Thursday, April 28, 2011

B is for Books

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

Bacon, Essays: Of Studies

This post is linked to Letter B of Alphabe-Thursday. To see other links, just click here.

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Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Hey Jenny! So glad you are doing this again. I missed A. boo hoo! :(
I love books too!!!


Sherrie said...

Hi Jenny,
Books are my passion. Have a great day!

Food for Thought

lissa said...

great quote. it could also be about everything in life, just replace the word 'books' with everything else.

have a sweet day.

Monica said...

My Taylor loooooves books! Every time we go to the Goodwill she goes right to the book section. Every time I talk about using a book for a craft (as in taking the book apart) she freaks out!

ellen b. said...

I love books. The kind you can hold in your hands. I don't know if I'll ever get into the Kindle kind...

Amy said...

Ah, I love this! Good job.

Julie Harward said...

Hi Jenny, thanks for your visit. I have not heard of the oil you mentioned but I have been using pure Frankincense oil and that is doing amazing healing. I went to your other blog, what a cute dad there. Thanks for coming to say hi :D

Anonymous said...

Hey teacher,hope you can come give me a good grade,I'm always strivin' for A+,teehee,soo much fun being in your class.

"B"ooks,& "B"runch in the "B"edroom.

Lazy on Loblolly

La said...

Hi Jenny!

I hope you and the grandlittles had a wonderful Easter! La

GardenOfDaisies said...

What would we do without them? I love to read.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I had a dog that loved chewing on books...but never ever did he swallow one. :)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I love books too! And love to physically hold books in my hands to read, feel, and smell. I'm too old for this new world :-)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Books are the most enduring passion of my life....

Great post, teach!

Susan Anderson said...

Such a great quote!


PS. I guess your book is to be nibbled slowly, because that's what we have to do every Tuesday....

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I love books, I love to smell books. Ya ever notice that a Kindle just doesn't 'sniff' the same.

B is for your beautiful heart! Angel loved the Easter Card and growin' bunny friend ya sent her. Her news is not good. She's in the hospital right now. Infection, memory and processing problems, weight loss.... It breaks my heart.

God bless and have a super day sweetie!!!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

You would think so with as many of the books in my house that have teethmarks on them! We like to embrace the full experience here, I suppose. :)

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Bacon, yum...oh, yeah, not the food. This is a yummy quote though. :-)

Maude Lynn said...

And there's a few that you're better off spitting out!

Donnie said...

That's a great quote for Books.

Ames said...

I never met a book I didn't like. Even if it was a really bad read it always made a great fire.~Ames

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I like your quote! It goes along with my view of reading. That one does not HAVE to finish every book started. Some people have to. I think that's a waste of valuable time. One *should* be moving on, to find the next GRRRRRRRREAT book. Instead of slogging through one, which doesn't resonate with one.

My view...


Judie said...

I could just eat them with a spoon! What would we do without books???

H said...

I love books :)

Unknown said...

Oh the joy of books :) !

Pat said...

Since childhood, books have been such a part of my life. Now with rising costs of quilt fabric and going to the bookstore, often a decision has to difficult!
Thank goodness for the library and having a circle of friends who we can share books with!

00dozo said...

Oh, geeze. I really, REALLY gots to get me some new glasses. I totally misread the title of this post.

Until that time, I won't be reading about that guy's tale (who wants to be called a snail) about some crazy Captain named Anab chasing after Macy's enormous white duck.

Heh, heh.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love love love books. I confess I'm a book hoarder.

Millie said...

One of my favorite Bs.


Anonymous said...

Non-fiction takes me a lot of chewing.

Unknown said...

books & bacon?? LOL...

Cheryl D. said...

Some are to be chewed and choked on!

Vicki/Jake said...


Ingrid said...

I love reading and devore books since I learned to read !
Now I am watching the royal wedding in England ! very romantic !

Jen said...

Love Lissas true...anything in life is like that!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

We love books! I especially love old books like the ones you show here :o) Especially children's books...and cook books...and....

Blessings & Aloha!
...still trying to cath up on some blog reading!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it.

Simple image, yet brilliant words.

Unknown said...

mmm, I love books. They smell good too :)