Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Small Complications...


The last time I picked up my Grandlittles from school, the little one was pretty anxious to talk to me.

I knew this because she squirmed and wiggled and kept telling me, "I need to talk to you Grandma!"

I told her to go ahead, but she informed me it was a private conversation.

After I got them home and got her sisters settled, we finally got a little bit of time alone.

She climbed into my lap.

"Grandma?" she asked in her squeaky little voice.


"I have some things I need."

Hmmmm..."Ooookay," I queried, "What is it that you need?"

"Well. Grandma. I have a list."

"Oooookay, sweetie pie, what's on the list?"

"Well. Hmmm...let me think what's on my list. Grandma. I need some of that little kid body wash that doesn't smell like boys body wash," she stated.

"I think I can do that, is there anything else on your list?"

"Well. Grandma. I need some toothpaste that isn't spicy. And I lost one of my pink socks. And you know those things that are like fruit rolls ups but they aren't fruit rolls ups? Those are on my list, too."

I was puzzled. "Do you mean toothpaste that isn't minty? And maybe you should ask your Mom where your pink sock is. And do you mean fruit bits? Like those Sponge Bob shaped things?"

"Nooo...Grandma! You know. The fruit roll up things that aren't fruit roll ups!"

"Well, Morgan," I replied, "I think I'm going to have a hard time remembering all this. Maybe you should go get your list."

"What list, Grandma?" she said, looking all kinds of puzzled.

"Your list. The list where you have all these things written down. Can you go to your backpack and get your list?"

"Grandma! You're joking me, right?"

I was confused. "Huh? I'm not kidding. I won't remember all that, can you go get your list?"

"Grandma! Seriously. I don't have a list. I'm just a little kid. I don't know how to write!"

"But Momo. You told me you had a list."

"Grandma! I do have a list. But it's inside my head."



And now that I've actually written a list on paper, the only big task that remains is finding out what the thing is that is like a fruit roll up but isn't a fruit roll up.



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People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! It would be fun to get a variety of things that can be rolled up and lay them out on the table for her inspection.......

and then take her to the store to show you what she means.

She is quite special...and very entertaining.

Donnie said...

I can so relate to this. Watching the 3 grandchildren this summer has been fun but at times very have no idea what is like a fruit roll up but not a fruit roll up unless she is identifying the brand name but had a store brand.

Wanda..... said...

I have a journal I kept for writing down all the cute sayings of the's fun to read of your 'conversations' with yours, Jenny!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you will be exploring the sort of like fruit roll up aisle.

Cheryl said...

Ah, to be young enough to remember a list in my head.

Can't wait to find out exactly what is like a fruit roll up but itsn't.

Terra said...

really, that is very cute. I too wonder what kind of fruit snack she is speaking of though...

egbkid said...

Might she mean 'Fruit by the Foot' ? It is like a fruit roll up, but long and thin (1 foot) instead of square.

Sue McPeak said...

The things we take for granted...writing lists...when a head list is where it's at! Loved this conversation!

Madge said...

I was thinking fruit by the foot too. Or maybe jerky.

Allie said...

Mo is soo stinking cute. I can't wait until Kaia can come to me with her lists!!!

summersundays-jw said...

Good luck -- she's counting on you. Jan

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a special lil' girl.
Thank goodness I can write, cause I would NOT remember one of those things on the list. :)

ain't for city gals said...

This to me shows children really really learn what they hear. She can't write but she thinks she needs a list...lucky for her she is learning all good things!

Barbara F. said...

Your granddaughter is very bright and really adorable! xo,

Slamdunk said...

Haha. Hooray for lists in our heads; though I can't remember when I did not need to write things down.

Anonymous said...

Oh my!.....out of the mouths of babes, huh?....smiles.

Monica said...

Hahahaha! She is so funny!

Unknown said...

Good luck on finding that faux fruit rollup. My grandma used to buy us these things called fruit leathers... they were like fruit rollups but not really fruit rollups... LOL! Too cute:-)

Pondside said...

I wonder - who does she take after?
Just asking?
Oh - and when will she have a blog?

Betty said...

I think you should take her with you to the store. You could be gone forever trying to find those things that are like a fruit roll up.

Susan Anderson said...


What a character she is!


PS. My lists used to be in my head, too. No more. "/

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

I think she means "Fruit by the Foot". Its basically a fruit roll-up, but...not. :) My kids would've brought me a list that they wrote, but everything would be spelled so funny that I'd have to guess anyway!

Theresa said...

Precious! No clue on the fruit roll ups that aren't fruit roll ups! Hope you get it figured out, perhaps it will take a stroll in the supermarket with her:)

Have a blessed day dear Jenny, HUGS!

Pat said...

Your Granddaughter is such a dear charmer!!! She has you right where she needs you :o) It is amazing to watch how their minds work and evolve as they grow.

A delightful post Miss Jenny

Jo said...

you have the sweetest conversations with your little little, I am so glad you share them, they are utterly heart warming ... and good luck with the sort of fruit rollups that are not fruit roll ups!

Visits With Mary said...

How I long for the days when I could keep a list in my head...))smiles))

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Good luck Grandma. I'm realizing this Grandma gig is a pretty tough one.

Ms. A said...

Bless her young brain! If I don't write it down, I won't remember it 5 minutes later, if I can make it that long.

Dazee Dreamer said...

and when you take her shopping and she see's exactly what she wants, you will be doing the V8 head smack and saying to yourself, I should have known. :)

Amy said...

Fruit leather perhaps? What a darling little girl. I love how conspiratorial she is with you. She has so much personality, doesn't she?

Sue said...

Aw...I just love what they say. When our little guys were here a couple of weekends ago, we went out for brunch. I put on light colored capris and a bright dressy top, with sparkly sandels. Not my usual jean capri, flat sandels and t-shirt look. I walked out and our little 2-year-old grandson said, " uk pwetty"! I would have given him the moon!

Sharon said...

That's cute! I really like the body wash that doesn't smell like a boy! Better make it a tegother shopping trip when you look for the almost fruit rollups. Might save you A LOT of time! Let us know what she's thinking of.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Oh Jenny, I always love the conversation you and your grandchildren have together! I want to be like you when I become a grandma, so sweet and patient!

Have a wonderful weekend..

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

oh how cute this is! And what an interesting "not a list" you have! I especially love the body wash that doesn't smell like boys. I think she's an older person walking around in a little person's body. Good luck with the fruit roll ups that aren't roll ups! laurie