Tuesday, June 17, 2014

D is for...

little Dude...
This is our Grandson Quinn.

This post is linked to the letter D for Alphabe-Thursday.   For other delicious D posts, just click here.
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Esther Joy said...

He is very darling, and I'm sure he brings you much joy!

I'm a little late linking up... just happened to check which letter you were on, and guess what?!!! I had a post that fit!

Hope you and your family are well,
Esther Joy

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

And dare I say, Dapper?

Janie Junebug said...

He's aDorable.


GranthamLynn said...

Darling letter D words.
Great pics! He is a Joy I am sure.
Thanks for stopping to see my architectural D's. My E's are going to be a little different!
Have a great Wednesday,

Leovi said...

It is wonderful, nice photo, definitely darling!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

What a cutie! Love the blonde hair. He looks like he's full of energy!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...
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Betty said...

Adorable! With that hair he reminds me of our kids when they were little. Love his name too!

Cristina Pop said...

So adorable and cute!

Ingrid said...

A sweet boy !

Rita said...

Grandma joy on two legs!! ;)

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!

Splendid Little Stars said...

a super cutie!

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice photo! You have some cute grand kids Jenny...

Viki said...

Wow, he got big!