Sunday, January 24, 2010

Moving on from the sugar coma...

...into finishing some of the paper craft type stuff I need to get done. I gathered up all the stuff onto the kitchen table to get started... But I am having a hard time staying focused. It is beautiful outside the kitchen window... But since I'm all about the laser-like focus I'm going back to my walk through review.

So I think about when people get to the hanger. I will set up a little table there with a guest book, some nametags and a little tri-fold table display with pictures of my Dad and cool quotes and stuff. I have the guest book done - just made it today. But number 9 is make the nametags and number 10 is make the table display.

Here's the little guest book I made. I had this little drawing pad and this scrapbooking paper. Not sure if the red ribbon is weird or not so I may take it off. I kinda/sorta like it but my husband kinda/sorta hates it...and our weiner dog Oskar sniffed it and really didn't care one way or the other.
And since I have all my paper stuff out and I'm not feeling really motivated to make the centerpieces I decide to make up the out-of-towners gift bags for people that are coming from Iowa and South Dakota and Ohio and Wisconsin.

I bought a whole bunch of Arizona made stuff like tequila suckers with worms in them (yum...NOT!), Arizona honey and jalapeno and prickly pear jelly, cool rock candy, some Arizona made chocolates (which my husband graciously taste-tested for me) and an Arizona Highways magazine.

On Thursday I'll pick a few fresh oranges to put in the bags...but look!

I think they turned out pretty cute!
Did you see my cool invention there on the table to the right of the gift bags. I love this free craft idea. Click here to read how to make this ribbon organizer. And now I am going to go lay down and take a little rest and...

Hey? What's this? How did this little piece of Arizona chocolate get in my pocket?

Oh my. That is a shame.

There is no way I can pick up all that heavy, heavy tissue paper off the top of the gifts bags so...


Maple nut candy. It's not quite Chuckles but during party planning like this some sacrifices must be made.


If you missed the story before this just click here to go there now!


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

I love working with paper crafts...mostly just looking at all the fabulous colors and designs. This looks like fun. Oh, and by the way, I'm glad you caught me in time...I almost already had the graham cracker dessert packed and ready to ship. Whew! That was close!

MrsJenB said...

How on EARTH did you manage to focus with all that gorgeousness outside your window? I could see if it was nasty and rainy or frozen like it's been in my neck of the woods...!

Great job on your projects!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

You are dotting all your 'i's' and crossing all your 't's'!

These gift bags are a wonderful idea! You should be getting a kickback from AZ tourism!

Love the guestbook idea - love it!

You may have missed your calling, Matlock. This is in your blood.

Deb said...

looks like your full steam ahead....

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love the guest book...and the red ribbon, it makes it POP!!!
You are too cute, those gift bags are delightful Jenny.
I love that ribbon organizer. One day, when I am not too embarrassed, I will show you how my ribbon is organized. Not.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I think the guest book is wonderful! I love the bags full of AZ goodies...whoops did another AZ chocolate happen to fall out? Darn no, guess I'll have to settle for Chuckles! are moving right along and doing great!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

You deserve a treat for all your hard work. I do not think I would be able to resist going outside. We've seen the sun once in the last week and I would just be rolling in the grass, basking in the sun, making some Vitamin D, if I were there!

And I love your polka dot kitchen table!

Shirley said...

Everything looks so great! I love the guest book with ribbon! Ribbon makes everything look so pretty.

We went to the movies yesterday, and during the previews, there was a picture of a lot of candy. I thought of you and your candy picture...

Have a great week!

Amy said...

Everything looks amazing. I love your dachshunds. I use to have a little girl just like yours named Sugar..

Have a great MOnday.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Looking out at our snow, it'd difficult to get my head around some people having a sunny view like that, out their windows! :-)))

Susan said...

My goodness, you are working hard on this party. Are you doing this all by yourself?
I just love your dog. My heart has a special place for long dogs.
Go out and enjoy your beautiful day.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Everything sounds wonderful. Love the book and the gift bags. You are amazing! Blessings, Martha

Deborah Ann said...

Wow, that will be quite the party! Have a blast...I'll just grab one of these lounge chairs by the pool and sip on my margarita. Wake me up when it's over....zzzzzzz

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like you are getting it all together, Jenny... Hope you are having alot of help with this big endeavor. I'm a multi-tasked person--but I'm also good at giving away MUCH responsibility to others. The hardest thing about giving things away is that you HAVE to trust others to do the job. They may not do it the way you would, but however, they do it (or did it), I stand there and thank them immensely!!!!

Good Luck!!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Jenny... this is going to be a fun party. You're leaving no stone unturned. You go, girl!


Sheila :-)

KCSherri said...

Can I hire you out? Will you come to KC? Pretty please? If I give you KC chocolate?

maría cecilia said...

Jenny, wonderful crats you do!!! I would too get distracted with that so beautiful view from the window, pretty garden!!!
Maria Cecilia

Carol said...

Oh, how I wish the outside looked like that here...I would have blown off everything else just to enjoy it!

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

I carry chocolate in my pocket sometimes too! LOL

Nicki Meier said...

Hey...I have had those worm filled arizona suckers before...not bad...not bad! :) tee hee...

lissa said...

I like your zig-zag working brain, you seem to be everywhere but somehow manage to get things done, I would be so stress before the day even begin...

Kimberly said...

Thanks for joining my blog! I decided to check out yours and join! I have to see how this party turns out!

Melissa Miller said...

Very cute ideas Jenny! Love your view. *Smiles*

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Jenny

You have thought of every detail! What a wonderful party you are giving your Dad!

I think your guest bags are perfect! The only thing I would add is a bottle of water as I hate how many hotels charge $3 for a small bottle.

My husbnad loves prickly pears ...they grew wild all over the part of Italy he is from and he has fond memories of eating many of them as a child. When I find them in the local market here in NYC I buy some for him and he gets so excited.

Lola said...

Me again! Just checking in to say hi!Always love to visit yr page - it's always so interesting!

The guest book looks fantastic!

btw Have just posted my latest Lola Lifeline- hope it makes you smile too!

Have a great week!


Mari said...

You've been busy! I love the album with the red. My hubby likes it without. Maybe men don't like the extras!

Kat said...

Jenny, you are moving right along! I would not get anything done with that view out your window. I love the red on the guest book, it looks great. And the goodie bags for your out of town guests are such a wonderful idea. IT seems that you really have thought of everything. And I think you probably needed the energy boost from that chocolate. This is going to be a great party! Kathy

Sue said...

I think this is going to be the best party! I would love to go home with that gift bag. Your guests will be thrilled. More than the gift bag...I'd like to see some of that sunshine you have. We haven't seen the sun in so many days.


Theresa said...

Great job on the guest book and the gift bags are perfect. I am looking at the ribbon organizer and it looks really helpful! Enjoy the rest of the week and stay focused:) not glaring out the window at the pool!

Wanda..... said...

You are having way to much fun before the party Jenny!

Sarah said...

Jenny, what are you going to do for fun once this party is behind you? You're havig such fun! Love the gift bags! ~ Sarah

Diana said...

First of all I am totally jealous of the sunshine, whats it like?
Secondly, maple nut candy is one of my very faves! I don't think I like you anymore! Love Di

Brenda said...

Oh man its cold, icy and snowy here. One look out your window and I turned into a grump. But I like the red ribbon!

Vicki/Jake said...

You're just having way tooo much fun girl...Woot Woot!
Oh, and you're not having a video playing on a tv screen with slide show pictures of his life???
I know, don't give you anymore ideas...hehe
Can't wait till your Sunday post...

Holly Lefevre said...

You have a lot going on! First I am jealous...look at the sunshine! I guess that is what AZ is for! Love your guestbook and those gift bags are great...what a fun treat!

HappyK said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. :-)
I've enjoyed reading your blog too.

laterg8r said...

you are kicking buttttt on your list :D WTG