Monday, August 1, 2011

It's time to plant the pumpkins...

I present to you a short poem in honor of...

Planting Pumpkins in Phoenix, Arizona


The days are getting shorter now
a chill is in the air,
and gardeners in Phoenix
put our sweaters on with care.

We go out to our gardens
and carefully plant the seeds,
thinking joyfully of Autumn
and pumpkins for Halloween.

Oh, wait...

The heat has gotten to me,
triple digits still remain!
Yes, it's time to plant the pumpkin seeds,
but it really is a pain.

I sneak out of the house before daybreak,
hoping to escape the terrible heat...
I chisel a hole in the sun-baked earth,
and carefully plant my seeds.

Thank you. Thank you very much. This sad, but true, little ditty has been brought to you by the insane weather attempts that occur when you live in a desert.

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Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Hope your pumpkins will dare to grow!

Lynn said...

I'm amazed they'd grow in such a short amount of time!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

Do you really put pumpkin seeds in the ground now for fall? Wow, that's a quick growing season! Cute poem Jenny:)

ain't for city gals said...

As I reading the first verse I thought Jenny has gone over the bend...the second verse brought me back to reality!

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see my pumpkin plants! They will appear in my alphabe post.

Ames said...

Is it time to plant pumpkins already??

Yikes! 122 plus temps? OMG. I wouldn't step foot outside at all. At all I tell you. I don't know how you stand it!~Ames

ImagiMeri said...

Ha......I've seen your such thing as hard baked ground found there! Are you going to have any free time in the near future? We need to get together.


Theresa said...

I was beginning to think Al Roker was lying to me about your weather:) No pumpkin planting here either! Enjoy your day, stay out of the heat... it is obviously messing with your thinking, hehe! HUGS!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

The ditty was quite cute...more so because it's true. I truly don't understand the attraction of desert living. I know I keep saying that. I prefer dessert living, myself.

LuLu Kellogg said...

I want some white pumpkins this year! I hope your wee ones will grow!


The Poet said...

WoW! That's hot! I would have to live inside in the A/C. I'm really not a summer person. The heat makes my brain funny and give me a tan, which I really don't need (laugh).

I hope your pumpkins are fruitful after all your hard work.
I'm with PⒿ @ $ € € ₦$ ₣®0₥...dessert living is the way to go!

Thanks for all the visits. I really appreciate them, Jenny.

Deborah said...

LOL ... wonderful!

Pondside said...

I don't know how you keep up your everyday chores and all the extra projects that you take on in that heat! I need to lie down with a cold compress just thinking about it.

Moore Minutes said...

Bravo on the poem! :)

You've actually just inspired me to plant some pumpkins. I'm a terrible green thumb but this sounds fun...(and not such a hot chore in Colorado) ;)

Amy said...

Please oh please tell me that is not actually your thermometer?! Good heavens! I hope your pumpkins grow big and huge and perfect for pies and jackolanterns!

21 Wits said...

Such a delightful poem, and funny too! In all the times I've ever been to AZ I've never really needed a sweater! Of course I haven't really ever been there in the wintertime either...we too have a bit of the heat although our heat when also holding humidity on our backs is a bit over-the-top and I'd welcome desert heat any day! Glad to know that you got your seeds in, for halloween, we kind of need to plant earlier or they won't be ready! My daughter was so excited last Friday coming home from work she called to say "Yeah! I have five pumpkins up already!!!" yes she was that incredibly excited too! After all they are for Halloween too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh my, Jenny! Is it really that HOT there??? I would not be able to breathe! Give me 20 degree weather over that, anytime! How do the chuldren go back to school in weather like this? I have to ask my neice who is a teacher there. She told me that the first day of school in her district is August 8?

Stay cool and forget those!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

My garden is looking pretty sun-dried. I know what I should be doing now, but the weather man said that its supposed to get up to 110 here for most of the week. Pumpkins will have to wait! Cute poem.

Ms. A said...

When I saw this on the dashboard and read "chill in the air", I thought... SERIOUSLY? How the heck is that possible??? You stinker.

Melinda said...

I saw on today's midday news that you all had another dust storm.

Good golly Miss Jenny!

Good Luck with the pumpkins.


Amy said...

You are brave and tenacious lady! The thought of planting pumpkins flitted across my brain in early July. Then I stepped outside, promptly turned away and exclaimed, "Oh, HELL no!"

Can't wait to see pics of yours!!


Sue said...

Just reading the words "a chill is in the air" made me feel great for a moment. I hate winter, I hate short days and dark at 4:00 p.m. BUT...I want summer to be cool enough to go outside of the house! Crazy everywhere I think!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Reading the beginning of this I thought: Jenny is drinking early today. :) Very cute!

La Petite Gallery said...

Mad weather, planting in the fall
well maybe thats why I never had a pumpkin. yvonne

Stef said...

Oh, oh. AZ heat is the worst. Yikes.

taylorsoutback said...

Miss Jenny - I will stop whining about our hot and humid weather (upper '80's) after seeing what you must contend have a lot of stamina!
As hot as you have it, if you plant pumpkin seeds, they could be roasted naturally.

Hope you get a break from the beastly weather and dust storms.

bj said...

The hot sun is messing with your head, girl..better stay inside and just BUY a pumpkin at Halloween. :)

Vicki/Jake said...

When the frost is on the punkin
It's time for Pickle Dunkin:)

Ya, I stole that one but that what came to mind...

They'll grow, you know they will:)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! It is hot at your place. Hope your pumpkins do well. Hugs

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh my goodness, that thermostat is going to blow up if it gets much hotter! Who can even think of pumpkins right now? Fun poem. laurie