselves displayed on the internet...too bad!!
I've never really been an American Idol watcher...but, at 65, I'm a romantic and still watch Bachelor...oh, and with my two left feet, I like Dancing With the Stars!
Hey Jenny, it looks like alphabe-thursday it's taking off! :-) Fun!
excellent blog and idea
my link isnt working....help!!!!!!!!!
I just saw this Alphabe-Thursday on some blogs that I followed..I'll post mine, a day late..
I've not watched American Idol at all, but keep hearing people talking about it..One of these days, I will!
Brilliant ... strike that Absolutely brilliant idea! I am joining in a day late ... better late than never!
This sounds like a lot of fun, Jenny! I don't know how I missed this earlier. Can I still join? Hope so! Very fun bloggy event!
oh my! what fun! I may have to do this one later! I've already posted 2 catch up entries today!
OK...I think I understand everything, but I only found your blog afer the letter A week. Can I begin with letter B since the first two weeks were just for practice anyway?
A is for AW!!!! I wish I had more time for blogging! This sounds like so much fun! I wish that I had met ya sooner! Hm...well...I can barely manage time to squeeze one post a week!
Blessings & Aloha!
Oh that is fantabulous. im actually doing a alphabet art journal, so ill try and link it up sometime!!!
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