Friday, August 19, 2011

What big eyes you haven't...

I got to pick up the Grandlittles after school on Wednesday.


I miss them.

My house is so quiet and tidy.


We're not going to talk about that. We're going to talk about blind dinosaurs.


It's a sad thing...

Don't you think?

After I got all the girls home and we did homework and had a lot of cuddles, Morgan suddenly remembered something important she had to ask me.

"Grandma! What would happen if a dinosaur was blind?"

"Hmmm," I replied, thoughfully, "I don't really know. Why do you ask?"

"Think about it," she insisted in her squeaky little voice.

"Hmmm...gosh, sweetie I just don't know what would happen if a dinosaur was blind. Why are you asking?"

Instead of a reply she ran off full speed to her room. "Quick, Grandma! Come Quick! I have to show you something."

And she did.

She showed me one of her favorite stuffed animals.

A little blue dinosaur.

That was missing two eyes.

And part of an ear.

"Did your dog chew his eyes off, Mo?" I asked.

"Yes! See! See! The dinosaur is blind. What can we do about this?"

I told her I would take the poor little blind dinosaur home and fix him.

"Okay, Grandma," she said, "But be careful. I'm pretty sure he can still bite."

So I carefully took the blind little fella home...

And dug through my button jar...

Too creepy...

Too weird...

Too big...

And, finally, just right!

I think I'm going to have a happy little five year old when I see her next.

And I'll have to warn her that now the dinosaur can see her to bite her.

And yessirree Bob...

I am missing those little girls something fierce.

So badly, in fact, that I'm sharing pictures of a temporarily blind dinosaur with you today.

But at least I had him to keep me company.


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Willoughby said...

I'm so glad you got to spend an afternoon with the grandlittles! You must be missing them like crazy!

Did you post a pic of the dinosaur with his/her new eyes? I wasn't able to see it if you did.

I think the tale of the temporarily blind dinosaur could be a wonderful children's story (possibly a story about a dinosaur who couldn't see very well until he got glasses). Maybe some very talented writer/grandma should write it (hint, hint).

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I was reading through this, saying, "Awwwwwwwww"....until I got to the last sentence and then I said, "JEESH, is that pathetic or what??" Oh, you're quite welcome! I'm a good friend that way. :)

Paint. Write. Office Manage. Call friends. Save the world. You know, all your usual stuff.

You're welcome again. xoxoxox

Kim Lehnhoff said...

See, they miss you too! Maybe she noticed how tidy the house was, and wanted you to have something to keep you busy.

Were you this wistful when the kids left the nest?

noexcuses said...

I have a similar button jar... How happy she will be when she sees her little friend again!

I'm leaving my house untidy for those special days with grandlittles...even though it may be awhile before they get here!

I love your posts about your family!

Wanda..... said...

I've had a few stuffed friends spend the night, usually in need of stitches, no biting blind ones!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you got time with the girls. You have such a special way with them.

Unknown said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry the dino had to go to the Toy Hospital. But what a remarkable surgeon to have brought sight to the blind! One special grandlittle is going to be so very happy! You will definitely have to send an update!

In the past my kids have had to send a stuffed animal or two to the Toy Hospital. They were okay with it, though, because they trusted the surgeon. It was when toys were sent to Toy Jail that they would terribly sad.

Terra said...

Oh, that is so sweet we have a stuffed marmot missing an eye, it is a sad thing...very sad when stuffed animals go blind!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

And now the blue dinosaur has big eyes too! You're such a great grandma.

Holly said...

Just came over from Roeann's blog. What a cute post. You're like a granny optometrist.

Theresa said...

Sweet vision for that little blue dinosaur! Mo is going to be smiling so big when she sees how you gave him sight:) Have a blessed day dear Jenny! HUGS!

The Old Parsonage said...

She's so sweet and caring. What a genuine hear.

Hope that you get to play with them again soon.


Unknown said...

Best grandma move ever:-)

Susan Anderson said...

I would be going through withdrawals, too. Love your g'ma fix-it abilities!


Monica said...

Grandma to the rescue!

Ms. A said...

I know all too well what it's like to have an empty, quiet house and to miss the grands.

I see you are the "go to" fix it person. Me, too! Just had to repair straps on a brand new dance bag, that the dog chewed up. Before that, it was a ceramic frog in multiple pieces. Always something to fix, with my name on it.

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so sweet; the dino looks great. I am sure they miss you too Jenny. A quiet house is something we have to get used to. I think. Well, at least that is what *someone* told me!

Deb said...

Grandma to the rescue...I love it...

Unknown said...

Awwww you're such a sweet grandma to be a dino eye doctor! Very good job by the way ;)

D. Jean Quarles said...

Too cute. Yes, my grands are in school too. It's a sad time of year.

Ames said...

I'm eyeballin' yer button jar.

I do love a good button jar.

I played in my grandma's button jar, and my daughter played in her grandma's button jar. Now it is up to me to make a button jar for my grandaughter Lily.

By the way, Mo's adorable!~Ames

Nonna said...

Oh, how sweet Jenny !

That is one precious girl. I am always sewing up injured stuffed critters for our little granddaughter. Last time it was a tummy rip and she said to please fix it so his tummy wouldn't hurt anymore !

Diane said...

This is all kinds of precious! You are such an awesome grandma! :)

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw how cute Jenny....

aimee said...

what a sweet little girl :) she is going to be so excited to have her little friend back safe and sound, and ready to read stories with her.

Terri Steffes said...

Whew. I feel so much better now that the dino can see. I mean, how was he to find the potty? Or, eat the bad dreams that might be hanging out? Good job grams!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a good grandmother you are! Glad you didn't get bitten. I guess he knew you were trying to help. You'll have a happy little granddaughter when she sees that he can see. laurie

Amy said...

Glad you were not bit. And what a cute little girl she is! Seriously. Your grandlittles make me laugh. They sound like such a spirited bunch of little girls. A.dor.A.ble!

Amy said...

P.S. I would be glad to lend you mind for a day or two... if only I could convince Jeffrey to travel to AZ!

Catherine said...

That's so precious. We have a beloved dinosaur puppet here. After 11 years, he is a mess. He has been stitched, restuffed, and had his eyes replaced (twice!) as well. I had to buy a lot of 100 eyes. I wish I had thought of buttons!

You did a great job. You're definitely a GRANDmother.

Jocelyn said...

Good Job Grandma...and thank goodness you did not lose a finger during the surgery!!!!

I am feeling the anxiety...Evan starts school in another week and my baby Gavin will be going to pre school 3 days a now I have the parents to take care...but my heart is heavy...

We have an old bunny that needs some surgery...maybe I can grab him and do a makeover!!!

Love ya girlie!!!

Pat said...

If I was a grandma - would have done the same thing. And a long time ago I stitched a tiny red wool heart on our son's threadbare Teddy bear.

Read through some of the comments & agree your story would be perfect for a children's book & a great way for a little one who is wearing glasses for the first time to feel confident. Go for it!

J said...

Aw, that was really cute.

Love your jar of a million buttons, by the way. Wish I had something like that.