Thursday, September 20, 2012

Painted Letter R's

I love the letter "R"!  It's been a ridiculously fun letter to paint around.   I'm gonna be honest here...the final one has nothing to do with the letter "R" but I'm sharing it anyway because I am excited about it.   So there.


24" x 10"

I painted these for our Grandlittle and Great-nephew.  I think they are super sweet.

16" x 15"
16" x 24"
"R" is for radiant leaves!   This one is super cool!   Love the painted leaf background.

11 1/2" x 17"
No stencils.   No stickers.  Handpainted with my own layout.

Each picture is linked to my Etsy shop.   Simply click on the picture to go visit!

You can see other signs in this series by clicking on 'Painted
Alphabet' in my sidebar.

 To visit other links to the letter "R",  just click here.

post signature


JJ said...

R is for Reading your blog each week. Thanks.

Ms. A said...

LOVE the road less traveled!!!

SarahBeth said...

Love the "leaves" one -- and your rockabyes!

Terra said...


Jim said...

They are all soooo nice, Jenny. You make wish I were talented.
My fave was hard to pick, it will be the "Two Roads ..."

Jim's Little Blog

EG CameraGirl said...

Beautifully painted, Jenny!

Naperville Now said...

Yay on the Etsy shop! Once again, lovely signs. Read is as perfect as it gets!

Lmkazmierczak said...

I have to remark on the 'two roads..." My blog this week features Roads and so I am especially drawn to that one♫♪

Annesphamily said...

I really love your R signs! I love the road less traveled too! Nick is thinking of transferring to a college in Arizona next year. His three buddies are there and the money would be grand scholarship wise! Maybe I could see you more often than! Have a beautiful weekend!

Judie said...

Of course you already know this, but the last two signs are my favorites! xoxo

Ingrid said...

I also prefer the two last signs !

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Your painted letters are getting prettier each week! Love them!

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are gorgeous Jenny....Really Really Radiant too!

Esther Joy said...

I love them all, Miss Jenny! But I guess since I am getting a little older every day, I like your last one best!

Anonymous said...

R is for radiantly wonderful signs.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love the one about leaves!

Tatiana said...

wow, i love the background on the second one! the colours are so gorgeous :3

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Lovely as always, Jenny! I love all your signs!

Betty said...

Very nice Ms. Jenny. Now if I painted signs my letters would be all shaky. I'd probably do better if I had a drink first though. :)

I joined in this week. Couldn't let the entire alphabet go by and not get one in for this round!

Theresa said...

Beautiful! Love all of your gorgeous creations! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Susan Anderson said...

Those are Waaaaay cool.


anitamombanita said...

Robert Frost and leaves...oh my oh my...gorgeous, Mrs. Jenny, simply gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, as a teacher my favorite is READ!

Pat Tillett said...

Once again... these are fantastic!

Splendid Little Stars said...

ooo...more great signs! The baby ones are sweet!
I like the woods background on the Frost quote.

Amy said...

Ah, I love the leaves one! You have some insane talent, my friend.