Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I was going to get my Susie Homemaker on today...

...because I found a great big box of cookbooks in my garage yesterday morning.

Most of them are those cool church ones with the funky plastic spiral binding.

And I told Mr. Jenny I was going to find some cool recipes and share them...kinda/sorta like my recipe idol, Coralie, over at Charming Vintage Recipes.

I swear I was all set to bring you such classic recipes as Banana Crunch Punch and Rhoda's White Birthday Cake when all of the sudden I started getting sucked into the cute sayings at the bottom of some of the pages.

And I realized I would be a lousy blog friend, indeed, if I didn't share some of these with you.



My personal favorite (and the motto I still live by today)

It's a little too much to save,
And a little too much to dump!
And there's nothing to do but eat it,
That makes the housewife plump!

...and I liked this one a lot, too...

Being young is a fault which improves daily!


Perhaps the most fortunate thing about small boys is that they are washable!

This post was brought to you by the 1973 Southern Mennonite Camp Association Women from Iowa Falls, Iowa.

And me, of course.

Miss Susie Homemaker.


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LuLu Kellogg said...

I love the pic of the dirty little boy!!! Those little saying are so cute!

Happy Day Jenny!


Lynn said...

Fun sayings and that pic is just too adorable:@)

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Jenny,
What cute comments. I really like the one about youth being a fault that changes daily, especially since I turned 59 this year!! lol

Those mennonite ladies have a very good sense of humor, and I am sure you will find some great recipes in there once you get passed all the comments!! lol

Aren't we so funny.....we are all so easily sidetracked!! I once read a book called "sidetracked home executives" (think that was the name) anyway, it was about how as keepers of the home, we go to say clean up our office for instance, but get sidetracked by a pile of mail and never get to cleaning the room. they said but if you had a cleaning lady, she would stack the mail up neatly and move on and clean the room. So the point was we needed to clean with the mindset of a cleaning lady. she would pretty much ignore those type of things, by just stacking it neatly.
We have to to go thru the mail but just at another given time, when you are gonna focus just on that.
Was a good bit of info, and helped me really.

Well, take care hon,
Blessings, Nellie

Wanda..... said...

Thanks for the fun quotes, Jenny!

Terra said...

Washable. I love it! Cookbooks and I have a funny relationship. I buy them, I read them, they take up space in my kitchen...that's about it.

Madge said...

Those are really cute, I have a bunch of cook books that were my grandma's I'll have to look at them and grab some cute quotes to add to your list.

La Petite Gallery said...

I wonder why I never throw out a cook book? Glad to see you saved them. Very cute Jennie.


Jeanie said...

Those old spiral bound church cookbooks are the best....full of great sayings and Jello recipes.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Do you have a Kenner's Easy Bake oven???? I hear it makes all the difference in the finished product.

dawn said...

"This post was brought to you by the 1973 Southern Mennonite Camp Association Women from Iowa Falls, Iowa."
I LOVE IT - omgosh, I live in MN and have more "Lutheran cookbooks" than you can imagine. And while the recipes are to die for,, the 'ol plump housewife does not need to be eating them...

Leslie Morgan said...

It is interesting to me to observe the change in the ideal. I can't point you to anyone today who wishes to be a plump housewife as her sole claim to fame. Thanks, Jenny!

BTW, Amber and I are featured in a Girl Scouts Troop cookbook with our Milky Way cake, which I made approximately 4 million times with her troop of the moment. ;~}

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I always enjoy the community/church cookbooks the most! The leftover saying could be me for sure! hugs, Linda

Pat said...

Great picture - all mothers of little boys can really appreciate it!
Those church cookbooks are the best - recipes that are loaded with calories & comfort!

Jocelyn said...

Love these and I have a ton of those I have to go check them out!!

Thanks for sharing!!!

ImagiMeri said...

Hi Girlfriend,

Pretty funny sayings, and so true! When are we gonna' get together? I miss you.


Lourie said...

I have a couple of those cookbooks. One is blank and is waiting to be filled with all of my fabulous recipes. *snort* My children were each given blank ones as well to be filled with their favorites for when they are grown. Yeah. They are blank too. *sigh*

I love the one about being young!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

One of the things I love most is reading cookbooks, and I enjoy all the little "extras" that some have. These were cute!

Thanks for the prayers. I'm having to pace my blogging right now, and I decided that I would visit as I can. So I'm here to say, THANKS! Prayer works!


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

It wasn't nice to use my picture as the plump housewife. Where did you find it anyway!

Unknown said...

Too funny... I always find cookbooks & think I'm gonna cook too until something else catches my eye & distracts me... dang A.D.D.!! That's Adult Dementia Disorder:-)

Susan Anderson said...

I'm glad you chose to share the words and not the recipes.

Way more up my alley!


Leovi said...

A beautiful portrait with a beautiful and penetrating gaze.

Ms. A said...

I'll take those over recipes, any day, since I don't cook. Love the sayings and the pics!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love those saying too Jenny.
That filthy lil' boy is priceless!

storybeader said...

that's definitely my live--- a little too much to save. I always clean my plate! Need smaller plates... {:-D

Betty said...

I like the plump housewife one the best! Those cookbooks put out by churches, organizations, PTA's, etc., are the best.

I love to thumb through old cookbooks and recipes. I don't know why because I rarely make anything from them. Whenever I see an old recipe box at a garage sale or antique mall I grab it and look for the recipes. If they're there I buy the box, but usually they're empty. I love the old recipe boxes full of recipes. One of my weaknesses.

Brenda said...

I am happy to read the quotes not doing much cooking lately. Those are some of my favorite cookbooks and I am with you, some of the best recipes and the quotes that are added are great.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Fun post sweetie!

When my two were home I have actually hosed 'em down before I let 'em back in the house. Especially after one of their mud~ball fights. Social Butterfly could put Geek Son to shame. Heeehehehe!

God bless and have a fulfilled day!

Jo said...

okay Suzie!!! actually these were cute!!!

Jo said...

okay Suzie!!! actually these were cute!!!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

haha!!! I love the photo of the cute little washable guy! :o)

Blessings & Aloha!

Theresa said...

I have lots of those too and they really have some good recipes in thm AND cute quotes:)

Cook Mr. Jenny something tasty for dinner! He will be happy:)


Ames said...

I love those church cookbooks! I have a bunch my self and when mom passed away I salvaged hers too! Cute quotes. I am a firm believer that kids grow on dirt!
I'm going to go check out Charming Vintage Recipes now. ~Ames

Unknown said...

Those are some of the cutest sayings ever! I feel like putting the first one on a plaque somewhere and hanging it on my kitchen wall. That way whenever people come over and make a comment about my weight, I can just point them over to this saying :)

Willoughby said...

Vintage cookbooks are the best! I have quite a large collection of them myself.

Love the cute sayings!

Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

I have a small collection of those kind of cook books, mostly given to me by family. I must say, I laughed and snorted at that last one. If my boy wasn't washable...oh, my!