Thursday, May 19, 2011

E is for Earth

Earth's the right place for love. I don't know where it's likely to go better.

Robert Frost

This quotation was brought to you by Alphabe-Thursday's letter "E". To see other "E" links, just click here.

PS. Speaking of love, thank you for all the kind words and e-mails. I can feel your prayers. I am grateful.

post signature


Lola said...

Such wise words, Jenny!

Happy Alphabe-Thursday as always,

XOXO Lola & Nora:)

PS Many thanks for your kind words about my novel!Hope you and your husband enjoy it!

Diane said...

Ah, that's a good one! I love Robert Frost.

Cheryl D. said...

Ack! I've been bad about reading posts. I have to go back and see what's happening with you! I hope all is well.

Beautiful E post! Although I do think love on Venus would be kinda fun!

Unknown said...

I love that picture:-)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah... sweet Jenny...I will go back and catch up on some of your posts...Hope your day is better and all is well with you. I want to say that you bring sunshine in this blogging world!

Blessings & Aloha!

ellen b. said...

Praying for you Jenny and that you will find peace and comfort in the midst of whatever is going on...

Flat Creek Farm said...

Sending love and prayers for you, in whatever is going on. Hugs, Tammy

Susan Anderson said...

Robert Frost is a favorite of mine, and that picture is perfect.

Hope things are looking up a bit today.


Ames said...

Love that picture! I remember Robert Frost from elementary school.
Hoping the purging of your angst was cathartic. Hugs~Ames

La said...

I'm glad you are feeling the positive reinforcement we are sending your way.

Judie said...

Jenny, Robert Frost is my favorite poet of all time. Great post!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I've spent the last week outside workin' in my acre of flower gardens girl. I'm kinda outta the loop so guess I'll read backwards...(I'm talented that way) see what's up my friend.

God bless and have a fabulous day!

La Petite Gallery said...

I want to do a chest like that. I love love love it..
you have given me enthusiasm.
I want to find somethin to paint..

Amy said...

Robert Frost. What a man, hu?

Glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope things shape up very soon.

Sue said...

And I am grateful for you!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love that quote...and that photo:
"he's got the whole world in his hands..."

storybeader said...

what a little ball of water! neat pic! {:-Deb

Catherine said...

I'm glad your burden feels lighter today. What a beautiful quote!

Unknown said...

Excellent E Jenny!
Love it.

Betty said...

Oh dear...did something happen? I'll have to go back and try and find out. I just signed on to to read a few E posts before the day ends. Hope all is OK.

Pondside said...

As they say ' it's the only one we've got' so we'd best take care of it!

Jo said...

wonderful quote Jenny!

Ingrid said...

This man unfortunately was an unrealistic dreamer ! apparently he never watched the news, lol !

Su-sieee! Mac said...


Hope you're feeling much better.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fabulous quote, and I agree with Robert Frost also.

Anonymous said...

What a perfect word choice for the letter E.


Bonnie said...

Wonderful quote... I'm wondering if I missed something. I need to catch up. We share a family computer right now so I don't get a lot of time on it... We are getting a new computer hooked up soon so I will be able to keep up with you better!

H said...

'Kind thoughts and emails'! What did I miss?
(Laptop power cable has died, so am having to wind up v old, v slooooooooooooooow PC at the mo. Sigh)

Unknown said...

I love the Earth too :)

Anonymous said...

I wish this were true all around the world. Maybe it will be.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I have always loved that poem by Robert Frost. Great E post.