Monday, February 7, 2011

The amazing boo-boo attracting girl...


It's Mo.


This little girl is so darned sweet and now she has a little cast-like thing on her finger...

Prepare to say, "Oh poor baby" and "Awwww..."

She tried picking up her Daddy's weights and a 50 pound one squished her finger. And she had to get stitches. And this little green finger protector.

Two months, two injuries.

She needs to slow down...she's giving me a lot of gray hairs.

When I asked her if the stitches looked disgusting she said, "Gwamma, I prefer the word hideous. Hid - EEE - ous. For real Gwamma. This is really disgusting under here."

I had to laugh.

And then I had to hug her some more.

She is so darned sweet.


I dedicate this sweet post to Mike in memorium for a life well lived and a man well loved.

post signature


Unknown said...

What a brave, brave girl. I think I'd hug her some more, too!

Kat said...

She's so adorable. That poor little finger! Give her a hug for me. Kat

Wanda..... said...

Mo looks so cute and fashionable in her color coordinated green cast and outfit!

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Get better, Mo!

Deborah said...

Too sweet indeed, I think I'd just hug her to bits :o)

Terra said...

owee prone children really have to be sweet or else it would just drive you nuts! In memory of your Mike...who also must have been very sweet.

Jocelyn said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Poor Baby......that sounds like it hurts!!!!!

Hang in there Grandma...I know how much we hurt when they hurt!!!

Have a Fabulous Monday!!!

ImagiMeri said...

Good Morning Lovely Lady,

Please accept my heartfelt condolences sweet Jenny. I'm sorry I didn't know enough about Mike, he sounds like a phenomenal human being, and God knows there aren't enough of those around. I'm sorry for your pain and loss, and if you could forward this on to his family, I would appreciate it. You are one of the sweetest, most heart-touched ladies I've ever met, and I thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart for allowing me the honor of meeting and spending time with your precious grand-daughters.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I love the color that she chose.

La said...

I Mo feels better quickly and that her finger no longer looks hideous.

I went back and read your post about Mike, too. Your granddaughter is very special and sweet.

Have a wonderful week, Jenny. La

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

She's an adorable little boo-boo maker!

Unknown said...

Awww, poor finger... Mo seems like quite the trooper, though, especially with that cast on her finger. Hope she gets better soon!

21 Wits said...

I love and envy how your little granddaughter thinks and speaks! She must read your column! ha ha !Very precious.....!

Cheryl D. said...

She's so precious! My daughter hurt that finger once and wore a HUGE splint on it. My husband and I, having the maturity of 8 years olds, had a blast taking a lot of photos of my daughter giving us the finger!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a sweet doll! So glad she is OK. Hid-EEE-ous! Too cute.

Amy said...

What a sweetie pie that little Mo is!

Allie said...

She is sooooo cute! And I can hear her talking to you! Hey, I also wanted to tell you I made a baby zippy for the one coming in April! I still love making zippys!!!

Slice of Pie said...

Oh, that probably really hurt! Jenny, thanks for your recent visit to my site ... and yes, I'm going to keep posting to Alphabet thursday ... I'm hooked!

Anonymous said...

Just so sweet and smart...praying Mo's finger heals quickly. Hugs

Pondside said...

Oh dear - I hope that as she gets older she stops attracting the owies!

Ames said...

Poor poor Mo! She deserves a big hug!I guess curiosity got the best of her gwammaw.
Gray hairs? With six grandsons the good lord took pity on me and gave me one humongous streak of gray on the left side of my head. It must be an inch and a half wide. Good thing is I can do the male comb over and noone can tell! :D~Ames

Busy Bee Suz said...

I prefer hideeeeous too. And lots and lots of hugs. :)

Marlene said...

She is so cute!! Poor little thing!

Judie said...

There is notheing better than being a hands-on gwamma! Even when she forgets about that finger being squashed, you will always remember!!

When our Gracie was around 3 or 4, I asked her to put the silverware on the table for dinner. "I can't!" she said, "I'm allergic to knives!"

Amy said...

Oh she is cute! Really, I love the way little kids use big words. Adorable! And the poor thing! She certainly knows the meaning of pain. She should try moving on to a new emotion now. Sheesh!

Susan Anderson said...

I hope her hideous injury is soon demoted!
And I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, Mike.

Hugs to both you AND your cute granddaughter.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

sorry re her precious finger, jenny. big ouch.

wondering why the wonky words. two words... my computer. more on my blog, but i will be gone for some time. will miss you. see you when i return.



Donnie said...

That's so sweet to dedicate this sweet little post to Mike too. Your granddaughter is a real brave girl. Hope it heals fast.

Deb said...

poor little thing....

J said...

poor thing. :(
that is one of my biggest fears, really, is having a kid that just hurts themselves all the time...
i mean, i'm not gonna' be a parent that freaks her kid out of doing anything because of it, i just know i would be really scared if my kid did something like that.

J said...

poor thing. :(
that is one of my biggest fears, really, is having a kid that just hurts themselves all the time...
i mean, i'm not gonna' be a parent that freaks her kid out of doing anything because of it, i just know i would be really scared if my kid did something like that.

LuLu Kellogg said...

What a little Sweetie Pie! She's in good company though...I have a goosie egg on my noggin where I fell the other day! Hope she gets better really quick!


Ingrid said...

You can always tell her that now she has a green finger instead of a green thumb !
Fortunately there are very good products now to dye your hair, lol !

Tina said...

oh no i felt her pain just reading it bless her! the green bandage is cute and matches her top. love it! lol

Tina from Mummy Diaries

Susan said...

Our son had had 28 stitches by the time he was 7, hubby nicknamed him CRASH! But then again he has severe ADHD, with the key part being the H! LOL

Hi Jenny, I wanted to personally invite you to come check out my blogoversary post and giveaways.
Feel free to share with folks that you think will like me and my blog.
Susan is one post below the OWOH post.

Theresa Plas said...

O gosh - you gotta love a girl whose into weight lifting, says "hideous" and is into chartreuse! WTG MO!

Nancy C said...

Kids. It all just goes down their backs! I would be milking that injury for as many chocolates and backrubs I could get.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

2 hu?


You just know you have to wrap her in a plastic bubble, and avoid the 3rd, don't you?


Hugs and ♥'s...
'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

"Alone again.... naturally!" said...

She is pretty darn cute, even with her green finger thingy!

Dapoppins said...

green finger thiny, huh, that's new...and I know she is educating you on madd adjective skills, but are you telling me she didn't try to get any sympathy candy or treats out of that?