Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lovebirds kind of aren't...

...loving birds.

Actually, they aren't loving even a teensy bit.

They are aggressive and mean and they hate me.

When I head out to water my pumpkins (remember those seeds I planted a few weeks ago? Look how big they're getting already!)...

...they sit in the sunflowers and squawk at me.


It scares me.

But yesterday I made the mistake of going outside in a pink shirt (now that the killer hummingbirds are gone) and they decided to squawk AND divebomb me!

I ran out of the garden, screaming like a moron, and sprinted (slowly) toward the back door.

Panting like a marathoner (hey, it is at least 100 yards...okay, okay, maybe 100 feet!) I told Mr. Jenny that the birds were trying to attack me.

"Oh, they're lovebirds," he said, "Maybe they just love you! And they're pretty."


So, I made Mr. Jenny water the pumpkins for me.

And he thought the squawking was funny. And since he wasn't wearing a pink shirt they didn't dive bomb him.


I think not!

But if you want to see for yourself, wear a pink shirt and c'mon over to water the pumpkin plants!


And wear your sprinting shoes!


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Jojo said...

We had a parakeet a few years ago tha tried to attack me...really! My husband still says I'm making that up (why do husbands laugh when birds attack their wives), but honestly I was trapped in a bedroom for an hour.

Guess those cute little birds should be called ANGRY BIRDS that's how they named the game!

Anonymous said...

They sound like they are very angry. What a mess to have in your yard!

Paula ~ castleandcottagesigns said...

We have a few cat birds that try to attack us...I know how scary that can be! Who named them 'lovebirds'??

Theresa Plas said...

Heavens! Remember the Hitchcock film "The Birds"???

Wanda..... said...

Are you sure you even have Lovebirds, Jenny? Has your husband seen these Lovebirds? Maybe you've just been out in the sun too long....and they are actually mosquitoes!

Barbara F. said...

Hi Jenny, those yellow birds in the first photo are sun conures, I had one named Mango for 10 years. We were at war for almost every day of those 1o years! Conures are tough birds, for sure. I like that pumpkin patch, can't wait to see homegrown pumpkins. xo,

21 Wits said...

Oh I can still see you running about ...ha ha..very is hard to imagine that such an adorable tiny feathered birdy named love could be so heartless, but I do have barn swallows that like to play chicken with me when I'm yeah I bet it can happen...but yours are at least cute birdies!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I didn't know there were any lovebirds that weren't pets.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love their colors, but like you I think they are mean, and I don't want to close to them.

Beautiful sunflowers!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Amazing how something so pretty and cute can be such a crazed bird!!!
Yeah for growing pumpkins. :)

Theresa said...

Although I would love to see your pumpkin patch and those gorgeous sunflowers... I am gonna pass! Birds can be quite scary:) when they get their feathers ruffled!

Enjoy your day dear Jenny, BIG HUGS! Stay away from the BIRDS:)

Pondside said...

Stay inside, Jenny. Between the heat and the birds it's dangerous down there!

Nonna said...

Wow, I've only see birds kind of attack while trying to get morsels of food in the Walmart parking lot...popcorn, french fries etc. You're not even safe in your own back yard ? Mr. Jenny to the rescue AGAIN !

Kudos on growing the pumpkins...I assume they are for your Grandlittles ?

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Wowsa! Glad you were able to get away girl!

All I could think of was Alfred Hitchcock...

Unknown said...

You have lovebirds that hang out... how cute.... LOL... ok they don't really sound all that cute but they are pretty:-) I used to have some lovebirds as pets, they are actually not so loving!

Judie said...

There are a gang of birds that hang out around our pro shop, waiting for a chance to hop in our carts and look for snacks. One made off with a large and heavy bag of trail mix, which I found in the parking lot with holes pecked in it. They are certainly brazen!!

ImagiMeri said...

I wondered where those birds went. We usually have them buzzing around our neighborhood and yes, they ate all our sunflower seeds last year. For a while I could only see one, then one day I spotted 8 of them....pretty unusual out here, don't you think? However, since we have the riparian water park just down the street, we get all kinds of shore birds and water fowl.......I thought we lived in a desert! Whats up with that?


Ms. A said...

I find it hard to believe that someone with such an obviously close relationship with mother nature through gardening, can't communicate with the birds enough to get them to leave her the heck alone. Maybe you should use your Tom Skerritt "Drum" moves on them! (like in Steel Magnolias)

Susan Anderson said...

We have blackbirds like that. They think they own the joint. Every time you come near "their" tree, they squawk at you like crazy. And yes, once I was even dive bombed by one.

Somtimes, Dave threatens to shoot them with a BB gun. I always say no, but if he ever does it, I am not going to do much mourning.


Betty said...

How do you grow things so well in the heat? I know you have to water, but still...

Sue said...

I've actually tried the red shirt trick to try to get my hummingbirds close enough to photograph...I've decided I could cover myself in bird seed and the birds at my house wouldn't come near me!

Willoughby said...

It's too bad they're mean because they are really pretty! We don't have them around here.

I sympathize with your experience because I was attacked by a Blue Jay years ago. I accidentally squirted her baby with the hose while I was watering the flowers. The baby squawked and the mother bird dive bombed my head.

vivian said...

lol! I think that its called Mobbing when then swoop at you! we have barn swallows that used to swoop at the cats I used to have that were allowed to go outside! it was sort of funny, because the cats would run! I have an african grey parrot that likes me to think hes so sweet and he wants me to scratch his head until I do it and then he attacks me! and I have to tell you a bite from a parrot hurts!
have fun with your birdie friends!

J said...

Can Mr. Jenny record this phenomenon... You know... Just for proof....


KM said...

Vicious creatures, they are!

Moore Minutes said...

Oh you lucky girl to have the pumpkin patch! I didn't end up planting any. :( I'm looking forward to seeing your pumpkins. It would be SO fun to watch them grow.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

They are so pretty. Hard to believe they would attack anyone, but I'm not going to come water your pumpkins just to see if the lovebirds dislike me as much as they do you. Wow! Your pumpkin patch looks great! laurie