Friday, August 12, 2011

Darn! Another disappointment.


It's been that kind of a week, you know?

But you don't have to saw, 'awwww'...

I know we all have them.

However, yesterday I finally told Mr. Jenny to stick a fork in me because I was done.

At his quizzical look I explained further...that it was a yucky week, it wasn't getting any better and I was just going to curl up into a fetal ball until Sunday night... which time I promised I would be perky and positive again...


I've changed my mind...


I can't.

Oh, oops. That might have confused you. (which I'm certain would be a first here at Jenny on my tangent! ha. ha. ha.)

I didn't change my mind about being sulky until Sunday problem-o with that at all!

I have to, however, change my mind about curling up into a fetal ball to do it.

Because I can't.


I tried.

Oh, I tried.


And I've come to the grim conclusion that ... ummm... fluffy people cannot form their bodies into that shape.

The closest I got to it was a kinda/sorta fetal letter "C".

Or perhaps it was actually closer to a fetal letter "I" with a slight bend in it.


Pathetic I tell ya.

How can I moan and groan from a kinda/sorta fetal letter "C" position?

How can I be dramatic and all suffering from a fetal letter "I" with a slight bend in it?

I can't.

Darn it.

Which means I either have to be sulky WITHOUT being in the fetal position...

...and really, what is the point of that?...

Or I have to be perky and positive.


I hate when my fluff gets in the way.



So perky and positive it is...

Although I'm going to do it in a sulky way.

So there.




PS. Sorry for the lousy illustrations for this post. Who knew Google wouldn't have any results for this search: picture of old overweight woman curved into the shape of a letter C while lying down?


They should be ashamed.

post signature


People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I swear, as I was reading this I thought that I could do no better than an almost imperceptibly bent "i".....and then you wrote it....and then I laughed, even though I'm still keeping you in my prayers and thoughts this week.

Theresa said...

Hope it all gets better so you can stand straight up again:) HUGS!

noexcuses said...

I used to be fluffy; now, I'm down and out jelly roll! I'm an "I" when it comes to bending!

I can so relate to your feelings this week! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it is Friday!

vivian said...

youre too funny. sometimes when I choose to be miserable, I just cant pull it off for long either. my normally sunny disposition gets in the way! I will try to be angry or depressed.. but then some cute little happy thought pops in my brain and away I go! I know, disgusting huh?! Sounds like youre the same way.
and.. I couldnt even begin to close to a C myself!
I hope today is a better day.

Jojo said...

Sometimes we all need to cocoon. I'm planning to do it tonight. You'll be good as new next week.

Leslie Morgan said...

Well, Google should be ashamed, but you shouldn't. I ADMIRE someone who will say "Hey, it's just not going peachy for me right this minute." It would be pretty awful if someone were Gidget every moment of life.

21 Wits said...

All I have to say is thank goodness, really super thankful that you aren't giving us that photo for a prompt! All those curly things gives me the creeeeeeps!...sure wouldn't want to be in that picture! Ha ha! hope your weekend gets BRIGHTER!!!! ;)

Busy Bee Suz said...

So sorry you are having a bad week Jenny. If it makes you feel any better, I laughed at your bent letter i.
I will write a letter to google...they SHOULD be ashamed.
I hope your weekend turns sunny and good.

Slamdunk said...

I hope you weekend goes well to make up for the bad week Jenny. Exercising usually improves my mood--or I am just too tired to be angry about anything.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Mr. Jenny would have been happy to take a picture of you in your letter C position. :-)


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Jenny, I love the way you think and the way you write. You turned depression into fun with this post, and you made me smile and laugh out loud. I hope it may have made you smile a bit too. So sorry you've had a bad week. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend. laurie

Jeanie said...

At least you didn't decide to try for the letter "S" or the letter "W".

Wanda..... said...

Maybe, you just need to curl up with a really good book, Jenny! Stay away from Brian Shawver's "The Aftermath"=tragic!

But, to carry you away I found this = Good Housekeeping's Summer Beach Reads 2011 - Best Books to Read On Vacation - "Caleb’s Crossing" by Geraldine Brooks: a 'curl up' literary romance!

Unknown said...

You really don't want to go down that deep, dark path now do you? I had my fair share of fetal position crying jags to last you and I both a lifetime.

Holly said...

I love starting my day with you!!!! Such a big smile on my face, and I believe a giggle was uttered!!
Love the fluff!!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

So, I tried to take a picture of myself in a fetal position with my tripod and the delay on my camera and you're right! Fluffy people just can't get in a fetal position!"

Susan Anderson said...

Hope your week changes.

Hope your sense of humor NEVER does.


Nonna said...

Jenny dear,

A lot of people this week are mopey, sulky, crabby, fluffy and unable to conform to a perfect fetal shape. If you put a fork in them, they'd be done too !

This post has made me laugh and scared me about Saturday Centus and what havoc you might reap upon us...PLEASE, feel better, eat something sweet, pull that fork out and begin again !!!


Amanda said...

That's ok. G is overrated anyway. Really. :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny my fluffy tummy gets in the way of curling up also and then my back starts to hurt and my hips ache...gosh its fun to get old. So enjoy being your sulky perky positive self!
hugs, Linda

cj Schlottman said...

Oh, Jenny! It's been a sucky week for me, too, but my idea of sulking is sitting in the bottom of the closet with a blanket and a bottle of vodka and sucking my thumb. Haven't done it yet, but this week may send me over the edge

Thanks for making me laugh this morning! I really needed it.

Maybe tonight's full moon is the culprit.


Unknown said...

*HUGS* you're in my thoughts hun

Mary said...

I am having a string of weeks like the one you are having. Thanks for sharing because I was beginning to think I was the only one! Take each day as it comes...that is whats been working for me! Take care.

Allie said...

I think fluff in fetal is more like a wadded up S, so honestly, I don't think you tried. bahahahahaaaaaaa Come have a glass of sweet tea in my cottage with me, with some popcorn and a zippy sleepover.
I'll let you have the top bunk if you want.
Love you!!!

Maude Lynn said...

I used to curl into the fetal position, but now I just drape myself dramatically over my fainting couch!

Jo said...

i am lucky if i can get into a slight L position ... i need this fluff to be gone!

Cheryl said...

I did some googling just to help. You do not want to know what I saw out there.

Hope things improve soon.

Bossy Betty said...

Thinking of you! It's the end of the week. Hope your next week is better!

Betty said...

I think we get what other people get in the winter from staying inside too much and not getting enough light. I can't remember what it's called, but they sit under lights for a certain length of time each day to lift their mood. We stay inside because of the heat. Same thing, but nobody has given our disorder a name or treatment. It's always in August I get sick of summer and I know it's going to last for at least another 2+ months. It's a downer. I dream of being outside. On the news they say, "Stay inside...don't go out unless you absolutely have to." I guess we'll have to curl up into our favorite letter of the alphabet and wait it out.

Pondside said...

I think that Betty is onto something. We get SADS up here (seasonal affective disorder) from lack of sunshine. You, on the other hand, are suffering from the very opposite - no acronym has yet been invented for it. I feel your pain.
Sort of.

Ames said...

Where's a darn Fitness boot camp when you need one? I'd go to one but the nearest one around me is 50miles away.

You know, if they can invent a self inflating tire why can't they invent a fat deflating pill! Hang in there O frustrated one!~Ames

siggiofmaine said...

Jenny...such a life we fluffy's have. I have ...til now, convinced myself I can get into fetal position...sigh.
you sent my book of memories back to the first time I realized I was fluffy.
I was pissing and moaning, about being overweight, probably a work, but in the presence of a child. I realize it was many pounds ago, so I wish I could be that amount of fluffiness again...I digressed...
out of the blue I heard a little child say, "Sigrid's not fat, she's fluffy!". The mother HAD to be sure I knew I was fluffy so came over to me and made a big deal out of it. So fluffy it is. And, as a nurse, I remind myself, fetal position for all babies isn't the same, so I CAN get in fetal position...and so can you.
One more thing,
Betty mentioned the lights for I sit here in August typing under the light of my SAD light...Sigh. Right on Betty.
☮ ♥ Siggi in Downeast Maine said...

And I thought google images had everything.

Oh, Jenny, you just gave me a nice hearty chuckle but I'm so sorry it was at your expense. I hope your spirits pick up. Fluff or no fluff, the fetal position is awkward and suffocating. I think we're not supposed to attempt it after the fetal stage.

Hugs to you.

Ms. A said...

I can still get in a fetal position and have been in one for a while. Grrr!

jabblog said...

Aww! Never mind - I can't, either, so I sulk in a straight line.

Sharon said...

Dear Jenny,
I'm sending you a cyber hug to help get you through to a better week. When you are feeling better, maybe you can send on back my way because I'm pretty sure that taking my daughter back to college next Friday will make me feel like you do today. And I won't be able to assume the fetal position either. Plus, I don't think Mr. Wally will be especially sympathetic since,"Well that's life, there's nothing you can do about it!"