Friday, April 19, 2013

Painted Alphabet Letter V

I am very, very ashamed.
I have a painted letter V...
...but I painted it before.

I had laid out a super cute sign with violets on it with a GREAT quote.
But I didn't get it done.
I'll just share the violet quote and save actually painting it for another day.
The stars will bloom in the darkness...
And violets will bloom beneath the snow.
It would have been a GREAT sign for the letter "V".
Perhaps I can verily  assuage your violent disgust in my laziness by sharing a picture of a very, very cute little baby.
This is our little Remington and although he is not wearing violet there are some violet colored squares in the 9 patch quilt he's laying on.
Signs are hand-painted and available in my Etsy can see the mini link at the top right of my blog or click on any picture for a link!  No designs.
Baby is not available at any cost!  This Grandlittle is mine...all mine...(MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
This post is linked to Alphabe-Thursday's Letter v.   To read other V offerings, just click here.
post signature


Ms. A said...

Awwww! Adorable!

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

i came, i saw, i conquered. love it! This baby is too cute. Not for sale huh?

Lola said...

Totally adorable!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Jenny he is adorable! I know my Grand would not be available at any price either@@@

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Holy cow that is one cute grand! That would have been enough right there to make this grandma's heart go pitter patter, you didn't even need to paint something!

Naperville Now said...

violets -- my mother's favorite Remington! love your artwork.

Pam Beers. said...

Violets were my grandmother's favorite flower. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit the ability to grow or nurture them correctly. One look from me and they wither.

Remington is one cute baby. It'll be fun to follow his progress.

Blessings to you, Jenny

Susan Anderson said...

I don't blame you for hanging on to that little boy very tightly!


Lmkazmierczak said...

I think it's about time you gave yourself a break♫♪ Enjoy♥ said...

The violets are beautiful but Remington is gorgeous! I'm sure that your heart is full with your grandlittles.

Theresa said...

VERY cute sign and an EVEN cuter little fella:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Forgiven, absolutely!

I wouldn't think of it as a sign not finished...instead, it's an opportunity for the next round of Alphabe-Thursday!

Eden House News and views said...

Very lovely .

Unknown said...

Yay! Lovely :) I have missed loads of your post SO MUCH!

Have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing it!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable grandlittle! That is a wonderful quote!