Thursday, August 25, 2011

S is for ...

Shared joy is double joy. Shared sorrow is half sorrow.

Swedish Proverb

This quote was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter S. To read other S posts, just click here.

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Susan Anderson said...

Oh, I like this one! And it's not just because I'm of Swedish descent, either.


Ms. A said...

Speaking of shared joy, thank you for sharing yours!

My name is Riet said...

That is beautiful. Great S words

Lola said...

Great words for a great meme!

XOXO Lola:)

Unknown said...

I love this quote! Imagine how much happiness can be created if we all share it :)

Sharon said...

The words are perfect and so true but the picture is what spoke to me! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love that when you share your sorrow it diminishes.

21 Wits said...

So happy you made this your S ! thanks!

Pondside said...

I like that quote very much. You don't know how it speaks to me today.

Barbara F. said...

I like this proverb, alot! So true. xo,

Cheryl D. said...

Great quote! I love it!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is so true; love this Jenny.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Well said...

ellen b. said...

Wonderful quote Jenny! That's my life right now sharing sorrows and joys left and right...

Ames said...

This quote is very true. People in general feel uncomfortable with other peoples sorrow.~Ames

Nonna said...

Sweet quote and so very true !!!

Unknown said...

And you, dear Ms. Jenny, are the most joyful sharer I know!

Dazee Dreamer said...

That is such a cool quote. And so true. Thank you.

RNSANE said...

Very beautiful thoughts, Miss Jenny!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful proverb, Jenny. And I think it's true.

jen said...

I wonder why it's like that. Not questioning, just wondering.

lissa said...

true. but what if your sharing sorrows that are criminating? just saying...

lame joke, no?

Anonymous said...

That is such a great quote!


storybeader said...

you're getting quite profound on us! Nice quotes ... I need to look out for them! Thanks for the AlphabeThursday experience! {:-D

KM said...

How wonderful!

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

that is a great quote Thanks for sharing

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful quote ..and very true!

Catherine said...

That's a lovely quote, and a beautiful picture, too. Thank you.

Francisca said...

How true this proverb!