Garden centers are terrible temptresses this time of year here in sunny Arizona.
Mr. Jenny drove me to a big box chain close to our house...
...and I proceeded to fill the cart with flowers and seeds.
"I need some big bags of dirt, too!" I said bossily.
Mr. Jenny frowned.
"You know you don't have much room to plant," he said, grumpily, as he gazed at the cart contents.
"Well, I have those planting boxes that Dad and Uncle John made for me..."
"Yes, you do," agreed Mr. Jenny. "Do you remember that you have THREE boxes and they are each 18" square?"
"Yes," I argued, "But I have those pots I spray-painted out by the pool."
"Yes, you do," agreed Mr. Jenny. "Do you remember that you have THREE pots?"
"Yes," I argued, "And...ummm...I have that little planting area by the pool."
"Yes, you do," agreed Mr. Jenny. "But I'm pretty sure those giant geraniums you bought are going to fill that up."
I sighed and put back about half the stuff in my cart.
Mr. Jenny looked over his glasses at the remainder.
I sighed and put more stuff back.
And finally, finally Mr. Jenny was happy.
And so was I until I got home and wondered, 'Where the heck am I going to plant all this stuff?"
The life of an urban farmer on a small suburban lots is difficult.
But at least I have my chickens...
AND... fruit orchard (a single apricot tree - heehee!) is in bloom!
PS. My Dad and my Uncle made those boxes for me for under three bucks! I'm excited to give them a try!

I love the boxes! Can't wait to see your gardening artistry and green thumb photos!
Those boxes look great! I can't wait to start planting things and for warmer weather!!
IM so looking forward to getting my yard spiffed up! ite a muddy snowing wet mess out there!
have fun gardening! I hope you find room for everything! lol!
Oh how cool, it's gonna look "Jennified" in that new backyard. Jennified is my favorite look, because it's you, and you are amazing my friend. I'm so happy you found such a great neighborhood, too. I love it here in Gilbert, people are more friendly. I think they're just happy to be living in such a nice place. Now you're living even closer to me, too.
Love ya'
Those boxes are really cool.
I'm sure everything will look lovely.
We can only dream about planting
right now since we have over 15 "
of SNOW ! Woohoo!
M :)
I do the same thing:) I load the cart, bring it all home, put it all in my cart, pull it around and wonder why I bought SO much stuff that has to be planted:) Have a blessed day in you sunny place! HUGS!
You need some more flower boxes or more flower pots. How you going to do your vegetables this year, pots?
the gardener's soul knows no limits. enjoy your garden, Jenny. We are MONTHS away.
Oh Jenny your planting boxes look perfect and you can always get more, right??? You sound so happy to be in your new home! Hugs, Linda
I am not a gardener, however, I am re-doing a room and would like to have plants in it. I'm going to rememeber this post when I go to buy them! Plants are so beautiful and such a symbol of life that I might get carried away, too!
Happy Gardening!
ha ha ha I am like that at the garden centers too! :)
You also have a great looking old gate leaning against the fence!
We are once in your sunny state for a couple of weeks.
Blossoms on trees? How lovely! I really have garden envy right now. I have never planted a garden but I really want one this year. We are planning, but I am being patient. Can't plant things until the snow melts. :)
I am sure your garden will be beautiful, and I can't wait to see pictures of it when it is all planted and making you happy!
Knowing you, those boxes will be filled to the brim with beautiful green stuff!!! Love your chickens; I bet they are quiet little girls. :)
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