Even though he gets a bit annoyed at my inane ramblings, he is always willing to slam on the brakes and stop to see something cool. He's also willing to make u-turns on the highway and turn his pretty little car into an ATV and head down some roads usually requiring high-clearance vehicles.
He's all kind of easy going about things like this.

I like him.
But don't tell him because then he'll want me to be nice to him or something.
On Saturday we were zipping down the highway heading toward Winslow when all the sudden we saw two giant arrows sticking out of the ground. We whizzed by, made an illegal u-turn (to the annoyance of an obnoxious guy in a truck...geez...) and twisted and turned a bit to get back to them.

For some odd reason the road department had erected all kinds of concrete barriers around the arrows and the cool, old Route 66 buildings.
There were no signs stating, "No trespassing" so we parked and climbed over the barriers.
No-one shot at us. No-one shouted at us. So we explored.

We looked around as long as we could until the wind picked up and we thought we were going to freeze to death.
Yeah. Us 'Zonies are pretty thin-blooded.
But it was cold. (don't roll your eyes please...it was 32 degrees and that is darned near freezing, I think!) And overcast. And we were shivery...

...so we climbed back over the concrete barriers and heading North toward Winslow.
But before I show you pictures of the cool, old railroad hotel in Winslow, I'll tell you about some falling-down ruins we found before we spotted Twin Arrows tomorrow!
Chronological, schmonological.
Oh, and if you're kinda/sorta into Route 66 nostalgia you might enjoy reading a little bit more about the Twin Arrows 'Best Little Stop' on the I-40. Click here for some cool information about the Trading Post and Diner.
What a great place for a photo shoot!!
We were on that 40. I don't remember if we saw those arrows or not (senior moment). We wouldn't have gotten off the road though, ha. Looks like a really neat place.
I do have a bit of Route 66 nostalgia....I drove on parts of it when I was a kid (actually as a kid, I rode) between Oklahoma and California a few times. I remember a motel that was all teepees. I never stayed there but it made an impression. A teepee motel could be close to a place called Two Arrows, don't you think? Very cool Two Arrows pictures.
I love a man who will make a U-turn for his wife! We live on part of Rt. 66 & you see some of those strange sights around here. Great photo ops.
It's a shame that the twin arrows rest stop is closed. What a cool place. I remember the TV show, "Route 66"... does that mean I'm an old-timer??? YIKES!
It is so much fun to explore! Sounds like a great day.
I miss Route 66, especially the old cafes and truck stops with the amazing pie!
Isn't it kinda sad to see places like that and wonder what story they could tell, from days gone by? Looks like a great place for photos!
How neat Jenny. Glad you are having a wonderful time. I love traveling by car. So much to see!Happy Anniversary!~Ames
How neat Jenny. Glad you are having a wonderful time. I love traveling by car. So much to see!Happy Anniversary!~Ames
I love those twin arrows! So cool. Mr ALC is also fun on a trip, willing to turn around, stop and explore! He is pretty cool like that also. But I won't tell Mr Jenny if you don't tell Mr ALC!!
oh wow, how much fun there is on a road trip! those arrows are great! what fab culture/nostalgia!
Aww this reminds me of Radiator Springs in the movie Cars! You can see what living with small children has done to my formerly educated mind. Mush, I tell you! :) I am glad Mr. Jenny is such a good travel partner.
My husband is the same. He now sees everything as a blog post! This sounds like a fun trip. I think 32 is cold and I'm in Illinois!
This Twin Arrows area looks like a place I'd like to explore, Jenny!
We went to Winslow, AZ, many years ago! We ahd visited the Grand Canyon and the Pertified Forest and Painted Desert and then turned around at Winslow and drove all the way back to the Phoenix area where we were visiting relatives. I remember my husband almost ran out of gas as he waited too long to fill up and we couldn't find a gas station..lol!
Gettin your kicks huh? Ya, I'm old enough to remember that one too:)
THis place looks super cool Jenny...and that makes YOU super cool since you risked life and limb to visit. Oh, not life or limb, but you risked frost bite.
yes, 32 is REALLY cold.
Oh you little rebel you. Jumping over that barrier. Love the twin arrows. I have a daughter who has an Indian fettish. I must tell of this. Especially since they just moved to AZ last Thurs. My hubby is the same way. Isn't it great that we have them wrapped around our little finger? lol!
Thanks for makin' a little room for me on your road-trip. I do believe you and that Mr. Jenny make quite the travel team! Woohoo!!!
Great pics.
God bless and have a beautiful day my friend!!! :o)
If I'd climbed over the barrier, I'd have felt really guilty the whole time! Sigh.
I love the fact that you did though because we got to see all of the photos :)
I love the mountains in the background!!!
pretty cool arrows but I am loving that diner!
Oh, that is so cool! I always read blogs where people explore abandoned buildings and towns and you go and do just that! That must've been quite a discovery :) Now I need to find myself an abandoned area to explore!
i would love to explore that area!
I showed Matthew the pics. He loves the Cars movies and every version of Route 66, the song.
You would SO get along with The Great Dane who has never seen a No Trespassing sign that he thought was meant for him. I'll fret and he'll ask 'What's the worst that could happen? - They could ask us to leave'
to which I respond 'They could shoot us!'
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