This is the Alphabe-Thursday "B" page
Alphabe-Thursday Letter "C" link
Alphabe-Thursday Letter "D" link
Alphabe-Thursday Letter "E" link

Before we get started today I have to share something with you. I received a notice from the principal saying I needed to be clearer with how the giveaway works. I am going to share this official document with you now. Please just click on the letter to enlarge it. I'm hoping this is more clear...and, if it isn't, please complain to the administration without naming names.

I love the letter B.
Not only is it a great Beatles song (don't say huh? You know what I mean...) it is the first letter of so many wonderful things ... like Bacon and hmmm.... well, there definitely is a much longer list...I just can't think of it at the moment.
You can link to this McLinkey until Saturday morning which means that although it technically says "Alphabe-Thursday" it is, in actuality, "Alphabe-Thursday and Friday" but I didn't feel like redesigning my button.
If you're just signing up to do this you can go to our first Alphabe-Thursday link to see a lot more blah, blah, blah about how to do the whole thing! The letter A was actually really interesting. I was surprised at the diversity of the posted links.
If you have any problems you can just put them in the comment section. I check my e-mail fairly frequently and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Don't panic, though. You cannot break the McLinkey. I promise you. AND if it gets really messed up I can get in there and delete your post and you can start all over.
Just a quick reminder. These posts are to be PG - no exceptions, you must be a follower of this blog to participate, make sure you show the link back to this post and try and visit as many of the other participants as possible.
Now, please sharpen your number two pencil and begin. And since you already have a sharp pencil please mark your calendar to check back on Sunday. I'm having an extra bonus Alphabe-Tuesday giveaway. The giveaway will run for a week! But I'm excited about it!
So now...ahem....
Eyes on your own papers, please!

Cute, Jenny! This is a fun meme!
Sheila :-)
Jenny, I'm having such fun with this. Thanks for teaching this class. Your posts keep me in stitches. But I've already told you that. Look forward to reading what each day brings....Best wishes for a Beautiful Birthday Party! ~ Sarah
I love your AlphabeThursday ! I'm having such fun.
Have a super good time at your parties this weekend. Tell your Dad I wish him a very Happy Birthday!
I had a great time with "B"! I have no idea, yet, for "C" but it will be fun coming up with something!
Jenny, this is so much fun. You are a wonderful teacher! Thanks for hosting this. Kathy
I'm also having fun thinking about the Alphabe-Thursday all week. Though my post is a bit on the heavy side for others, but it gives me a way to brush up on my writing.
You are Berry Berry good teacher Jenny!!!!
That school marm picture at the top is starting to freak me out with the way she stares at me! Maybe I need some coffee before I start blog reading....
Three cheers for Alphabe-Thursday! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
I think, I THINK, I did it!
I just posted my alpabe-thursday - everyone's so quick
I was going to do a story but ended up with something more confessional
& as always, Jenny, it's fun to read your words
Love the picture of that Teacher!
Made it to class on time this week, marm!
Great idea for a meme, thanks for hosting.
I always hated school, so for you to give me an A+...all I can say is WOW! Thanks teach. Having fun at your school!
I hope you don't get many complaints about me participating with a private blog... some of your participants can see me so I wanted to play!
Good Morning Ms. Matlock,
This is my first time to participate in a meme and my first experience with Mr. MckLinky, so if I am messing up, please let me know. I tried to catch up today. Hope it met with your assignment rules.
Thank you for the mark last week - what a lovley teacher you are! I might not have time to read and comment on all the posts but I'll do my best - loving it!!
Hi Jennt
Glad I could join in on Alphabe Thursday this week! I'm visiting so many wonderful new-to-me blogs through it.
To answer your question ..yes, all the photogrpahs on my blog are mine, unless I indicate they aren't by giving a source. I try to be very careful about copyright issues.
Oh Goodie!!!! The list of participants is getting longer! Isn't this fun reading everyones take on what to write?
Thanks for doing this and thanks to 5th sister (I do read other blogs) I joined .
I am proudly showing off my A+. Thank you very very much. Next week I need to bring you an apple!!
Thanks for your sweet comment about my birdies. I forgot to list it on Etsy, thanks for the reminder. She is now listed.
Jenny, I don't know what I did wrong but my "B is for Barcelona" doesn't connect to my blog with my pictures and write up on Barcelona, Spain - it's at:
I screwed up but I did the homework!!
I am a bit confused. Why do you also refer to Alpabe-Tuesday in the original instructions, is that another meme? I have done my post and done the linky (I hope) so please let me know what I haven't done and don't be too cross with me Miss, I am a bear of very little brain sometimes
Never did get my B is for Barcelona McLinky to work which is kind of a shame...after uploading all those darn pictures and the several hours it took for research and to write the blog!!
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