...just in case you're moving...
...or thinking of it...
...or might move at any time, whatsoever, in your future.
So, here's the handy dandy moving tip! Listen to your husband when he tells you it is NOT a good idea to have a birthday party for 13 people at your NEW house when you're not even finished moving out of your OLD house.

You might be inclined to disregard his advice...
...and think to yourself, 'Ah...no big deal. How complicated can it be if we do carry out?'
Don't listen to yourself.
It is a big deal.
And the worse part is...
...when the party is over and you want to go to bed you STILL have to drive to your OLD house because you haven't moved your bed to the NEW house yet.
I'm not saying this personally happened to me on Friday night.
It...ummm...happened to my friend.
Yeah, I have a friend...
...ummm...yeah...that's right...
My FRIEND totally disregarded her husbands advice...
You don't think my friend did this?
You think it was me?
I would never do something so silly.
As if I would have a birthday party for my Dad and our son on Friday night when we're only HALF moved into one house and HALF moved out of another.

you have a good and kind heart. now you need multiple strong men to move your stuff from point a to point b.
Yup, that is so totally you! The only way I could appreciate that notion is because I'd probably do the same silly thing.
Do you need any help? Call me.
Love ya'
Oh Jenny.. you didn't?! I am behind as always, and did not realize you were moving to a new house. Fabulous!! You'll have it wrapped up in no time - I just know it! Have a great week, and seriously.. try not to overdo it :) -Tammy
Call it building memories!
Hehe Jenny. If I were this husband, I would print and find away to frame this blog post. It would make me smile every day.
I'm sure you just wanted blog material, ha. I'm sure it was fun. Can't wait to hear about the new house. I know there will be a lot of stories.
Oh dear. Could you please email me your new address, as I have something to put in the mail to you. Thank goodness I realised that this story is a fable and might actually be about you and not about a friend! Of course if it's NOT about you I can use the address I have!.....but need to to know, anyway.
You wont make that mistake aGIN
Ruh Roh... sometimes, Father knows best:) Have a blessed week, HUGS!
Happy Birthday to your guys, you brave loving woman.
Of course you would never do such a foolish thing.
PS. Tell your friend to wish her dad and son a couple of very happy birthdays!
I'd never do something like that. Actually, I'd never plan a wedding for someone at my house for 125 people when the house is only half finished.. That is something I would never do. Are you sure we aren't sisters or something? Maybe we were separated at birth? hmmmm....
why not? isn't it better to have the celebration at the new house instead of the old so you can be starting something good in the new place?
I don't know why you don't move the beds first. I would, but then again, it's not my house.
have a great day.
The majority of my moves as an adult were for my career. They pay someone to come in and pack me up. Loved it. I wish they had someone to help me unpack too.
This last time I had to do it myself. Oh my that was a hard dose of reality and it sucked.
As long as you can find the liquor you can order a pizza and then who really cares. :-)
I'm thinking your "friend" should have listened to her husband.
Too funny.
M :)
Moving is so stressful! But you were trying to be a good mom and a good daughter.
Was it a good party?
Ha! You crack me up!
Sounds memorable♫ Happy Birthday!
Great post. I needed a laugh you cracked me up. I couldn't help think of when we moved home after being out of town and our friends took the bed in first thing and the wife made the men set it up so she could make it! I am glad I new where the sheets were. Sound like you needed my friend! LOL. Enjoy settling in. I hope to see you on Thursday
My heaven, no. I suppose the birthday 'boys; couldn't be surprised for their birthdays on the following weekend?
Still, you are mighty brave, Jenny.
That was a great laugh for me on this afternoon recess! If I didn't live so far away from all my family members - I would love to have a drop of the hat party for my dad! You are awesome!
You remind me of me! Why I do some of the silly things I do ignoring a perfectly intelligent man I married! Hee Hee!
Congrats on your move! email the new address when you get settled in!
I bet the party was fun though! You are sweet still able to entertain your dad! I wish mine were still here! SMile!
Happy birthday to your birthday boys, your dad and son! Hugs Anne
Some people just can't learn. Or so I'm told. :)
Best of luck Jenny!!!!
The town we lived in before this one had a tradition of big graduation parties. We moved the year my daughter graduated...she was Valedictorian in a small town, everyone knew her and us. So, my husband moved to a hotel in March and my daughter and I stayed at our house, until the big move in June-one week after she graduated and we had a party at my house for about 200 people...not catered. That was almost 10 years ago and while it was crazy busy, it was also not that impossible. I think I was still in "kids at home" mode and had energy and desire to do too much all the time. I wouldn't be able to pull it off for 10 people now!
I'm sure it was a party you'll never forget. Moving is dreadful.
But think of it this way, there was only half the clean up required, because only half your stuff was there! Happy birthday to your dad and son. How fun that they have birthdays so close! Or share birthdays. That is even more fun.
kudos to your friend for doing this!
and many happy returns of the day to those 2 men!
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